Medium Format Related Mailing Lists
by Robert Monaghan

Looking for fellow medium format camera fans and related discussions? The followings lists and links may prove to be of interest.

Many photo mailing lists have migrated to Egroups and now Yahoo-Egroups, where you can setup a free account and subscribe to multiple lists. A good idea is to simply visit Egroups/Yahoo and search for photography lists (keywords photographer, camera, Hasselblad etc.).

I tend to recommend you select their "digest" option, which puts all the mail into one daily email message digest. Otherwise, you may find yourself confronted by hundreds of emails a day!

I also recommend that you be sure and save (or print) the initial email messages from each list you subscribe to. The reason is that you will find instructions in these messages very handy later on when you need to stop mail or temporarily unsubscribe (as when going on vacation)!

Email us a New Listing!

P.S. Having trouble with your Yahoo or Egroup accounts?  The recent [8/2001] merging of egroups and yahoo groups and so on has created some problems which might be solved by unsubscribing and then resubscribing per posting below. FYI! This trick also works to "cure" a lot of odd problems from corrupted mailing list database tables.

P.P.S. - Avoid getting SPAM from Yahoo due to their resetting of your account permissions to defaults which send you spam (and earn them $$ from advertisers) - reset your defaults - see details on how in our posting...


Antique and Classic Camera List
From: [email protected] (DColucci)
Date: Mon May 20 2002
[1] Join Antique & Classic Camera Mailing List

Join Antique & Classic Camera Mailing List


Agfa Folders

If you're interested in joining, we'd love to have you.

email [email protected]

with the following command in the body of your email:

subscribe agfafolders

Autocord (Minolta)

See the Yahooclub -


Best Stuff

Bob Shell has galvanized the site to include a number of photo related lists and resources worth checking out!

Bronica (yahoo - formerly egroups)

see Yahoo Bronica

[Ed. note: it appears that the Topica Bronica list has merged with this list? (] as has the older Bronica list at onelist

The Bronica mailing list provides online archives, resources, links pages, photo resources, and options for web based review, individual email, or email digest mailing options.

Bronica Pro Mailing List:

From: [email protected] (Classic Photography)
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000
Subject: BronicaPro Mailing list

I'd like to invite Bronica users to join the new BronicaPro mailing list at e-groups. This forum is for the free, but flameless exchange of information for Bronica Professional users. To subscribe or for more information, please visit

Bronica Yahoo Club

Bronica Yahoo Club

Brownie Camera Club

See Brownie Camera on Yahoo for details.

Camera Makers Homebrew List

Camera Makers Mailing List

(used to be at until 01/2001)

Camera Repair

To subscribe: send blank e-mail to [email protected]

or else,

[editor's note - 125 members in only 3 weeks; misc. camera repairs...]

Club Snap Photoforums

Club Snap PhotoForums

Contax SLR

Contax SLR Mailing List Site

Includes contax medium format SLRs and related postings...

Digital Darkroom (MF..)

From Minolta Mailing List:
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001
From: [email protected]
Subject: New Group Digital Darkroom

For anyone who is interested, I have created a group called digital- darkroom. I found that many of the questions I wanted to ask were surrounding digital photography and how to scan and manipulate the image.

Topics include digital cameras, scanning of film (APS, 35mm, medium and large format), techniques used to enhance or manipulate your photos, output to various printers and/or printing services, and other venues that will help the photographer in search of information to enhance their craft.


Digital Photography

The Digital Photography Mailing List is devoted to the discussion of digital cameras and backs that produce file sizes in excess of 10 MB.

If you would like to subscribe please mailto:[email protected] with the words-- subscribe prorental --in the body of the message.

This list is sponsored by Pro Rental,

[Ed. note: this is _not_ a general digital camera list, but aimed more at studio users of digital photography including medium format digital backs.. - see announcement posting below]

Film Forum

From SLR mailing list:
Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002
From: "Jeffery Smith" [email protected]
Subject: Film forum on

I have just created a film forum at at:

While there are many forums dedicated to the equipment of photography, the personal opinions and experiences of photographers using different films is scattered among the equipment postings. I decided that, with the myriad new emulsions and the newly revised emulsions being released each month, it might be beneficial to start some threads about slide and negative films available to the photographer.

I hope to get some good threads going on this forum, and would like to get the input of anyone who has something good or bad to say about a film.

