Bronica Classic Camera Users Online Listings
List of Online Users and Areas of
- Mike Bond - lens hacking..
- Greg Erker - S2a owner,
lens hacking projects, and medium format stereo (3-D) photography!
- Jeffrey Frey - general user..
- Lisa Horton - portrait photography..
- Robert Hudyma - daughter is
a S2A user in school..
- Michael Immel - has
manuals for S2/C and other info..
- David
Kilpatrick - long time user...
- Andrew YL Lee -
lens hacking, polaroid back hacking
- Brian Levy, Bronica user..
- Robert Monaghan - lens
hacking, underwater medium format, travel, astrophoto, macrophotography...
- Stuart Sturgess - new user..
- Carl Rand - uses multiple lenses..
- Russell L
Thornton - has fix for mirror focusing problems etc..
- Simon Stevens - happy user of S2a..
- Pieter Wenk past/long time
- Redmond Young -
- Mahlon Haunschild
Technical and nature photography - (uses EC)
- Larry (new EC owner)
- Richard Lyons (new S2A owner,
landscape and scenery shots)
- Mike Foreman (Jan 10, 1998)
- Peter Brunner (Dec. 29 new S2a 3
lenses owner)
- E. Ray Lemar
(S2 owner)
- James Honeyman (see note below)
- Albert Ma (new S2 owner)
- John Lindsey (S2a owner looking
for accessories..)
- Mike Waculik (S2a owner, looking
for spare body..)
- Joseph Sanders (S owner, 2 lenses,
misc. see home
- Philip Quaife (has
200mm etc.)
- Pablo Espinosa (has ETRS,
seeks tips on usage)
- Maher Salah (has SQAi,
does weddings and portraits)
- Okke Groot (ECTL, seeking
40/50mm and ECTL info)
- Douglas McLernon (SQAi,
Portrait and travel interests...)
- Gregory P. Willis (uses Bronica
SQA for model portfolios and magazine, fashion industry ads..)
- Mick Doe (ETCL,
landscape work, had S2a, seeking tilt/shift bellows and 50/200 nikkors..)
- Jay Barrett (S2 owner,
interests: Reading, Photography, cycling; Topcon, Mamiya and
- Erik Schmitz (germany)
(ECTL user, lenses and accessories, looking to buy, trade, sell..)
- R D Hughes (ETRS user,
interests include Landscape and natural history subjects)
- Martin Girling S2A user,
first step into MF photography..
- Dr. J. Stephen
Ziegler ETRS system with AE-II Viewfinder, Took pictures in Jan 98 in
Vietnam, seeking an inexpensive zoom lense for this camera, and would
like to communicate with someone about photography with this camera...
- Steve Cook - uses his ETRS
for fashion, portraiture, and landscapes - wants to know if a bellows
will provide perspective control, or if he has to buy the PC lens???
- Todd Zelasko - a Bronica S
user from Cleveland Ohio who uses Nikkor lenses...
- Alain Wuilbaut -
newcomer to Med. Fmt. (except for Rolleiflex), just bought second hand
ETRS, has Zenzanon 75mm/2.8, 150mm/3.5.
- Marc Brossmer - Bronica
user (added 5/9/98)
- Dion L. Johnson II - has a
couple of EC Bronicas..
- Richard Lo Piccolo -
re-entering photography, has Bronica S2 (rolleiflex TLR, nikkormat..), wants
to share shooting experiences...
- Jerry Hunt - has _3_ S2As,
likes repair, maintenance, parts, and lens hacking -''Great Cameras.
About 10x more complex than necessary, but it all works great! Great
lens, accessories, and prices...''
- Ron Bennett - Bronica EC
- Walt and Lori McBride - Bronica
ETR, former Nikon 35mm landscape and wildlife photographer - sent neat
photos of smiling infant daughter ;-)
- David Lavery -
- Kam Lau an S2A owner interested
in ''everything'' (Shutter slam is a bit serious though!)
- William Bell (see Web-page) - Bronica S2/C user;
Portraits, Fine Art Figure, Still Life, Architecture - notes
Nice cameras, easy to use, good glass (agreed! ;-)
- David Marquis - uses S2a
Nikkor 50 and 75 mm, Komur 150 mm, Extension Tubes; interests include
Landscape and Press (not with Bronica)
- James Khor, new
ETRS owner, enjoys landscape and portraiture...
