Student Discounts in Medium Format Photography

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Bronica Student Discounts to 51%

See Bronica Home Page Links to Bronica Student Discounts or Tamron directly...

 What's Available?
 ETRSi Kit: $1450.50 
 (ETRSi Camera Body, Waist-Level Finder E, Ei120 Film Back, PE75mm F/2.8 Lens)
 SQ-Ai Kit: $1894.35 
 (SQ-Ai Camera Body, Waist-Level Finder S, SQ-i 120 Film Back, PS80mm F/2.8 Lens)
 SQ-B Kit: $1240.68 
 (includes SQ-B Camera body, 120 back, waist-level finder and PS/B 80mm F/2.8 Lens)
 GS-1 Kit: $2182.95 
 (GS-1 Camera Body, Waist-level Finder G, G120 Film Back, PG 100mm F/3.5 Lens)

 Or these individual items at 51% off list: 

      Body only 
      All Finders 
      All Backs 
      All Lenses 
      Speed Grips 
      Motor Winders/Drives

Mamiya Student Discounts

From: Razzy Q [email protected]
Subject: Response to student looking for MF for street photo, suggestions?
Date: 1998-04-07


If you're a full-time photography student, know that you are eligible to purchase Mamiya cameras under its PEPP scheme at substantial discounts. Many Mamiya dealers keep mum about this scheme so you'll have to ask them about PEPP prices. The Mamiya 645 Pro TL which sells for about US$1599 at B&H, is sold to students at US$1139 under the PEPP scheme. Find out from Mamiya whether you qualify. Cheers... Razzy.

Hasselblad Student Discounts(?)
From: [email protected] (Timothy Schooler)
[1] Re: Hassy student discounts??
Date: Thu Apr 16 18:38:29 CDT 1998

Actually, they do have a student purchase program. Last year it was a discount on the 501C kit, plus a free A12 back. Try calling Hasselblad, or check with a dealer. I know Del's Camera is usually up to date on the program, I'm sure others are as well. I don't think it runs all year though.

From: "Junction" [email protected]
Subject: Re: Hassy student discounts??
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998

I purchaced a chrome 501CM , 80mm CB w/ a A12 for 2595.00 and got 1000.00 back from Hassy

From: [email protected] (Sinar Bron)
Subject: Re: Sinar offers for Photo Students in US?
Date: 28 May 1998

I was wondering if Sinar has a discount or interest free installment program for photo students in the US?

Jimmy Fok

Yes we do, but of course only for the US - we can't ship to Singapore. Contact [email protected] for more information.

- Jeff Isaacs
Sinar Bron Imaging

From Medium Format Digest:
From: nick silvestri [email protected]
Subject: Response to medium format discounts/special offers?
Date: 1998-10-17

greg is correct. mamiya does offer a student discount (the pepp program, ask your dealer about it). it is about 50% off the list price, which is about 30% off the retail price. you must be a full time continuing student. be aware that some of the specials that mamiya runs are better than the student discount (e.g. the rz67 pro ii value system special on right now, (body, 110mm lens, standard viewfinder and back) is about $300 less than the student price for the same equipment.

good luck

From: "Bob Salomon" [email protected]
Subject: Re: Advice On Medium Format Mono-Rail Cameras Please
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999

Then you will be happy to know that the new Linhof Kardan M 45 monorail will be less than $1000.00.

Not inexpensive but far less than the other Linhofs.

This will be an 18" geared rail camera with interchangeable bellows and full rise/fall/swing/tilt (on axis) in front and back.

If, by chance you are a student in a degree granting U.S. college or an instructor their or the school itself the camera will sell for $850.00 under our educational discount plan.


HP Marketing Corp. U.S. distributor for Amazon, Braun, Gepe, Giottos, Heliopan, HP Combi Plan T, Kaiser fototechnik, KoPho cases, Linhof, Pro Release, Rimowa, Rodenstock, Sirostar 2000

Date: Sat, 9 Sep 2000
From: "Wayne D" [email protected]
Subject: Re: P67II Problems vs RZ vs P645

One thing (again) that I didn't mention is that Mamiya America has a "student" pricelist that will save you about 25% off of B&H's prices if you are a full-time photography student (all you have to do is enroll at a community college for a semester), it is not combinable with rebate offers unfortunately. If you have an interest in this you should contact them through their website.


From Hasselblad Mailing List:
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000
From: R Barr [email protected]
Subject: Re: Smile Photo; was US prices on Hasselblad

Full time students, with documentation, can get NEW backs for $533 (A24), $466 (A12). A 40mm CFE distagon goes for $2574. The list goes on and on. Almost everything is on there. They do have some guidelines, but they aren't too bad. You can't resell the products for 24 months, and they must be ordered from and authorized Hasselblad USA dealer. The Carribean price for a new 40 is around $3200, no tax.

From Hasselblad Mailing List;
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2000
From: Henry Posner/B&H Photo-Video [email protected]
Subject: HERO Program

Details of the HERO program for students enrolled full-time in an accredited photography program in the United States is available at

HERO = Hasselblad Educational Rewards Offer.

Henry Posner
Director of Sales and Training
B&H Photo-Video, and Pro-Audio Inc.

From: [email protected] (Gerald_Zani)
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001
Subject: Re: Bronica RF 645 student price

Bronica now lists the RF645 price under the Student Purchase program. The prices are great!

RF645 Kit (cat. #RF4020): $1119.30
(includes RF645 Rangefinder camera body, RF65mm F/4 Lens)

RF4210 RF45mm F/4.0 w/ External Viewfinder

(�58mm) $384.30

RF4215 RF135mm F/4.5 (�62mm) $349.30


From: "joeomar" [email protected]
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 
Subject: Re: If Medium format really is dying from digitalis

If there was something in LF that I could easily backpack up a mountain I'd
think about it.  MF is heavy enough.

As far as the Nikon 8000, they wouldn't give me a timeframe.  The person in
queue ahead of me has been waiting about 4 weeks.  I could look at other
solutions but I'm not in any hurry to spend more money.  Mamiya has this
rebate program going: camera purchases get you a $500 coupon for future
Mamiya products, and lens purchases get a $250 coupon.  Unfortunately, the
only Mamiya products I was interested in buying are cameras and lenses.  So,
when I bought my 645, I applied the $500 coupon against a 55 - 110 zoom
lens, and then I applied the $250 rebate coupon from THAT against a 105 -
210 zoom.  The $250 rebate coupon from THAT is going for a film back.  Thank
God there's no coupon rebate for film backs.  I can't afford many more of
these bargains.  I didn't even really WANT the film back, I just ran out of
Mamiya products to buy.  It took the photo shop three tries to write up the
purchases correctly anyway.  My HOME wasn't this complicated to buy.

From Leica Mailing List: Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 From: Jim Brick [email protected] Subject: [Leica] Re: Has Leica ever offered a student discount program? Don't know about Leica, but my daughter (music/photography major) just bought some Hasselblad equipment via Hasselblad's student discount program. Fantastic program. She saved around 1/3 off of the Hasselblad net price. One can purchase only one of each item and that item only once each year. Also, the equipment is registered to the student at Hasselblad USA before it leaves there. And, there is only a certain amount of equipment actually allotted to the student discount program. And, the student's curriculum, instructor's signature and proof of employment must accompany the equipment purchase request. This tends to discourage the buy/sell for profit folks. Jim