This 4x5 camera is a good example of application of the twin lens reflex
design to a 4x5 camera. The rotating Graflock back could be used with a
variety of roll-film holders too. See also the related 35mm twin lens
reflex cameras, as well as the plethora of medium format twin lens reflex
cameras at Medium Format Camera Library
I can only think of the Gowland TLR as another example of such large (4x5")
twin lens reflex cameras. McKeown's Price Guide to Antique and Classic Cameras
(1992-3) doesn't list this camera (though a 5x7" Keith Portrait Camera is shown).
My guess is this is understandable, as sales of 4x5" TLRs would likely have been modest!
4X5 twin lens camera has rotating graflock back, hooded viewing screen [ground glass] pair of Ilex paragon lens taking lens in Ilex shutter. The camera is in excellent condition. The shutter could use a tune up [ slow speeds off] This is a fun camera to use and a good picture taker, works great in the studio as well as outdoors. Lens set are 10''[254mm] f6.3