Mihama 6 (6x6 and 6x4.5cm on 120) Folder Camera
by Robert Monaghan

Photo Thanks to Sam Vinegar - photrama

The Suruga Seiki Corp. made these Mihama Six cameras in the early 1950s. The camera uses 120 rollfilm to make 6x6cm or 6x4.5cm exposures. An unusual feature is the use of separate eye-level viewfinders for each format(!). The f/3.5 lenses were usually Mihama or Kepler Anastigmat optics in NKS shutters. McKeown's Price Guide for Antique and Classic Cameras (1992-3) only lists this Mihama Six camera for this manufacturer.

Photo notes:

The Mihama 6 folder used 120 roll-film and took 6x6cm and 6x4.5cm photographs.