Jeffery Smith
New Orleans, LA

Folder Mailing List
From: Stephe [email protected]
[1] Discussion forum for vintage cameras
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002

Started a forum to discuss older folding and other med format (actaually any format) cameras. Anyone who collects, uses and/or restores any of this stuff is welcome to join. Hope to see some of you there.


Folder Mailing List (topica)

Date: Mon, 01 Jul 2002
From: "Andrew Amundsen" Subject: 2 new Topica list forums!

... For users and collectors of folding bellows style cameras:

I hope to find even a small following to share in discussion/info and images through these new forums! Read my first few posts to get a feel for what I'm looking for.

Hope to see some of you there too!

Thanks for the time, Andrew Amundsen

Fuji Medium Format List???

someone want to start one (e.g., and Email me and I will promote it here!


The Hasselblad Users Group Listserv is a public service of Absolute Internet, Inc., which is not responsible for its content. This mailing list is in no way affiliated with Victor Hasselblad AB, it's subsidiaries, or affiliates.

To change your subscription status, go to: Digest archives are stored at Searchable archives can be found at

Hasselblad Yahoo Club/Forum

Hasselblad Yahoo Club

Hasselblad Club (Australia)

Subscribe info

Historic Camera Collectors Club for info. An International club bringing together camera collectors, photograph collectors, and photography historians via the internet. The club provides various information and web site resources. Members Share collections and information on-line, including questions, history, valuations, news and events.

Kalimar 660 SLR

Kalimar 660 SLR List (Egroups)




If you are interested in a mailing list dedicated to the Kiev 88 cameras, you can subscribe using this link:

Or send a blank e-mail to:

[email protected]

This list is for the purpose of sharing information on the use and ownership of the Kiev 88, its lenses, and accessories.

Koni-Omega List

The Koni-Omega Mailing list is an open discussion for anyone who owns or is interested in the Koni-Omega medium format camera. This includes the early Simmon Omega and later Rapid-Omega cameras. The list takes over from an existing K-O list which is archived on the web site currently at the old list archives. We hope to be able to include the earlier archives here at some point.

To subscribe use signup form at:

Kowa Super 66

Kowa Super 66 Yahoo Club/Forum

Kowa 6x6 SLR Group

Kowa6x6slr (at Egroups)

Simply click the "JOIN" button

[ ]

Large Format

To subscribe to the LARGE FORMAT list subscribe by visiting the following website:

- For discussions pertaining to large format techniques,cameras and darkroom techniques.

Medium format will be tolerated if it involves ground glass and view camera movements, but NO 35mm discussion whatsoever.

[From Photolists - see link below]

Yahoo Groups Large Format Camera List...

Field Cameras Yahoo Group (wooden LF cameras..)

Large Format Mailing List (F/32):

Large Format Mailing List (F/32 pages) [7/2001]

Large Format Email List:

Discussion of technical and aesthetic aspects of large format photography...

Info page:"

send an email to [email protected] to subscribe...

Larscan (Homebrew 360 degree Panoramics)

Signup to "panoptic" with your email address at Cool-list:

The Larscan is a homebrew slit panoramic camera built on a medium format camera (e.g., old folder) with a DC motor and under $100 in parts. Doug Bargell's Larscan Photos

Lens Evaluation

See with discussion on lenses, lens grading, and related issues...

Lubitel 166 Yahoo Club

Lubitel TLR Yahoo Club

Mamiya User Group

To subscribe to MAMIYA Users Group (MUG) list send e-mail to:

[email protected]

and in the body of message write only the following:


- Devoted to Mamiya cameras, their lenses, accessories, and photographs. an alternative method is to use the online web site form at www:

[from Photolist site - see link below]

Mamiya/USA Forum Site

Mamiya User�s forum

[from Photolinks - see link below]

Mamiya Yahoo Club

Mamiya Yahoo Club

Mamiya User Group (Egroups)

Medium Format Mailing List:

Egroup Medium-format

This group is aimed at general medium format discussions, as well as "orphaned" cameras (Kowa, Norita..) and under-represented brands (Fuji..) along with the full range of current and recent medium format cameras.

The main idea is to provide a forum which includes knowledgeable former users (e.g., Kowa, Mamiya..) who can answer questions and share ideas, groups who might not participate in a brand oriented group (e.g., Kowa..). You can also get more varied experiences than might be found on a brand oriented group, and more diverse opinions and viewpoints too.