- Dale Schicketanz - Bronica
- Alan Schick has an S2A, does
varied non-professional projects; bought his S2a new in 1976 - his senior
year in high school; recently decided to get back into photography and so
pulled the S2a out of its case - it is still in "great shape" ;-)
- Shinsaku
Hiura - Bronica EC, 40/50/75mm nikkors, see Med
Fmt Nikkors; runs Nikomat-ML mailing list, interested in medium
format nikkor cameras (Bronicas, Makina 67..), see posting
- Douglas Wood - ETRSi
for Landscape, Portraits, Weddings..I LOVE this camera. I Just bought
a polaroid back...
- Kevin Elliott -
interested in wildlife, using Bronica S2...
- Steven Brown -
has had S2a's for over 25 years, using them for commercial
advertising photography here in the Chicago area. Have late style
bodies and a 40mm F4 Nikkor, 50mm F2.8 Nikkor, 75mm, 135mm, extention
tubes, Prism, chimney, and yes a Polaroid back. (708) 301 1212
- Steve Chesler - I use
the Bronica ETRSi for portraits, weddings, and commercial use, as
well as the Minolta Maxxum system for Photojournalism. See Photo
- Morton Rupp - who uses an
S2a for B@W Landscape,lighthouses, vintage aircraft, various other.
He comments: Great site. Being an amateur with no contact with other
Bronica users, and new to computers, I was very pleased to find it. There is
more info here than I could have collected in a lifetime. Being nearly 70
there is just not that much time left. Keep up the great work.
- Russell Aharonian - uses a
Bronica model C for weddings, nature, and portrait work, and is looking
for Bronica C accessories...
- Paul Barry - uses an EC-TL for
portraiture and landscape work, and Comments: Lenses: Zenzanon MC 80mm
f2.4, Nikkor-Q 13.5cm f3.5, Zenzanon MC 40mm f4.0. Love the camera; I've
had it for 12 years. I tend to use it as a manual exposure camera using
an external meter.
- David D. Hofer - uses
EC-TL for studio product and fine art (B&W) work - says This is a
great camera...
- L.A. Daneman - Bronica GS-1
user (see posting...
- Bill Stockle, who uses both a
Bronica S and S2a...
- [email protected] - I'm a
professional photog.. using a Bronica SQA primarily for studio work
(although I do take it along on outdoor shoots occassionally. I also shoot
35mm (Nikons)...
- Mike Wilson uses an S2a
with accessories, and would like to correspond with other S2a owners ;-)
- Bill Glass has an EC-TL with 4
lenses (40mm up) he used some 22 years ago, and is now dropping back into
- Dennis Adams - Bronica S2 user
interested in Automotive and landscape photography...
- Harry Humphries is a Bronica
ETRS user who Have not used the camera for 10 years,
have just started to use again, was going to sell but have decided not
to... - Enjoy!
- Scott Williams - uses an S2
for candids and scenery shots, interested in hearing about new tricks and
uses for his S2!
- Jeff Griffin uses an EC and
ECTL for commercial (mostly studio) work and notes these are excellent
cameras, says he is looking for a 40mm lens and might have 50mm,
75mm, and 200mm lenses to sell...
- Massimo Bertacchi - is an Italian
collector of Cameras, including Bronica classics...
- Harry Lang - who uses a
Bronica SQ-B for fashion photography, and comments I
recently moved into medium format and purchased my Bronica
kit. I did a lot of research and found for the money, this was the best bet.
And a great plus, flash sync at any shutter speed. Anyway, it's a great
outfit, and the lenses are as sharp as anything else I've seen.
- Al Gray uses an ETRS mainly
in landscape work and is looking for a 135-W back for his ETRS...
- Bjorn Joachimsen (Norway) -
using S2A (with three lenses) and ETRSi (with four lenses, bellows &
several finders) for most applications. Looking for macro equipment for
- Don Titus - New user (Bronica S2A).
Have shot stock nature for about 5 years as a hobby and just recently
moved to MF.
- Jed Rusyniak of Seattle
WA. uses a Bronica ETRSi for outdoor scenic shots; says Love the
camera, incredible quality!
