The Korona panoramic view camera (and models by Kodak and others) are often called
"banquet" cameras, evidently because they are excellent at capturing the details
of faces of everybody at a large banquet thanks to their panoramic formats. The
panoramic mailing list still has folks using these cameras
to take photos and please clients, as nothing comparable is available new on today's
market. This user interest helps keep prices higher (~$1,000+). The other models,
such as the 4x5" model shown here, are rather less valuable (often $100-200 range).
However, like many such 4x5" view cameras produced up through the 1950s, they can
still be repaired and put to work today by interested users.
Korona III made by Gundlach, leather covered with mahagony interior. Overall size when closed is 6 1/2" by 6" and approx. 3 1/2" thick.Has the oridinal carrying case in excellant condition with strap,canopy cloth and also a Kodak #523 film never opened-12 exposures, must be developed before May 1931, 4X5.