In some senses, this group aims to recreate the dynamicism of the former Medium Format Digest (see below). Since the MFD has gone to a web based thread format, broken out mainly by camera brands, the former variety of views and experiences sharing has often seemed to be lacking. Moreover, some MFD web threads have very little participation levels, whereas a mailing list encourages a more rapid response to questions and concerns.

Medium Format Digest

Medium Format Digest (web site)

The Medium Format Digest (MFD) is a formerly mailed (digest) of medium format related questions over techniques and equipment brands covering the entire spectrum of medium format practice. The mailed digest was converted to a WWW based thread oriented resource (see below), although many back issues are posted in the site archives. You can search for specific topics like equipment (e.g., Norita), or simply review the headers and discussion in past discussions. While dated, these MFD digests often are the sole source of information on older odd-ball medium format gear on the WWW. Since the MFD predates most brand-oriented mailing lists, you will find a rather broad discussion and exchange of views among many recognized experts in the medium format field here too.

Medium Format Digest Threads

Medium Format Digest Threads

If you can't find any help or related mailing lists, try here. There are lots of threads, and most of the popular brands are represented. The web format means you have to check back to answers or responses.

Medium Format Stereoscopy (Stereo Cameras)

Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2000
From: Marco Pauck [email protected]
Subject: Re: Medium Format

Chris Schneberger wrote:

> Can somebody recommend a medium format stereo camera (120/220)?  Preferably
> one that can do multiple exposures?

There is separate mailinglist on medium format stereoscopy: MF3D.Forum You might want to browse its archive for some helpful information:


Marco Pauck -- [email protected] --
For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong. -- H. L. Mencken

Medium Format Yahoo Club

If you're interested in a medium format mailing list without the baloney, you might consider joining this free list: This is a free, post un-moderated list on Yahoo. The major difference is that people who act like idiots are promptly removed. There are currently over 400+ members and growing. This is just a heads up for those tired of the flames and off topic posts of Usenet.

Norita Group Delphi forum for norita users - thanks to Nhat Nguyen for this tip!

Panoramic Photography

To subscribe to PANORAMA-L, the panoramic imaging list send e-mail to:

[email protected]

and in the body of the message write the following and no more:


and send the message

- The list covers all aspects, of Panoramic Imaging from traditional film based cameras to digital imaging and the use of Apple's QuickTime Virtual Reality.

Searchable archives - Panoramic and 3D and IR lists... (Marco Pauck)

[from Photolists site see link below..]


Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000
From: Javier Perez [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected] Subject: [Rollei] OT: Pentacon mailing list

Hi everyone

I've initiated a Pentacon mailinglist. For discussing anything Pentacon or related topics.

To subscribe goto

Go all the way to the last set of fields and subscribe You don't need an account on the server.

I hope this works


see also Pentacon 6 Group on Yahoo Groups...

Pentax Medium Format Mailing List

From: "C.L.Zeni" [email protected]
Date: Mon Apr 09 2001
[1] Re: Pentax 67 email list?

Well I did it - [email protected] - for discussion of all Pentax MF cameras. I thought that one for just the 6x7 might be a bit narrow in focus :)

Craig Zeni - REPLY TO -->> clzeni at mindspring dot com


To subscribe to the Pentax list operated by Pentax itself send mail to:

[email protected] or [email protected]

and in the body of the message say:

SUBSCRIBE PENTAX-DISCUSS your-e-mail-address-here

- Devoted to Pentax cameras and accessories and run by Pentax www:

Direct WWW sign-up

[from Photolists - see link below]


I'm in the process of developing a forum website for photographers and we're far enough along to be able to invite people to join in. Please click on, log in and help us get started. I appreciate any feedback on the forum.

Maplewood Photography

Pinhole Mailing List

To subscribe to the PINHOLE photography discussion list send email to: [email protected] stating in the Subject: line or body of the message the following: SUBSCRIBE - this list covers all aspects of pinhole photography.

List info and archive at website below.

Pinhole Mailing list


Pro-Rental (Digital.. Studio..)

To send mail to this list, send it to [email protected]

To subscribe to this list, send mail to [email protected] with the words "subscribe prorental" in the message _body_.

Exclusive Feature...Digital Resorce...

MF Rangefinder Yahoo Club

Med Fmt Rangefinder Yahoo Club

MF/35mm Rangefinders

The Rangefinder forum has a variety of postings and updates on medium format and 35mm rangefinders, including announcements of new lenses and cameras (e.g., Hasselblad XPan-2)...

