Equipment Reviews
Welcome to my equipment reveiw page.
You'll find my descriptions and opinions of the equipment I use as well
as my opinions of other brands. To make thing easy, I've split things
into categories by film format. This page is a breif overview of
what I have and what I've used.
My Equipment at
a glance A complete list of the equipment I currently own and use on
a consistant basis.
My 35mm stuff
This link covers all the 35mm cameras I own or have used. You'll find my
experiences with Canon EOS, Pentax screw mount, and a few other cameras.
Specifically covered are the Canon EOS 630, EOS A2, Pentax Spotmatic, and
Mamiya 500tl.
Other 35mm
This takes you to my crazy ravings on 35mm equipment. It takes a
look at 35mm AF from Nikon, Pentax, Minolta, and Canon as well as manual
focus equipment.
Medium Format
This section covers my medium format experience. Specifically covered
are the Bronica ETRS and ETRSi, Rolleicord V, Rolleiflex 3.5E, and Mamiya
Large Format!!!
I've finally gone completely nuts! I just picked up a Busch Pressman Model
D 4x5. Here's my first impressions of the wonderful beast.
Back to Buyer's Guide
Medium Format
Cameras - User's Guide to Buying and Shooting
by Peter Williams is
now available from
Media!! [1/2001]