Other 35mm
DISCLAIMER: 35mm cameras are often a
hot topic of debate among photographyers - everyone has their
favorites and dislikes, and opinions are often at odds with one
another (especially in the Canon versus Nikon debate).This section is
my opinion of other brands and a few specific cameras. Please keep in mind
that is is all OPINION, not fact. If you do not agree, please feel free
to send me a dissenting e-mail. I have designed this page to help people out and give some
advice, but I urge all those reading my page to also check out other sources.
The rec.photo newsgroups are a great source of information, and you will
find many professionals and amateurs there to help you with your questions.
If you have questions or comments on what I've written here (or if you
wish to add something), please feel free to e-mail
Rather than lump everything together, I've broken
things into three sections - one on current AF cameras, one on manual focus
cameras, and a short section on Point-n-Shoot cameras. I will also add
a section of other people's viewpoints (if anyone cares to add anything
The AF Debate
- my opinion on the current AF offerings from Canon, Nikon, Minolta, and
Manual Focus Cameras - what to look for, and a few recommended cameras.
(Coming soon!)
- also known as PHD's (that's Push Here Dummy :-)
Buyer's Guide
- my complete buyers guide for new and used photo equipent.
Back to Equipment Reviews
Medium Format
Cameras - User's Guide to Buying and Shooting
by Peter Williams is
now available from
Media!! [1/2001]