Bronica Classic Camera Projects Underway Online Page

Bronica Lens Hacking Adapters - 4/14/98
See announcement here and signup now!
for inexpensive lens mount and macro adapters!

Goal is to provide list of people and projects underway so interested users can sign on to help or participate...

current group project underway includes building polaroid backs for cameras in the UK

Here is a note on a recent on-going project:

Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997
From: Greg Erker [email protected]

On the subject of lens hacking. I've talked to my brother-in-law (a machinist) about making me an adapter for the 57x1mm mount to let me attach my Pentax 35mm (format) SLR lens on in reverse (for macro).

I will probably get him to make a short tube type adapter with 57x1mm male thread on one end and a 55 or 58 mm male filter thread on the other. I have a couple of step up rings and would mount my 50 mm lens (reversed) on my Bronica.

Handholding the lens in about the right place, and looking thru the viewfinder, it appears that the 50 will give a nice sharp macro effect, with some focusing range thanks to the body focusing helical.

I'll probably also get him to make me a lens-cover like disk that will screw into the 57x1mm mount. Then if I find a cheap leaf shutter lens in the future I can mount it on that cap and have full speed flash sync.

I'll let you know when I have something to add to your site.

Regards - Greg

[Editor's Note: Be sure to check out Greg's
Stereo 3D Medium Format Viewer Project and
neat camera projects home page links! [Ed. note: page was at, moved as of 2/2003]

Update on Homebrew Adapters Project from Greg Erker for Bronica S2/EC/C/S/.. Mounts

Medium Format Digest Posting:
From: Stephen Poe [email protected]
Subject: Bronica S2 - S2A, backs and bellows Questions
Date: 1997-11-24

I recently got a Bronica S2A (CB779** S2A) and 3 S2A backs. Today when I went to pick up a bellows 2, I ended up also coming home with a grey S2 body (CB558**) and an S2 back (CB707**) - The backs for the S2 and S2A look like they will interchange - slide is different, but everything else looks the same.

Also, BTW, the bellows came with a 20 cm f/4.5 Leitz Telyt lens - anyone with any experience using a telephoto like this on a bellows for macro work. Thanks again

From a followup Email message:

As regards the bellows and the Leitz Telyt lens - I looked up the lens in the Morgan and Morgan book, and it turns out it was designed to use with the Leitz visoflex - that is why the disign hangs out 2 1/2 in. on the back - as far as I can tell it has plenty of coverage for the Bronica. I did some pictures with today, and if the results are at all interesting I will send some your way. The lens is mounted on a 57 x 1 adapter (looks like a lens cap) drilled and then treaded in the Leica thread. Different than the 39 mm thread on most of my enlarging lenses, but does fit my 100 Ektar. I also have a 135 Wollensak Apo Pro Raptar that I would like to try on there.

I think that better enlarging lenses, or some flat field older large format lenses like the 210 Artar or 203 Ektar (I have one of those also) will work best for real macro work - Just have to burn through some film to see what works. I really need to find some of those 57 x 1 caps that I can drill out (I made a fly cutter to use on my drill press) and thread if necessary. Just need to find out where to get the 57 x 1 caps.

other projects include mega-strobes for studio work
See for some useful new ideas and evaluations on strobe efficiency.


$3 PVC Pipe Adapter

another set of projects deals with macrophotography

A project is underway to convert a microscope objective from a "bioscope" into a 10x macrophotography stage, complete with transmission light projector lighting (started 11/1/97 with acquistion of bioscope for $6US, plus plumbing adapters for 2inch pipe mount over lens adapter, plus 1 inch copper fitting to be placed in center of 2 inch plumbing cap to mount standard microscope objective ($3US) -

another person (Jim Bandy) is interested in lens hacking for astrophotography

another project is underway to locate a body-cap replacement for low-mass lenses, such as the microscope objective or 8mm reversed glass movie camera lens or a 110/disc camera lens reversed for use as a macrolens. The best item so far is the two inch diameter (slightly 1-2mm too small) SKOAL tobacco chewing container base. Time for a few trips around the supermarket to see what we can find ;-)! Let us know via email if you have located a suitable plastic or other adapter - thanks!

and the list just gets bigger and bigger...

Email project interests

Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1998
From: Greg Erker [email protected]
Subject: Bronica 57x1 reversing rings (now available)

Hi gang,

Marvin has built 15 units. With me keeping one for myself, that leaves 14 for sale. The price is $15 US plus postage. Ordering details are similar to the caps. Like the caps, these are black anodized with a flat finish and are equally nice. I used mine to reverse mount my 50mm f1.4 lens (using a 49-58 mm step up adapter) and is seems to work very nicely.

Check out my web page (2nd link from top) for a photo and details:
[Ed. note: link checker reports page moved as of 2/2003...]

Those of you who expressed interest in these (type 2) adapters in the past will have first crack at them. About 10 were spoken for so there are a few extras for the rest of you if you change your minds.

There are still about 10 of the 57x1mm caps available for those of you who want more or who still haven't sent in your money (hint hint :)

Regards - Greg

PS to BobM: put a notice on your web page if you wish.