Submit Feedback
     To make life a bit easier, I've compiled this feedback form. If you would like an e-mail in response to your feedback (or if you are asking a camera question), please allow 2-3 days as I tend to be quite busy and can't always respond immediately. If you would like to e-mail me directly instead of using the form, please send your message to [email protected]. Thanks!


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Image Gallery Buyer's Guide Online Camera Registry Equipment Reviews

What type of cameras were you looking to find information on?
Point and Shoots 35mm Autofocus 35mm Manual Focus Medium Format Large Format Digital Vintage or Collectable

Enter your feedback below. Please be breif, but include as many details as possible. For example, if you are asking for advice on which camera to choose, include details of what you will be using the camera for.

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All information submitted to the Williams Photographic site becomes the property of Peter Williams and the Williams Photographic site. All content Copyright 1995-2000 by Peter Williams. Please read the Disclaimer and Privacy Policy for complete copyright and legal information.

Medium Format Cameras - User's Guide to Buying and Shooting
by Peter Williams is now available from Amherst Media!! [1/2001]