The saga of the � frigid virgin Tokina � revisit

The story of a predicament with a after market Tokina lens to fit a Minolta Maxxum Camera

One �s up on a time not so long ago

A jolly OZ picture man packed his trusty Minolta 7xi in his swag, and went far and

wide to find the ultimate image of his dreams,

A image that was not seen before and would be admired by his peers,

and be worthy to be published, on this big medium in the universe,

called the internet .

On arriving in a far away exotic land, he found his pot of gold,

"the perfect image", but shock ! horror ! he saw the pot of gold could not be

reached, with the tool he had a" Minolta 7xi 105 Zoom lens ".

On odds end, he searched and searched, suddenly on crossing Orchard Road he

realized he had entered a different dimension, a different time zone!

he was in fairyland

As the OZ picture man was used to be going back in time, and lived in fairyland

since the election of the new rulers in OZ,

and had survived all the pain; the liberal princes inflicted on to him

He decided he was well equipped to meet this challenge head on, and if he would

run in to problems he figured, he could call

Uncle "Crocodile Dundee "to sort them out for him

Suddenly, something familiar caught his eye,

There it was, behind this big window next to the fairy prince in the doorway,

no it could not be, a tool, not unlike his own, only bigger.

Just sitting there big black beautiful and proudly showing off her shiny coat.

Yes it was true, the fairy spoke "come in, come in and all be well"

the OZ never seen a fairy prince, as they do not exist in OZ land, didn�t resist

and as he was pulled gently inside by this phenomena he didn�t struggle

as it felt rather good as from what he was used to back in OZ

He thought this must be the ultimate in customer relations.� Lets go with the flow�

but what was that!!, trough his trance he could hear something,

words, that sounded as Music to his ears,

but no, it was the fairy prince whispering in his ear

""Big tool 300, bigger 400 if you want, good, better than you ever seen,

you can reach that pot of gold, Shoot that picture of a life time"".

The OZ could not resist, and cuddled this big 300, his cries

"to much, to much" was lost in the orgy of love for this big thing,

and he tried, but it would not leave his hand..

Forgotten where all his resolution and warnings of his mates

of practicing save buying , and to buy only a 7xi lens

The OZ picture man never heard about gray markets

If a gray market would have been mentioned he would have shrugged it off and

thought those foreigners are funny people to sell there grandparent off at the

flea market, he still lived in a dream world, in where you buy a item and it,

�you won�t believe this!!! It actually works or you get your money back

As the OZ returned to what "we still call home" and walked trough the

door on to the scorched land, he turned,

aimed his camera with the new Tokina Zoom lens on to the sign on the door


By order �shorty the liberal prince�


But Shock! Horror! The camera won�t fire, the chip in the Tokina lens is dead,

Big, Black, Beautiful was no more, she died of a broken hart, the OZ cried! out in

pain " why, why, I always treated you with respect, never ever have I screwed

you, but with the outmost care on to my Maxxum 7xi

There he was, with a Virgin Tokina Zoom lens,

an image never passed her little flutter

Suddenly a terrible thought enters his mind, what if she is frigid,

and the mates down the pub find out, he panicked, but one thought on his mind,

return her to her maker

The OZ still in dreamland thought �no problem mate,

It is new what! ,No worries mate�

He called and called

" O big Tokina up there on your pedestal come down to earth

and revive this frigid virgin"

but the OZ is a little pawn in the overall picture, and a

lonely voice in the big down under,

So he was not heard by her maker the great Tokina,

Then he realized that he must have a bigger mouth to be heard,

and he went to spread the word on what is called the big medium in the

sky �the Internet� now he is heard, all over the scorched land,

the land of the rising sun, and far behind,

even in the land of the man with the big zipper, that never closes

And one of the disciples of the great Tokina looked down

on the OZ picture man and said

"" WE are not pleased, wrap up the frigid one, handed to the great Tokina

and if he is pleased he may revive the frigid one""

The OZ trembled in his shoes as

he was spoken to by the disciple of the great Tokina

After all this was the will of the almighty Tokina

with the power of live and dead over the Big black and beautiful one

See as it happens the OZ had overspend his budget when he fell In love with the

frigid virgin Tokina , and could not afford the Medicare payment

to have her revived by someone else

So after all the OZ picture man may have his fate restored, as after 3 months,

not that he was not trying, he has now been invited

to send the frigid one to her maker for a revival trial

This is the way it was

By Peter Van Eyk

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