- Denny Purtee uses a Bronica
S2 for portraits, notes it works great, and he is looking for a backup
- Jim Hully uses an ETRSi
for night photography and natural history photography - especially macro
- Tom Blakely - uses an EC-TL II
and says he is interested in photochemistry, macro/nature
photography, and roller-coasters (See photos)
- Visit my web page at
. I have a 40mm and 200mm nikkor along with the 75mm, and a bellows,
which I haven't had a chance to use much yet. Most of my macro work so
far is with 35mm (I'm a long time nikon user which is in part responsible
for my interest in bronica classics -- gotta like those nikkor lenses!)
Has anyone ever seen a 90mm filter for the 40mm? I also use Mamiya TLRs.
Can't decide whether I prefer the little click of the mamiya or the
satifying 'ca-clunk' of the bronica.
- Derek May - an S2A user
interested in Hobby photography, portraits, landscape -- black and white.
[added Jan 24, 1999]
Comments: Just bought my S2a with a 50, 80 and 135, two backs, the
folding view finder and chimney, and a few other bits for $800 canadian.
Thats about $500 America. Smoking deal! I'll just find out if it works
this weekend...
- Aaron Anderson Photography -
uses a Bronica ETRSi for Wedding and Portrait work...
- Richard Stokes - uses a Bronica ETR for people, food, and scenic
shots, and notes This has been a real work horse. More so than ever
- Brian Sprecher - a new
Bronica user... Welcome! ;-)
- Jose Maria Alvarez Perez - is
interested in landscape photography and uses a Bronica ETRSi, says he is
interested in every photo tip or trick...
- Bob Lambert uses a Bronica
ETRSi and says I use my Nikon's a lot but when asked what is my favourite
camera I reply Bronica ETRSi.... ;-)
- Laszlo Illes - uses a
Bronica SQ-Ai with 50mm, 80mm, and 150mm PS lenses. His main interest is
in portrait and landscape work, which you can see at his web page...
- Brian Sprecher is a new
Bronica ETRS user and wants to check with others whom have
beeen involved in using the cameras for a while
- Noel S. Atkisson has a
Bronica S2a and is interested in landscape and nature
photography...[added 3/25/99]
- Stephen Kless has a
Bronica S2 (body s/n CB72***) outfit he got six years ago for $800 US,
including Nikkor 50, 75, 135, and 200mm lenses, tubes, backs, filters,
grips, magnifier viewer, and so on. He has been a photographer in the U.S.
Navy (using Bronica ETRSi systems!). He lives on the island of Terceira
in the Portuguese Azores where his wife teaches in the American high
school at the USAF base there...
- John Henry - new London (UK) owner
of an S2 - first MF camera buy for this long-term Nikon user who is
interested in landscape photography...
- Tamie Campbell - a new user
of Bronica ETRS with 50mm and 75mm lenses who enjoys all areas of
- Brian Altman - an S2a
owner/user, he likes to take people pictures and scenics...
- Paco Polo - an S2a user in
Barcelona, Spain - who says I think it is a very good camera...
- Paul Martinez who has an ETRSi
and is interested in finding out more about the Schneider lenses
- Marcus Wilson -
I use 2 Bronica ETRS bodies with EII 75mm, a 150mm 3.5, and a 40mm MC. I
also have the ETRSi Motordrive, a ETRS winder, an NPC polaroid back, and
several newer (double switch ETRS) backs. I've acquired my system over
the past 8 years and shoot mostly weddings and some portraits. I went to
Bronica from Maymia TLRs for the simplicity and ease of use. I still
love it. I'm looking to purchase the newer motordrive and the AE III
prism and later a ETRSi body.
My real concern is what Bronica plans to do in the future. Especially
since digital and AutoFocus technology is making strong inroads into
traditional photography....
- Heinrich
Goossens-Merkt has Bronica S2s, collects Bronica and Nikon cameras,
and even takes a picture now and again ;-) He is looking for information
on adapting exposure meters to the S2...
- Steve Chamberlain uses a GS-1
to do wedding and portrait work...
- David Piazzo - uses Bronica
ETR and ETRS, and is looking for I am looking to learn more about the
difference between my ETRs and an ETRSi as it pertains to an AEII finder
- John Posthumus - has a
Bronica S and ECTL, and is interested in using these ancient
cameras... ;-)
- Rick Kurtz - uses a C
and C2 to shoot landscape, travel and scenic shots - notes he is
Looking for case that holds 3 film inserts and I am always
looking for good used film inserts....
