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Japanese export twin lens reflex cameras such as this Walzflex TLR are
good values on the used market for an all-metal twin lens reflex
camera for under $100 US.
This camera features a Kominar [Nitto Kogaku Kominar] 75mm f/3.5
lens in Copal shutter
(1/10th to 1/200th plus Bulb shutter speeds). While the shutter speeds
are adequate for many users, the lack of slower and faster shutter speed
settings is an economy feature. In other words, when you see a TLR with a
limited range of shutter speeds, it is usually an indication that the
original TLR camera was an economy model. Similarly, when the shutter
speed ranges are limited, you should expect decent optics (e.g., good
three element, possibly 4 element lenses), but not the same optical
quality as you might get on a high-end Rolleiflex or similar cost TLR.
I might add that since many TLRs get used mainly for portraiture, that
the 3 element and low end 4 element lenses often do quite well in such
applications. Sometimes the slightly less sharp 3 element lenses are
actually better for portraiture, since the ultra-sharp 4 element lenses
on the high end TLRs are too sharp for most portraiture work
without softar or diffusion filters.
The camera uses standard
120 rollfilm, and has a film counter (rather than the red film-fogging
window!). There is a flash synch terminal, as well as a separate
Walzflex flashgun unit. A snap on accessory closeup lens (for 30-50 cm
close focus distance, roughly +2 diopters?) was also
made and sold in its own case. The TLR lenses have a bayonet mount for
filters too. A round lens hood for the taking lens
was also available. A brown leather case for the camera may also be
found on the used market.
The camera dates from the mid-1950s, and has a solid
metal and glass feel (not cheapy bakelite). Like many Japanese TLRs of
this period, it is a copy of the higher priced German rolleicord/flex
cameras. At typical USA used prices of $50 to $75 US, this camera can be
a low cost introduction to twin lens cameras and medium format
The Walzflex has a 75mm f3.5 Kominar made by Nitto Kogaku Co.
From: "John Stewart
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2001
Subject: Re: Walzflex TLR lens formula : triplet or tessar?
> I've come across a Walzflex TLR in mint condition
"Kominar [75mm f/3.5 lens in Copal
> shutter")
I haven't owned this camera, but based on the idea of a mid or low priced
model, it is probably a triplet.
Try locking the shutter open, opening the ap to 3.5 and looking at the front
of the lens. Aim the camera towards a light bulb. If you see three
reflections, it probably is a triplet, as the image is bouncing off the
surface of each of the elements.
I believe that is one way to check.
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2001
From: Lassi <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Walzflex TLR lens formula : triplet or tessar?
The classical Tessar has two rearmost of its four lens elements glued
together. I can't see a reflection from that surface, i.e. my Tessar (on
a Rolleiflex from 1954) looks like a triplet.
Only performance will tell...
-- Lassi
Date: 2 Sep 2001
From: Colyn <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Walzflex TLR lens formula : triplet or tessar?
I had a Walzflex a number of years ago and remember it was a fine
performer.. If I recall it was a 4 element lens thus making it a
Tessar formula...
From: "eMeL" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Walzflex TLR lens formula : triplet or tessar?
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001
It looks like a triplet from the brief description (in Dutch) on
Also - nice pics and info (in Japanese) about this and other rather unusual
From: "Shinichi Hayakawa" <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2001
Subject: Re: Walzflex TLR lens formula : triplet or tessar?
> Also - nice pics and info (in Japanese) about this and other rather
> TLRs
> Michael
Yes, a very interesting site! You can see some pictures of the Waltzflex
IIA here:
The following is a translation of the spec you can find there:
TAKING LENS: Kominar 75mm/f3.5 (3 elements in 3 groups)
VIEW LENS: Kominar 75mm/f3.5 (3 elements in 3 groups)
SHUTTER: Copal MX (B, 1-1/300)
FOCUSING: extending lensboard type
FILM TRANSPORT: knob with auto stop
PRICE: 12,500 yen (approx. US$35 in those days)
The lens sure looks like a triplet.