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Twin Lens Reflex Cameras
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000
From: Bo Hultberg [email protected]
To: Robert Monaghan [email protected]
Subject: Zeiss Tengoflex
Hi Bob,
This camera has a strange history. According to German sources it is the
only camera in the Tengor-family made for the 6*6 cm format. It was made
1943 - 45 in a small quantity. All of them exported to Sweden probably in
exchange for raw materials.
Technically it is a box camera of TLR type with a brillant type viewer and
a Goerz Frontar f:11/7.5 cm taking lens with settings 11 and 22. It has a
simple shutter with M (probably 1/25 s) and T. Distance can be set to 1 -
3 or 3 - infinity. It reminds me somewhat of the Voigtl�nder Brilliant.
Today it is hard to find, partly because few were made, and partly because
like many box cameras it has been disposed of. Some may still be lurking
in attics and drawers waiting to be found, but those on the market will
fetch about $500 USD if in good shape.
Enclosed you will find a photo of mine and a copy of an ad published by
Zeiss Ikon for the camera in the January issue of the swedish FOTO
magazine. The ad reads roughly:
"In wartime borders are closed which make it hard to import cameras. Under
these circumstances we are doubly delighted to be able to offer a new
camera as
are now able to do.
TENGOFLEX is the name of the new camera of TLR type for 6*6 cm format made
by Zeiss Ikon. It is a sturdy construction made to guaranteed pre-war
quality in a popular price range. SEK 73:- "