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The Kiev TTL prisms postdating approximately 1990 can be easily recalibrated to eliminate incorrect meter readings. This method, however, cannot correct a meter that is not linear. 1: Using a reliable hand held reflected light exposure meter, meter an evenly sun lit gray card. The reading should be taken very close to the gray card to make sure that only the card is read by the meter- be careful not cast a shadow on the gray card with the meter. 2: repeat the above using the TTL prism, making sure that the gray card fills the viewfinder entirely- the card need not be in focus. 3: Calculate exposure on both meters, and compare to determine exposure error. 4: Without disturbing the exposure setting on the TTL prism exposure caculator, loosen, but DO NOT remove the 3 small set screws on the outer grooved knob- about 1 1/2- 2 turns should suffice, with a small jewellers screw driver, until the outer knob can be turned without disturbing the actual meter setting. 5: Turn the outer knob until the exposure on the prism calculator agrees with that of the hand held meter, and carefully retighten the 3 set screws without disturbing the setting. 6: Recheck per steps 1 and 2. Meters should now agree- if not reset again per above steps. For maximum accuracy, readings should be checked in varying light conditions. The metering selector switch surrounds the meter "on" switch. With the selector switch set to the white dot, the meter reads the standard 30X50mm center weighted pattern. With the selector switch set to the green dot, the (approx.) 5X9mm "spot" located near the top of the frame, is the sensitive area- it�s difficult to call it a "spot". Set the selector to the white dot (30X50mm area) and set meter as described above. When the meters agree, recheck with the selector in the green "spot" position. If there is any disagreement between the Averaging and spot readings during the recheck, reset the meter so that it is correct for the mode which you will use the most. GOOD LUCK! Ver. 1.0 12-14-99 KKNotes for new style TTL/Spot prism