Luckyflex Twin Lens Reflex (35mm)

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Editor's Note:

After seeing my page listing the Zeiss Contaflex as the only Twin Lens Reflex, Peter Jonkman was kind enough to send this interesting update below. I was interested in buying one, until I found they could fetch prices from $500+ to over $2,000! ;-)

Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 
From: Peter Jonkman 
To: [email protected]
Subject: Twin Lens Contaflex camera


Just saw your page and wanted to give you some more information about
35mm TLR cameras. The Contaflex was not the only 35mm TLR camera,
there is also the "Luckyflex" camera from Italy.

The Luckyflex measures 125mm x 65mm x 75mm and weighs 750 grammes.
The shutter has speeds from P (actually: B) and 1/20 to 1/300s. The
diaphragm is adjustable from f/3.2 to f/18. The minimum focusing
distance is "metri 1.5". Both the viewing and taking lenses are
"Solar Anastigmat 50mm f/3.2" lenses.

The camera was made by the Italian "GGS" company from 1948 on.
Only 2000 examples of this camera have been built.                    

Hope this helps,

Peter Jonkman

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