Weltaflex Twin Lens Reflex Camera
by Robert Monaghan

Weltaflex Twin Lens Reflex Camera
Photo thanks to Martin M. Winbury
Martin's Home Page
[email protected]

This Weltaflex twin lens reflex camera is a good example of a low-cost entry level medium format camera. The twin lens reflex design was largely abandoned in the West in favor of SLR designs, except for the flagship Rollei products. But the twin lens reflex cameras continued to be made in both China (e.g., Seagull) and parts of the post-Soviet empire (e.g., Lubitels) up to the present time.

Photo notes:

This TLR is a great looking camera and has stamped in the leather on the side " Made in Germany U.S.S.R. occupied " obviously East Germany.It was made about 1955 . The quality of the workman ship is excellent compared with most cameras from that area. Film is 120 with 12 frames.The shutter PRONTOR-SVS works on all speeds {1-300} and is flash coupled for X & M . The self timer V works. Lens is Ludwig Meritar f3.5-22.

Weltaflex photo courtesy of Norman - Thanks!

[Ed. note: special thanks o Norman for sharing the above photo and info on his Weltaflex!] Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 From: Norman [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: weltaflex Hello, I also own a Weltaflex and a Ricohflex VI. Other mf-cameras I have: Kodak vollenda 620, Franka Solida IIL, Agfa clack, isoly 1, Photax blind� (bakelite 1950, 620 film) Some extra info: Other lenses were Meyer-Optik and ROW Rathenow - Rectan with the same specifications (f=75, 1:3,5). Also another shutter was used: the Vebur with speeds 1-1/250 (see picture for comparison). greeting Norman