Miniature Speed Graphic Camera (2 1/4" x 3 1/4")
by Robert Monaghan
Photo thanks to [email protected]
The "miniature" speed graphic cameras date back to WWII era (1938-1947) but lack
a number of useful features such as a dropping bed or front shifts. The sportfinders
- the metal wire frame - is hinged to fold down. The later models have a tubular finder,
rather than the folding optical finder of the early models.
Personally, I think the lack of front movements and dropping bed reduces the utility
of this camera from many user's perspective. On the other hand, the focal plane shutter
may be a plus if you wish to use barrel lenses (at the risk of more maintenance costs).
Photo notes:
GRAFLEX Miniature Speed Graphic camera
- format is 2 1/4 x 3 1/4
- spring back
- ground glass
- focal shutter works
- Kodak Anastigmat f/4.5 105mm lens
- Kodak Compur shutter
- Kalart rangefinder.
Photo notes:
classic Miniature Speed Graphic
- dates from 1938-47
- Format is 2 1/4 X 3 1/4
- spring back (not grafloc)
- flip up sports finder
- top mounted tubular finder
- Kalart rangefinder
- focal plane shutter
- lens is a Kodak Ektar Anastigmat 107mm f/3.7
- Compur Rapid Shutter (no sync)
- Shutter speeds from 1 second to 1/400th second
- aperture range from f/3.7 to f/32
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