Main Page


    35mm AF

    35mm Manual

    Point and


Equipment Reviews
     Curious about the equipment I have used? This list is by no means complete, but covers all the equipment I have personally owned or used for an extended period. Unlike my previous reviews (which were split up chronologically), I have separated things out a bit more to make life easier. If you have any questions or comments, e-mail me.

Canon Eos
Rollei 35 SE
Other 35mm(currently screw mount only)
Medium format

Bronica ETRS
Other MF (Mamiya TLR,
Kowa, folders, etc)
Large Format:

Busch Pressman 4x5
Lenses and accessories
Other Cameras and
Strange Projects:

Repair History
Coming soon -
8x10 field camera restoration
cardboard cameras

All content (C)1998-2000 by Peter Williams. All rights reserved. Please do not copy or distribute any part of these pages without the permission of the author. Thanks!

Medium Format Cameras - User's Guide to Buying and Shooting
by Peter Williams is now available from Amherst Media!! [1/2001]