Using Polaroid Camera Lenses on MF and 4x5 Cameras
by Robert Monaghan


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From: [email protected] (Sakari Aaltonen)
[1] Lenses on Polaroid Cameras?
Date: Fri Feb 13 00:38:56 CST 1998
Organization: Helsinki University of Technology

I understand that some old Polaroid cameras have good lenses
(Ysarex/Fujinon/127mm/1:4.7 or something like that). Such a lens
would be useful for the wooden monorail camera I'm building, and
I have written to several people selling old Polaroid cameras.
However, they all tell me that the lenses on their cameras are
marked with distance scales only (no manufacturer, no f-stop,
no nothing).

Would anyone know which Polaroid types or models have the "good"

Thank you in advance,
Sakari Aaltonen
[email protected]           

From: Tom Reed 
[1] Re: Lenses on Polaroid Cameras?
Date: Sun Feb 15 22:23:28 CST 1998

I don't have any firsthand experience, but I've been told the models to
get are the 180 and 195.  HTH.

Tom R.                          [email protected]


From [email protected] 
Sat Nov 15 15:59:04 CST 1997 From: [email protected] (Stephen Poe)
Subject: Re: Which polaroid camera lenses can be used for 4x5? MF?
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 1997 18:24:11 GMT

I have pretty good luck using the 127 Raptar from a Polaroid on 4x5 -
it does not gove you a lot of room, but at f/16 there is some slight
movement - and the price is right.  I just sold one of the 2 I have
for $75.  I don't think the lens is quite as sharp as the 127 Ektar
which was widely used by 4x5 press photogs.  Don't know why, but most
of the lenses I have seen on Polaroids have been in excellent shape or
better - maybe they did not get used very much.

Stephen Poe

>Greetings Folks,
>I would like to learn more about the possibility of using some polaroid
>camera lenses for 4x5 and medium format photography, where many possible 
>lenses and cameras exist with potentially interesting coverage at low 
>cost, due to low demand for many of these older polaroid cameras.
>Can anyone suggest a source of info on using older polaroid lenses on 4x5?
>I have seen a variety of ektar lenses in shutters, of various focal 
>lengths, listed for polaroid cameras of various orphaned types at low prices.
>H as anyone used these lenses for 4x5?  Reportedly, the lenses are at 
>least good enough to use with the 665P/N and similar film types which 
>have moderately high resolution (100 lpm).  The lenses have shutters and 
>even flash synch, assuming you are willing to kill the camera to get its 
>lens ;-)
>Even if the coverage is marginal for 4x5, I would be interested in use on 
>6x6 in a homebrew screw thread lens design...
>Thanks for any pointers and advice - regards to all - bobm
>* Robert Monaghan POB752182 Dallas Tx 75275-2182 [email protected]  *
>*******Standard Disclaimers Apply - Opinions, if any, are  my own ;-) ****
From: dannyg1 
[1] Re: Lenses on Polaroid Cameras?                                 
Date: Sun Feb 15 18:24:46 CST 1998

Lenses from the Polaroid 110 A, 110 B, 180 and 195 will all work on 4x5, though
the 180 and 195's lenses are slighly too short to cover at the extremes. 

The lenses for the Polaroid 600SE are from the Mamiya Universal system 
and most of these will also work (they come on helicoid mounts but are 
removeable from them, should you desire to mount them directly to a board).

Danny Gonzalez

[Ed. note: check the review cited in the Mamiya Universal page, which disputes the above interchangeability, but the above may reflect a later compatible lens set; in any case, use caution ;-)]

Quote cited above:

Note: Mamiya also makes the Polaroid 600 SE (in production thru 1992). Be warned there is no interchangeability between lenses or backs of these two entirely different cameras. Polaroid 600 SE back is attached permanently and only takes Polaroid 100 film. The 75mm f5.6, 127mm f4.7 and 150mm f5.6 for the Polaroid 600 SE won't work on the Mamiya Universal. Nor will Mamiya Universal lenses work on the Polaroid 600 SE.
From: [email protected] (peters)
[1] Re: Lenses on Polaroid Cameras?
Date: Mon Feb 16 09:44:16 CST 1998

The 110, 110A and B either have Wollensak Raptar or Rodenstock lenses. The (minor) problem is that the Prontor shutters for the Rodenstock lenses don't have press you have to use a locking shutter release cable. And, for view camera work, these lenses don't really have enough coverage. They were intended for the Polaroid 3x4 format, and, yes, they will ''work'', but you will have no ability to use movements. So for view camera work, they may ''tide you over'' until you can find a wide field lens, but they are only a stopgap measure for use on a view camera. They are usually a good buy, though, because the Polaroid name on the shutter knocks the price down about half. :-)


From: [email protected] (Sakari Aaltonen)
[1] Re: Lenses on Polaroid Cameras?
Date: Mon Feb 16 00:04:23 CST 1998
Organization: Helsinki University of Technology

Robert Monaghan wrote:

Hi! Asked the same question a while back, and glad to pass on the info below; please pass on any extra info you get too, Sakari - thanks! bobm

A couple of people have told me that 110A, 110B, 180, and 195 are the Polaroid models that have good lenses ("good"==usable for view cameras). Of these, 110A and 110B need film that is no longer made such that they should be available rather cheaply. But what *should* be, often isn't...

Sakari Aaltonen
[email protected]
From: "Don Norris" [1] Re: Lenses on Polaroid Cameras?
Date: Fri Feb 20 20:20:38 CST 1998

I have used both the Rodenstock Ysarex 127 from the 110B and the Ysaron 127 from the MP-4 (or is it the other way around?) on 4X5. They were adequate - had sufficient coverage for scenics and the like. They were sharper than I expected.


[ED.: From an Ebay listing by [email protected] 2/19/98..]

Near mint Polaroid 110B Camera with 127mm Rodenstock Ysarex MINT lens. Kit includes leather case, light meter, winklight, flashbulb attachment, high-speed film disc, and pamphlets. This is as nice a Polaroid as I have ever seen. Professional new. This camera can be converted for use in the studio to check setups with Polaroid instant prints. The mint 127mm lens can be used on a view camera...a very sharp Rodenstock.