- Dennis Piche' - uses a new
(4/99) Bronica S2a, new to 6x6 too, and interested in equipment and
- Sam Sherman uses a Deluxe,
Model C and S2 Bronicas, likes adapting odd lenses and tele uses
and adds
Enjoy the Bronica website, this interest in these classic cmaeras is long
overdue. You don't have to hate Hassey to love old Bronica, but it
ususally turns out that way. When the first Blads came on the scene all I
wanted was a Primar-Reflex II (Primarflex), the first such boxy 6x6 camera
(1936) which influenced the Hassey design. The Bronica, culminating in the
S-2a is a great and complex camera, but with top lenses and the ability to
allow for many low cost adaptations of inexpnsive lenses of all kinds.
That makes this system low cost to own with high quality results. I could
have purchased a Hasselblad many times, but don't want to own one.
Compared to classic Bronica the backs are harder to load and not as simple
a camera to use.
- Erik-Jan Geniets - I'm using
a Bronica SQ-A with a 50, 80 and 150 mm lens.
2 120 backs and a polaroid back. - see
- Frank Cave a new SQ-A user...
- Tracey Soles is seeking a good
S2a camera for black and white work...
- Mr. Tony Hilton - Author of Hove Foto book 'Bronica, The early history and
Definitive Collector's guide'.
User of all models and focal lengths since 1962. Many of the pieces of
gear used to illustrate the book are available for sale . Contact-
[email protected] (see Hilton Rollei
Collection and Hilton Bronica and other
Collectible Cameras)
- Lance Bledsoe Bronica email
listowner - see Bronica Mailing List Signup
- Franco Martini - uses an
S2a for studio photography, with more than 20 years experience. He adds:
Now I'm selling the equipment, perfectly working. Will travel to Italy,
so write if interested. thanks. (Ask for details)
- James L. Ewald uses a Bronica
GS-1 for nature and portraiture photography, notes the camera has
excellent portability but some service issues...
- Michael Eckstein - uses
a Bronica S with 3 Nikor lenses 50, 75, 135 for Nature, scenics flowers,
aquatic birds, closeups - reports being very pleased with system
- Kim Karpeles, an SQAI owner
who is interested in Using equipment, shooting events, stock photos &
- Ron Sellers uses an S2a
for landscapes and portraits, who notes "Fun camera to use. It has
taught me about metering and how to use manual settings. Before I had a
Canon T90 and it did everything for me. I feel much more in control now with the S2A.
- J. Pierre Paquin has a
Bronica SQ and is interested in landscape photography...
- Nick Hallam - uses
an ETRSi for general photography -
notes: As a student I have purchased a Bronica ETRSi. Although the
quality is spot on, the cost of the lenses differ all over the world. Why
is this? And where can I get the best deal. In the UK the best price I
have found is o572.
[Hint: see
grey market
pages for answers..]
- David Skora has a Model
Z CB19xxx and is interested in collecting Bronicas as a hobby and
occasional use, and is looking for internal body repair/exploded view
of Z and Deluxe models
- Agnius Griskevicius uses a
Bronica SQ-A for landscape, still art, and portraiture, and notes:
I have had this camera for around a year, and I am not thrilled.
Bronica does not have rental houses stocked, nor it plans to do that
anymore. Shame on you, Bronica! Otherwise a decent camera. It works, but
if I had to make a purchase again, I would buy a Hasselblad or Mamiya RZ.
- Edwin Leong of Vancouver,
Canada - see Photo Site...
SQ-Ai owner since beginning of 1999. Uses it for weddings and
portraits mainly but "real" reason for buying into medium format was
for higher quality landscapes over 35mm. I like the system approach to
the Bronica system and far, far better value over Hasselblad. Would
love to hear from other users and their experiences. Come visit my
- Bill Gaines a Bronica S2a
user who is into street photography and portraiture, and notes...
- Looking for information on what flash systems to use for this
camera, as well as filters. Also, if anyone know of camera stores, etc.
where I can purchase these items, i would be grateful. [Ed.note - see
Bronica EC/S2/S/C price guide/sources
- Alan Wilkin - uses a
Bronica SQ-A, and is interested in "anything and everything" ;-)
- E. Meechua (Wierd Ems) -
uses a Bronica S2, 75mm and 200mm nikkors, 300 and 500mm Komuras, 2X TC,
3 backs (2 645, 1 6x6), ext. tube set, chimney finder, prism finder, and
WLF (phew!). Looking for a Polaroid back.
