Bronica Film Backs - 6x6 and 6x4.5 Shown

Bronica Medium Format Camera Roll Film Backs

Related Links:
Bronica Film Back Insert Variations by Sam Sherman
Bronica S2/A Film Back Variations by Sam Sherman

All Bronica film backs since the very first model have several features in common. These are listed below, with specific identification of each type in the sections following:

  1. Can be removed from camera only by full insertion of dark slide
  2. Dark slide must be fully removed from focal plane opening for shutter to operate
  3. Dark slide cannot be accidentally removed from back when back is off the camera*
  4. No exposed/unexposed indicator is needed for each frame. When loaded back is put on camera, advance knob will advance film only, cock shutter only, or do both, as needed.

Dark Slide Page - with photos of different slides by model number (below)

*To remove dark slide when back is off camera, hold back so focal plane is facing you. Take pointed object and depress silver button at top right of back and slide will release.

Bronica Deluxe

Type 1
120 only with opening latch on left side of back. Insert was not latched into place when in the back. Film path was unusually complicated and insert had a fold out sheet metal guide.

Type 2
Identical in outside appearance to Type 1, but the insert loading and film path was similar to current types. Fold out guide was eliminated - still no latching of insert in back.

Both types of back use the same dark slide.

Bronica "S"

Type 1
120 only back now has latch for opening on top and incorporates cover that acts as holder for end of film box. The back incorporates an additional cloth curtain at the focal plane, opened and closed by inserting the dark slide. Insert does not have latching mechanism.

Type 2
120/220 capability. Switch on right side to change counter from 12 to 24 exposures. Insert now has latch on sides to hold it in back and two levers to release latch. Auxiliary safety curtains retained, operated by dark slide.

Both S type backs use the same dark slide, Product # 83023.

Bronica S2

Type 1
The first film back provided the S2 was identical to the type 2 "S" back. Serial number of this type back wen up to CM 81500.

Type 2
A 120/220 back identical in features to the Type 1 back but without the auxiliary curtain. Serial numbers start at CM81501 and up.

Type 1 backs use dark slide #83023
Type 2 backs use dark slide #83024

Bronica S2A

Current Model (as of 5/74 publication date)
There is no identifiable difference between the current S2A backs and the Type 2 - S2 film back. The film reminder clip is identified by S2A after the serial number and 6x6 at the bottom. However, these can be changed easily.

Dark slide for all S2A backs is product #83024.

Bronica C

This camera did not have interchangeable back but did use inserts. Any of the 120/220 inserts for the Bronica S type 2 or later S models will fit the C.

Bronica EC

EC film backs are a separate series and will not fit any other models. They are easily identified by the double cover release on top and the A/D double exposure control on the right side.

E Type Backs

E Backs are those which take 16 or 32 frames in 2 1 / 4" x 1 5 / 8" format. There is only one type, the current version (as of 5/74) which is identical to the current (5/74) S2a back except for the counter (which goes to 32) and the frame selector which is marked "F" and "S" instead of 12/24. This back takes the #83024 dark slide and any 120/220 insert.

Note: Information above abstracted in part from:
AD-180B5M Dated 5/74 Titled Bronica Product Guide