The Rollop Automatic f/2.8 twin lens reflex cameras were manufactured by Lippische during production in 1956.
This camera is a 6x6 format utilizing 120 film.
Shutter is a Prontor SVS, B, and 1-300 speed with self timer (V) and M, X flash synch. The camera shutter
has markings for EVS (Exposure Value System, also known as the Light Value
System). The EVS is a cross coupled system between shutter speed and aperture with EVS values from 3-18.
The EVS system can be disabled by rotating the lever on the upper right (as you view the taking lens). Up on the
lever engages the EVS coupling, down disengages it. The shutter settings are viewable from the front of the camera.
Aperture settings are viewable from the right side of the taking lens.
The lens is a Enna Werk Munchen Ennit 8cm, f2.8 - 22, single coated, four element, 3 group, tessar design.
Film wind is by crank with automatic
setting of the shutter. To the back of the wind crank is the frame counter dial. Filters are the 40.5mm screw in type.
Focus is by knob with an ASA reminder dial in its end. Above the focus knob is a Depth of Field scale.
The film chamber is not baffled for flare control.
The ground glass has a fresnel lens with split range finder center focus spot and etched lines for aid in composition.
The shutter release button has a lock collar, red dot up for unlock, down for lock
(picture shows the collar in the locked position).
At the upper right of the left side of the camera is the camera back release button, this button screws in to lock the back.
Camera is a moderate picture taker, soft pictures due to the wide aperture design for a tessar lens.