- the camera is quite heavy but reliable... i don't mind the noise
but the shake is quite a kill... but i've learned
to go with the flow...
i like the way it gets me sharp pictures for my demands...
i use the camera mostly at my studio... but sometimes outside...
i can't usually bring it with me coz of the weight... and plus with that i
need a really heavy tripod for support...
- David C Shawcross uses a Bronica
EC for Macro work and notes:
- I use a reversing ring with a CA adapter which gives control of the
diaphram and allows the tubes to be used as a lens hood. With a couple of
Vivitar 283s mounted on either side I get some very good images. I use
the guns on auto, and set the iris for an extra stop to cope with light
loss. Setting one of the guns at a different ASA means that one gun is the
main and the other acts as fill. Berries a centimeter across are printed
up to about 10 times life size with good results.
- Michael H. Downing - uses an
ETRSi for nature and micro work, which he has just gotten...
- Antonio Castro who uses a
Bronica SQ-A...
- John A. Alexander
uses a Bronica GS-1 and says I use the GS-1 and find it to be the best
of all worlds.... He is interested in "General comments from other
GS-1 users"
- Wayne Openlander has Bronica
"C, S2A, 50, 75, 135, 200 mm lenses, other accessories"; and notes S2
negatives will enlarge to 16 x 20 with excellent results.
never found a better system for work with camera on a tripod.
- Karen Daniel uses a Bronica
SQ-B for weddings and portraits...
- Paul Farace who has Bronica C
and ETRS models and does general photography and portraits, noting:
- Have used my ETRS for 16 years but finally got bitten by the
classic Bronica bug and had to have a Model C to play with. Just love the
chrome monster and the square format! My C seems to have only one ding and
was apparently used by an advanced amateur (I pray) so I can expect many
years of trouble free enjoyment (knock wood). Are the doomsayers on track
or just flapping their gums?
- Todd Chisum has a Bronica S2a
with 3 lenses, 3 backs, and a polaroid back purchased in 1992 which he
uses to photograph hobby related subjects, nature, landscapes, and
airplanes. He notes he has an interest in hand-tinting of photographs too!
- Michael Wilde is a
U.K. Bronica ETRS owner who likes to shoot cityscapes, landscape, and
- John East - uses an S2a
to do (Steam) Railway photos, landscapes, and other photos...
- Craig Matthai is a
photographer in Orlando, Florida. I use a Bronica SQ-Ai outfit (AE prism,
120 backs, grip and PS 80mm). I shoot people or events as they come along
(usually model portfolio stuff , parties, etc.).
- Michael S. Pool is the
owner of a Bronica S recently bought at auction, and new to medium
- Judi Sonnier - uses
the Bronica GS-1 (6x7cm) SLR - for black and white and portrait work..
- Roy Cummins - uses a Bronica
SQ-A for location portraiture and weddings, and notes Have 2 Bronica
SQ-A bodies that have always given me great images. I am interested in
maintaining them in top shape and continuing to have the images please
both myself and my clients.
- Lawrence Mahoney - has a
Bronica C, and is a new MF user, searching for accessories for his Bronica
- Garry Barnett who notes:
Please add me to your new users list. Thanks to "Oofy" I'm back
in the Bronica flock. I previously owned a S2A and EC for studio
work, and a ETRSi for weddings, forensic, advertising etc. I
always liked the Bronicas. I'm looking for lenses and accessories
for the EC. Thanks Garry.
- Joseph E. Flis - has a
bronica S2a and is interested in fine art, B&W, and architecture. He
802.4 Zenzanon or 752.8 Nikkor? The Zenzanon seems sharper
to me.....
- Roy Cummins uses a Bronica SQ-A
for portraits, weddings, and professional dog shows...
- Joerg Sander a Bronica S2A owner
and user whose interest includes use of bellows, shift lenses, and lens
- Tricia Sweeney - a
(future?) Bronica user who is interested in buying a Bronica and topics of
"value, compatability, light meter, advantages,
- Jack Kirkhuff - a Bronica S2
owner who is interested in black and white landscapes and car photography;
notes "Have Nikkor 75 amnd 135mm lenses plus 2X Rokunar extender. This
older model is a bargain approach to medium format, and the optics are
great! I like to put this camera on a sturdy wooden tripod and enjoy
taking my time to contemplate the next shot."