Rollei Mailing List

To subscribe to one of the Rollei lists, send a mail message to:

[email protected]

the body (not the subject) should contain the line

subscribe rollei

if you wish to receive individual messages, or

subscribe rollei-digest

if you wish to receive the digest, which includes many messages together in one large message.

Rolleiflex Yahoo Club

Rolleiflex Yahoo Club

Rollei SLR Users List

Date: Tue, 09 Nov 1999
From: Denton Taylor [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: New Rollei SLR List

I am sending you this email because you have expressed knowledge of or interest in the Rollei SLR line of medium format cameras.

This is not spam, it is not commercial in nature, and will not be repeated.

We are starting a mailing list specifically dealing with Rollei SLRs, in particular the 600x line of cameras, although of course discussion of all Rollei SLR cameras such as the SLX etc is welcome. The focus of this list will be on the Rollei SLR as a working tool.

For further information, and to subscribe, please visit There you will find instructions on subscribing, list policies, administrators, and links to various sites featuring Rollei SLRs. Alexander (list admin) and myself hope this will become the premiere source for information on these superb photographic tools.

Feel free to email me with any questions you may have, and we hope to see you on the list!

Denton Taylor

Photogallery at
Panoramas and Immersive Imaging at

Russian and Ukrainian Cameras (Kiev-88/60..)

Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000
From: Bill [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: MF Lists and repair sites links.


Found this Russian and Ukrainian Camera Enthusiasts List when I was searching a while back.


Russian Camera List

Covers Russian and related FSU (former Soviet Union) cameras (e.g., Ukrainian) - 35mm rangefinders, 35mm SLRs, medium format cameras, and specialty cameras such as sniper cameras. See Yahoo groups for signup ([email protected]) - Russian Camera List...

Seagull TLR Yahoo Club

Seagull TLR Yahoo Club

Special Effects Photography List

From Photography Teachers Mailing List;
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2001
From: [email protected]
Subject: Special effects

Hi, all--

I moderate a new group on special-effects photography, and I invite you and your students to join and ask questions and post ideas. It's hard to get it active, but I bhope it will be fun and informative.

The URL is

Elinor (author of the Special Effects Photography Handbook)

Three-D Stereo List

You should probably subscribe to the photo-3d mailing list. It recently moved to [email protected]. You can subscribe at URL:

Yashica TLR Yahoo Club

Yashica TLR Yahoo Club

Yahoo Photography Club Listing (A-Z)

Yahoo Photo Clubs

Zeiss Camera Lens Newsletter

As of issue #18, the Zeiss Camera Lens newsletter is being provided online only. You can go to for a free subscription (in English or German). Follow "camera lens news" link on left frame to their free subscription pages. They also have archives of past newsletters.

Zeiss Ikon Collectors List

To subscribe to Zeiss Ikon Collectors Group mailing list send e-mail to Michael Moffatt, the administrator at:

[email protected]

and request to be added to the list or on the www go to

and enter 'zicg' as the list you want to subscribe to.

- list is for the discussion of Zeiss Ikon Cameras and equipment www:

[From Photolists - see link below]

[Ed. note: Updated 10/2000 to egroups]

Zenit Lounge (Yahoo Club)

Zenit Lounge (Yahoo Club)


Andrew Davidhazy's PhotoForum's Links to Photo Groups and Mail Lists

Egroups - Create Your Own Free Mailing List Page

Liszt Mailing List Search Engine

Liszt's Photography Listings Page

Photolists pages

WJM's site link to Photoforum Mailing List Site (easy sign up/off for holidays etc)

Posting regarding Problems with EMail Lists Migrated to Yahoogroups:

Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 
From: Ron Schwarz <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [camera-fix] Note to list owner

 you wrote:
>BTW, when I use the search feature to look for my user ID it says I am not
>a registered user.


Seems like I've run into something similar with a yahoogroup I administer.
I should say *loosely* administer. <g> I had some users run into something
like that, and IIRC, what was happening was that the system has two classes
of user, and it's kinda kludgey the way it reconciles them. It handles
unregistered users sort of like a traditional listserv, but registered
users get to have a web interface to all of the groups they've subscribed,
to do stuff like search the archives, access files, and maintain/configure 
their account. I remember there was a *lot* of screwy stuff going on when
they took over egroups, and they set up a special program you'd have to run
(on their end) to tie all your memberships together.

