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Rolleiflex 3.5 E 

Rolleiflex 3.5E Twin Lens Reflex Camera, #1857xxx (no meter)


  • Takes 120 film, 6x6 square format. It will take 35mm film if you get a Rolleikin adapter
  • 75mm f3.5 Xenotar taking lens
  • f3.5-22
  • Shutter 1sec - 1/500th sec, plus B
  • Waist level viewing, with sportsfinder and quasi-pentaprism for focusing while using the sportsfinder. You can also find a Rollei Prism for the camera, but expect to pay quite a bit - they are somewhat rare and collectors are often looking for them.
  • Coupled depth of field scale. Change the aperature, and the DOF scale on the focusing knob adjusts accordingly.
  • Bulb or Electronic Flash sync
  • Shutter release lock to prevent accidental exposure, and multiple exposures are possible.
Basically, the 3.5E is a high-quality TLR with all the usual features expected of a Rolleiflex. Like all Rollei's, the 3.5E is lighter and more compact than most other TLRs and offers exceptional quality both in build and lens. If you find one for a good price, this is a great camera.
If you have any questions, or if I missed a feature, please e-mail me.

Medium Format Cameras - User's Guide to Buying and Shooting
by Peter Williams is now available from Amherst Media!! [1/2001]