- Mike McNally - owns a classic Bronica
S2A, says I *love* this camera, and shooting interests include
Children, Urban/suburban ugly stuff...
- Larry Carbol is a classic
Bronica S2A user with 50mm, 75mm, and 300mm(!) lenses who is interested in
landscapes and portraiture. He uses "All Nikkor lenses. Every time I
see the results I am blown away again by the quality and clarity. Use a
Rollei 6X6 slide projector for really impressive displays of medium format
- Timothy R. Wilson uses a
classic Bronica C for landscape and portrait work and notes:
- I
wanted to get the benefits of medium format without the cost, and still
have a high quality, durable camera with flexibility. My Dad gave me a
Ciro-flex TLR, which was fun for a while. I use Nikon 35mm cameras, so
the pairing of the Bronica body with Nikkor lenses sold me. I post photos
- Sinyih Chieng - a Bronica
ETRSi owner who enjoys nature photography, a new user of medium format
cameras of this type...
- Brian P. Wolfe uses a classic
Bronica S2A - bought his first Bronica in 1969 in Singapore - and is
interested in all areas of photography and cameras...
- Paul Cotnoir - uses a
Bronica S2a and is interested in collecting and using classic cameras...
- Andre Berkin - who
uses several classic Bronica ECs and 50mm thru 300mm lenses, notes:
A "serious amateur", I use a couple of Bronica ECs & enjoy the higher
quality that MF affords. Have been doing photography for 30+ years,
including some pro (paid) dabblings. Appreciate the way the heavier
hardware made me slow down & think more about each image, compared to
35mm. Also made me buy much better tripods, which improved my 35 and
video work ;-).
Meter with a Gossen Luna-Star F2 (usually) or a Pentax 1 spotmeter
(rarely). The Gossen lets me mix ambient light with multiple flash
(usually softbox- or umbrella-spread), for nice, but not obvious effects.
Have lenses from 50 to 300mm, plus TC; most often use the 50 or 150.
Eyelevel & magnifier finders, but mostly just use the fold-up WL finders.
Some close-up with ring set or aux lenses. Mostly B&W or color print, but
have tried slides (have old Leitz 6x6 projector that really lets you see
the beauty of the transparencies!).
- Nhat Nguyen - uses
a Bronica EC for fine art and street photography...
- Rick Smith - uses a Bronica
ETRSi 6x4.5cm and Bronica GS-1 6x7cm SLR for shooting outdoor nature
subjects and pets...
- Jim Creasy has an S and S2 bronica
camera and is interested in "Photography in General and MF camera repair";
and "Would like to see more repair information on Classic
- Richard Down uses a
Bronica ETRSi for landscape, portraits, and studio still life and observes
"A lovely camera to use, I don't get enough use of it at the moment. I
need the encouragement of a group like this to get it out more often and
leave the Nikon at home!"....
- Ed Berns - uses a Bronica S2
for black and white portraiture and notes he is "New to medium format
- Dave Breen is a commercial
photographer using Nikon, Bronica and 4x5. Desparately seeking manual for
and/or info on Bronica 55mm PCS lens (surely someone has used
- Ed Berns uses a Bronica S2
with both 75mm and 135mm nikkors, and asks...
- Hi, I'm already registered in the group, but recently I've
thought of a subject that might spark some interesting discussion: In a
world, what ONE lens of any format/mount/coverage would you like to be
able to
use with our Bronicas? For starters, I will submit that the thought of
able to adapt my preset, Russian 85/1.5 in Pentax mount would be
fantastic. I
think it would elicit some interesting responses, such as varius zooms and
superb 35mm optics (the 180 ED Nikkor comes to mind). What do you think
the exercise?
Best regards, Ed
- Dean Tomlinson - uses a
Bronica S2A he just got for news and art photography...
- Carsten Krieger has a
Bronica ETRSi for landscape and nature photography, and notes Great
- Rich Kurtz has a really
large Bronica S2a/C/C2 kit which he uses now in place of
35mm - see his posting below for details and
- Davie Chen uses a
Bronica SQ-A for his general photographic needs...