I don't know that they ever worked all the kinks out of the system -- I
remember having to kill some accounts and then recreate them so that the
users could have access.

If you're not registered at the website, you might want to try registering,
then setting up a new subscription under that ID, and then unsubbing from
your current account. 

Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 
From: kelvin <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [camera-fix] Note to list owner

Hi Bob, Ron and all

I've scrutinized the settings ... and I can't find a way to strip it out from
this end. What I have managed to do is to strip out allowing email
attachments - let's see if this helps.

That said, since yahoo took over egroups, we've had these lousy ads.

Ron is right. There appear to be two classes of users - those who sign up
on the web and those who sign up via email. It's a rather clumsy reconcile
procedure on the part of yahoo. 

When a user account name and password is requested, what it is fundamentally
is a Yahoo! user i/d. If you have a yahoo account already, you can link all
your yahoogroup subscriptions and manage it from the yahoogroup web interface.
Personally, I find this useful as I can easily set everything for "digest"
when I go away.

If you don't have an account, all you have to do is take a few mins. and get
a yahoo (email) account... the couple your existing email address to that

All subscriptions still go back to your current address. 



Yahoo! to Send SPAM to you via Email Lists, U.S. Mail, & Phone unless....

There's no free lunch - unless it's a SPAM sandwich! ;-):

Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 
From: Rick Housh [email protected]
Subject: Were you Yahooed?

Hi, Group Members:

You may want to check your preferences after Yahoo changed last
weekend. Then, or some other time recently, our beloved Yahoogroups
apparently reset EVERYONE's email, mail and telephone marketing preferences
to "Yes" for everything.

Unless that's what you want - a probable increased flow of advertising
(some might say spam) by mail, email and telephone, here's how to fix it:

- go to

- click on Account Info (upper right)

- log in with your Yahoo account ID/password

- in mid-page, click on "Edit your marketing preferences"

Check out all the stuff they've made as "YES" options, including email,
and, way down at the bottom, US Mail and Via Phone.  I don't know how the
status of this works for other countries.

If you don't want everything checked you can change them to NO.  I changed
all my stuff to NO, and used the "edit" to delete my telephone number. Be
sure to click on the SAVE CHANGES box at bottom to save these settings.

Of course, if you WANT to get their advertisers' stuff you can say "Yes" as
you please, or just don't change anything.

If you subscribe by email only, and don't have a Yahoo membership and ID,
this will not affect you.  If you have more than one Yahoo ID, you may need
to edit all the profiles.

- Rick Housh -

See also Related Privacy article....

Date: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 
From: Ron Schwarz [email protected]
Subject: Re: Were you Yahooed?

Yup, the b*st*rds did what I suspected.  You all better go edit your
"profiles" to uncheck the option to make your ID info public.

Go to "account information", then "Edit/Create Profiles" then "edit" then
"Edit Profile Information" then uncheck "Add this profile to the Yahoo!
Member Directory." (boy, they make it easy, don't they?)

Presuming you don't want to receive lots of "Exciting Offers" and sh*t like

From Panoramic Mailing List:
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000
From: Richard Schneider [email protected]
Subject: Re: CLUB INDIGO

Any way to block spam from this forum???

Maybe not from this forum, but there is a way to avoid it. Become a member of the auxiliary web site for the International Association of Panoramic Photographers (IAPP). The site address is:

One you have registered as a member of the site (there is no requirement that you be a member of IAPP to do this) you can take advantage of the tools that are offered - one of them being "Discussions". Because these discussions would be web-based and not part of a list serve, your mailbox wouldn't be loaded with garbage you have no interest in seeing.

Right now we only have about 25 people registered on this site. I request that all subscribers to panorama-l please consider being a part of the IAPP auxiliary site as well.


IAPP Secretary / Treasurer

Footnote: The request mentioned above does not reflect my own or IAPP's discontentment with this discussion group or the administrator, Steve Morton. I think Steve has done an admirable job in establishing and maintaining this service. He deserves our thanks and recognition.

[Ed. note: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED SITE - check out Bob Shell's many photo-lists at BESTSTUFF.COM!]
Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001
From: Bob Shell [email protected]
Subject: Check out our new photo discussion forums


As most of you already know I've been the Photo Guru at since early this year. We've already become well known as a source for accurate and up-to-date photo information, and my plan is to make us better every month. We already get over 300,000 unique visitors a month at our site, and the number grows every month.

