Yashica E TLR Camera
by Karl Bryan

The Yashica E was Yashica�s attempt at a point and shoot twin lens reflex camera, similar to the RolleiMagic, RolleiMagic 2 and Richo Auto 66. The Yashica E was made around 1964.


Shutter is a Yashica single speed shutter (1/60 sec), with X flash synch. The lens is a coated Yashinon, 80mm, f3.5 � 22, surrounded by a selenium cell. The ASA setting is from 16 � 200, set by rotating the ring around the selenium cell and aligning the film ASA to the red arrow located on the diaphragm/Auto control. On Auto, the camera sets the diaphragm using a lock needle metering system. Exposure will be correct if the meter needle is visible between the in the silver zone of the meter dial. The filters and lens hood used are 52mm.

Film chamber is not baffled, but the camera is capable of taking good pictures if care is taken in limiting flare (such as using a lens hood and taking care with backlit situations).

On the back of the camera is a flash guide.


Film advance is by a semi-automatic knob wind. Line up the arrows, close the back, press the button in the wind knob and slide back the button under the wind knob. The film counter will now read �S�. Wind until the number one shows in the counter wind, the knob will automatically stop being able to turn. Manually cock the shutter, take your picture and press then release the wind knob button and wind on to the next frame.

Focus knob has a depth of field indicator above it. Ground glass does have a fresnel lens, there are etched 35mm cropping lines for aiding in composition of the picture.

The camera is more of a collectible item than a user. The selenium cell meter accuracy after almost 40 years is questionable at best. The camera does have a built in flash that uses peanut sized flash bulbs (which are getting harder to obtain). The flash is so close to the taking lens that red eye is a major concern.

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