- Tarramita Tamtana uses a
Bronica S2 for studio work...
- Christopher Cook uses Bronica
ETR/ETRS/ETRSi systems to shoot weddings, portraits, and glamour. Check
out his website
- Serge Chamuleau uses both the
Bronica SQ/SQ-A and the classic Bronica S2A for portraits,
fashion, and abstract photos, and notes "uses and loves
the beautiful Bronica S2a and few lenses and stuff besides SQ-A system for
normal use" and "I love my speedgrip and the beautiful curves of
the S2a"...
- William Gormly uses a Bronica C
for historical, transportation, and photojournalism projects. He is
interested in further info on film advance problems with model
- Arun Pandit uses a
Bronica SQA with 80mm lens to shoot " Portrait, Interior, Landscape &
Nature, Still Life" and notes "Excellent camera & a tough competitor to
- Rashed Ahmed uses a Bronica
ETRSi for Advertising, Glamour, Industrial, and Corporate Photography and
notes "It's Great to Use. Wonderfull Results."....
- Seymour W. Duncan of Santa
Barbara, CA. has been using a Bronica ETRS and is currently using a
Bronica GS-1; and his personal
pages and Vintage Guitar
Magazine sites - Visit!
Has been using Bronica
ETRS and currently the GS-1. During the 60's photographed Jimi Hendrix,
The Yardbirds, Rolling Stones and many guitarist for many music mag.
publications. Currently photographing using camera's for GUITAR ID that
helps find lost or stolen guitars.
- Arthur Pelham - uses a
Bronica S2A for general photography and is Looking for extra back AND
- Grant Harris uses an
ETRS for macrophotography...
- Eric Sinfield uses a Bronica ETRS
(and has an interest in TTL applications using a Metz 45 ct3)...
- Norm Stepien is the owner of a Bronica
S2a and just added a Bronica SQ-Ai [2/2002] - Congrats!!...
- John Zhong has " SQ-A, 50/3.5, 80/2.8, 200/4.5, two backs, will have 110/4.5
macro soon ;-)", and says he is an amateur photographer interested in landscape and
documentary topics. His favorite films are RVP, RDP III, E100SW, E100VS, T-max 100, and Ilford
- C.J. Fertnig - has an SQAi system, soon
to add some classic Bronica S2 gear; he is in Ontario, Canada and notes I specialise in location
product and corporate shoots.. (see posting)
- William F. Conde - has a Bronica S2 and
is interested in Medium format to digital darkroom, Portraiture and still life...
- Monika Walicka is Just deeply involved with a EC-TL 75 and 50 lenses... [2/2004]
- names to be added here onto listing...
- ...
- ...
Note: in interim, see Bronica Net Wisdom for
listing of many online Bronica users, postings on areas of interest,
email addresses, and so on. Use search hints to locate specific notes
from these individuals and others. Good luck!
me to your users online listing
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 1998
From: James Honeyman [email protected]
Subject: Bronica User listing
You may add my name to your user listing and my email address. I have a
black Bronica S2A, with the following lenses.
-40mm Auto Zenzanon f/4
-50mm f/3.5 Auto Nikkor
-75mm f/2.8 Auto Nikkor
-105mm f/3.5 Auto Nikkor Leaf shutter
-200mm f/4 Auto Nikkor
-500mm f/7 Komura
I have 4 backs, 2 black 12/24 and 1 black 16/32 645 back, and 1 grey 16/32
645 back.
I have the extension tube set, and the type 2 bellows. My most recent
purchase was the cds TTL meter prism, complete with leather case and a
ratty set of instructions. I have a grey chimney finder, and the model C
30 degree prism as well.
I really like the camera, espescially the Nikkor lenses, as they're tack
sharp. I wish it had a mirror lockup, and the mirror flap noise is
I use the camera for outdoor scenics primarily, using fujichrome for
transparencies. I do some portrait and band work as I also play in a
bluegrass band.