One of the things I have wanted to do for years is to set up some really good discussion groups for photography. Places where you can come to talk photography with others sharing your interests. This is just in the earliest stages at present, but we have put up a portal page with the beginnings of some discussion groups.

Please do me a favor and take a look at the list topics we have started with. I'm open to suggestions for other list topics, and suggestions on the whole idea of creating a real photo community within .

You can view this preliminary portal at:

I look forward to your feedback.

I should emphasize that I am not attempting to replace existing lists which cover the same topic(s). Where I am aware of good lists covering topics we want to also have, I have invited the owners of those lists to move in with us. We'll host their list for free, provide web page space for member photos, provide space for archives, FAQs, etc. We're not out to compete with established lists.

Best wishes,

Bob Shell

[Ed. note: Bob has already begun a series of lists, including one for Rollei SLR users, which makes it critical that you visit his site to see the latest offerings and signup!]

[Ed. note: is one of the premiere photo resource sites online...]
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: information architecture overhaul and other things

Over the last two months, I've spent a lot of time writing new camera
reviews and travel guides for  Rajeev and I also redesigned the
higher-level pages to make them faster and easier to navigate.  I'd be
interested in hearing your opinion on the new

As far as actual new content goes, I've written reviews of the Canon D30
and Olympus E-10 digital SLRs.  There are also photographer's guides to Paris,
Barcelona, and London.  If you've not visited in a long long time,
you might want to check out and

See for a comprehensive list of what
I've been writing.

If you're interested in the philosophy, art, and technology of running
online communities, I'm giving some free one-day courses over the next
month or two.  The next definite dates are March 7 in Dallas, March 14 at IIT
Delhi (India), and April 6 in San Francisco.  See for the syllabus and
details.  The class is based on my experience operating, which
is now attracting more than 632,000 visitors per month (more than 2 million
 hits per day).

   If you haven't checked in awhile, Luis has launched the unified
forums( Waikit put up the picture of the
week, and he has a photo contest coming soon. We've also launched a photo
critique forum that is integrated with our image database system. Rajeev put up
a rating system for photos. We've also done some work with the classified ad

   About a year ago we posted our editorial plan outlining the ways we 
 support  We concluded one of the best ways to support was
through referral fees from high quality retailers.  We will only partner with
high quality retailers and will not change our editorial policy with regard to
user recommendations You can help defray the cost of operating by
buying your next camera from one of our partners on the site. For example to
help support, PhotoAlley has launched a store with us . A portion of all revenue from the store will
go back to enabling us to continue growing the community. To launch
off its store on PhotoAlley will be offering 15% off everything in
the store and free shipping for any purchase over $100 through.  Photo Alley
will be offering this sale to members through 12am PST March 6th.

Thank you for being a member.


                               Philip From: Mark Williford [email protected] [1] Digital Photography Mailing List Date: Tue Apr 07 1998 In response to the ever increasing number of photographers investing in digital photographic equipment and the lack of technical support provided by the manufactures we are forming the Digital Photography Mailing List. The purpose of the list is to enable professional photographers the ability to share problems, solutions and ideas dealing with the use of digital cameras. This forum should enable participants to conveniently take part in relevant and timely discussions without wasted bandwidth. The list will be moderated initially but the guidelines for the list are as follows. The Digital Photography Mailing List is devoted to the discussion of digital cameras and backs that produce file sizes in excess of 10 MB. If you would like to subscribe please mailto:[email protected] with the words-- subscribe prorental --in the body of the message. This list is sponsored by Pro Rental, -- Mark Williford

From: [email protected] Newsgroups: Subject: New Photography Forums Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 There are new forums for photography at These include topics on photography in general, editorial photography, photojournalism, and EOS equiptment. The only rule is to treat people with respect. George

From: "Sherman" [email protected] Newsgroups: Subject: Large Format Group and Club Listing Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 Mark Cudworth suggested that the site might be an excellent place to have a list of large format photography groups and clubs. I contacted Q.-Tuan Luong and Tuan has consented to have such a list on the site. I will be maintaining the list. I will start with those groups that have requested a listing on my website and will be happy to add any additional clubs or groups that would like to have a listing. I will continue to offer a web page on my site to any LF group or club that would like one. If you would like your large format photography group or club to be listed on the website please send me an email (remove the "remove_this" from my email address). Include the name of the group, the geographic location, a brief description of the activities of the group such as meetings or outings and a contact email or website URL. Sherman

End of Page