Bronica S2a with multiple Film Backs

Bronica S2/A Film Back Variations

by Sam Sherman - Oct. 3, 1999

Related Links:
Bronica S2/A Film Back Inserts Variations by Sam Sherman


Thanks for writing about this.

Most Bronica S2-A cameras had black leatherette - with chrome or black metal parts finish. Very few had grey leatherette.

The early 120 backs for the "S" came in Grey Leatherette only, I believe (there could be a few black ones). These have a curtain in front and a big hunk of rubber inside the back which pushes the insert in.

The later S-2 Backs in Grey leatherette had the curtain in front (no rubber hunk) and the later inserts which lock in with two black metal handles that latch in on the inside right and left sides.

These are 12/24 backs with the switch for either size indicating 120 or 220 film.

The later backs for S-2A, come in black leatherette with black or chrome metal trim. These are for 12/24 120/220 with the same switch. They look the same as the S-2 backs but don't have the cloth curtain in front and use a different slide. There may be some rare ones of this style in grey leatherette.

What color leatherette do you have? And don't you have the 12/24 switch?

Bronica S2 Film Back and Body

There were a few S-2 models in black leatherette and these backs may or may not have the front curtain.

In short if you have a 12/24 switch it is a 120/220 back. If you do not have that switch you probably have that hunk of rubber inside the back's door and these are "S" backs with no latches, which have nothing to do with this S-2A roller question.

Please write back.

- Sam

>From: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: Re: [BRONICA] Bronica S-2A Has TWO Different Inserts
>Date: Sun, Oct 3, 1999, 1:03 AM
>I have an S2A with 2 120(only) backs.
>They both have the double roller assemblies and both have a gold label with
>black lettering in English..
>Ser# CM 61788 and CM 43928.
>The 43928 back came with the camera the other one I bought later.
>I was of the impression that all S2A backs were 120/220 selectable.
>I have come to the conclusion I was mistaken.  I think both of mine are 120

Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999
From: Robert Monaghan [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: identifying leaking backs RE: [BRONICA] Film Back Light Leaks

with multiple backs, it may be hard to identify which back had which film in it and leaked, or if it was the camera. Also a good way to see which back is mis-spacing?

Perhaps a tip from hasselblad can help? They put a notch in the back so you can see the image was taken with a Hasselblad (V notch for VHB I guess ;-) Anyway, I have seen suggestions to add a few notches to backs so you can identify which film holder or which back was in use with which film and so isolate problems. I guess you could also put a small bit of tape or similar block in one extreme corner or two, and so identify backs that way too (without filing?). Just a thought, can't vouch for it myself as I haven't had the problem despite having a dozen backs for different setups

If the light leaks are on multiple films and the back notches show different backs were in use, then it suggests a common camera body/lens related problem (else not in more than one back).

or my favorite, processing problems with new employees ;-)

hope this helps - bobm

* Robert Monaghan POB752182 Dallas Tx 75275-2182 [email protected]

From Bronica Mailing List:
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001
From: "Dale Leeper" [email protected]
Subject: Bronica S

Could some user out there who tried the Bronica S share their experience. I am thinking of buying just the body for a stand-by for my S2A, as it have the mirror lock-down features. I know they have brass gear and non-removable focusing mount, but how about compatibility with S2A prism, magazine

This one I think I can answer. I have both an S and S2, one with the 12 exposure back, and one with the 12-24 exposure back. They are both interchangeable. Now, I haven't shot any 220 film through it, but I have no reason to believe that it would be a problem.

I would have to mention that the S focus is on the wind knob, and if you are already used to using an S2A, this might be an issue. I find the S is easier to focus than the S2 because I support the camera with my left hand, wind and focus with my right. My S also winds and cocks more smoothly than the S2. They both really need CLA. YMMV.

From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 
From: lawrence reiss [email protected]>
Subject: RE: 35mm in a 120 / 220 back

A while back I helped someone do this by taking a
couple of empty 120/220 spools and loading them
with 35mm IR film.  To keep the film properly
positioned I wound two long lengths of masking
tape onto the 220 spools so that each formed a
thick guide ring on the shaft of the spool.  This
worked quite well.

I wonder if anyone has tried using an insert, 
such as the one Mamiya 7
uses for using 35 in place of 120. I recall some 
folks have simply rolled
35mm emulsion onto spools (tape) and darkroom 
loaded the setup, shot film,
and darkroom unloaded and processed the 35mm 
film. Again, only reason to
do so is special emulsion (IR) only in 35mm. Not 
very handy, but you get 
mf panos with the 35mm " ". Just a thought...


From: [email protected] (FLEXARET2) Newsgroups: Date: 07 Sep 2001 Subject: Re: Bronica S2A questions? from: [email protected] (Sam Sherman) 9-6-01 There is much on old Bronicas on Bob Monaghan's Great Bronica website- Re- Backs for S2A and S2 etc.- S- original back - 120 film only takes special dark slide and has curtain S2 - 120/220 Back - has special dark slide and curtain S2A- 120/220 Back - has different dark slide - no curtain. all will fit S, S2, S2A The back not latching properly may need a clean/lube - I suggest you send to Frank Marshman/Camera Wiz (ad in Shutterbug repair section). - Sam Sherman