--- and from another email:
Aside from the noise and mirror slap (I wish it had a mirror
lockup), I've enjoyed it immensely. Those big transparencies are just
--- and from another email:
My name is Jim Honeyman. I live in Washington state, and I've owned a
black S2A for about 3 years. I now have the following lenses. 40mm f/4 MC
Zenzanon, 50mm f/3.5 Nikkor, 75mm f/2.8 Nikkor, 105mm Nikkor leaf-shutter,
200mm f/4 Nikkor, 500mm f/7 Komura. I have a Vivitar 2x tele-extender,
type 2 bellows, 30 degree prism finder, chimney finder, 2 645 backs (black
and grey), and 2 black 12/24 6x6 backs. I have a through the lens exposure
finder coming to me from Silvio's in the next week or so. I think I'm
trying to convince myself that I really need an EC-TL body to go with
most of these nice lenses.
I use the camera for mostly scenics and some group photography (I also am a
bluegrass musician). Needed to have the shutter cleaned and lubed as I was
getting streaking on my transparencies.
Other than the noise and mirror slap (I wish I had a mirror lockup), I
enjoy it greatly. I also have a late 50's vintage Polaroid 2-1/4 projector
that works pretty well with those big luscious transparencies.
I enjoy this web site and refer people to it when asked about older
[Thanks! ;-)]
This page has several goals.
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998
From: James Khor [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Bronica User listing
Dear Bob,
I just acquired a ETRS (1979 version) to supplement my Nikon system. It
was available to me at a irresistible price so I grabbed it. It is a
barebones set fitted with only a 75mm f2.8MC lens and a waist level
finder. I hope to add on a wideangle and telephoto lens in the near
I shoot mostly landscape with this camera now. Also use it to shoot my
family. Until I get the prism finder I am quite limited shooting
portraiture because of the difficulty shooting verticals with the waist
level finder.
James Khor
Kuala Lumpur
Name: L.A. Daneman
Email Address: [email protected]
Type of Bronica: GS-1
Areas of Interest: Production of catalogued accessories 35 wide and normal backs
Comments: Heartened by the Tamron connection. Took a chance on an
interesting camera and that chance is progressing. New lenses for the SQA and
ETRS are forthcoming. How about a 43mm aspherical for the GS-1 and the
availability of the 35mm backs? Seems the 35W back only needs a new
insert for the 220 or 120 backs.
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000
From: Rich Kurtz [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Bronica User listing
I have recently upgraded my Bronica C & C2. I now have a beautiful Black
S2A with extra magazine. I had a full S2A outfit back in Aug.,'71,however
it didn't get much use. Now days things are different, as I sold off all
of my 35MM equipment exactly two years ago almost to the day. So now I
have nothing but Bronicas to shoot with and I'm loving every minute of it.
I projector my slides with a Rollei P 66 E projector.
Current list of Classic Bronica equipment is as follows:
Black Body S2A,
extra Black S2A Film Magazine,
Black Body Model C2,
Stainless Steel Body Model C2,
Stainless Steel Body Model C,
50MM F/3.5 Nikkor,
75MM F/2.8 Nikkor,
200MM F/4.0 Nikkor,
600MM F/5.6 Nikkor,
Vivitar 2X Tele-Converter with proper Front & Rear Lens Caps,
Prism Finder Model C,
5X Magnifying Hood,
3-Bronica Compartment cases,
15-Film Inserts for these models,
3-Film Insert Cases{ holds 3 inserts},
All Nikkor Lenses have proper Front & Rear Lens Caps,
Lens Shades for the 50MM & 75MM lenses,
Plus Finder cases,bottom covers and several body caps.
Please note that I am always looking for "REALLY" good looking BLACK BODY
S2A's,with or without lens or film magazine. I would prefer that it had
proper Black W.L.Finder.
Thank You,
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002
From: cjfertnig [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Bronica User listing
I am a professional in Ontario Canada. I re-entered the field last year after a
long lay off. I specialise in location product and corporate shoots. My main
system is a SQAi. I like the Camera as so far it has been bullet proof. Nice
weight for fashion/portraits etc. The 65mm is the sharpest lens in MF I have
ever experienced. Just bought 36mm ext tube on ebay so we will see if that
solves my close focus issues for jewellery. I used a RB67 in my earlier career
which was a beautiful heavy beast with some nice features, but I am now very
happy with the Bronica. Electronic cameras are cool! I also like the fact
that they are not male/female photo jewellery like Hassies.
Your website has been a very important tool for me. It has helped me make some
key capital purchasing decisions - thank you so much.
I should own a S2 outfit soon!
My website should be up anytime now??
Please add me to the list. I would like to hear from any product shooters and
would happily dish out advice/help.