My main reason for providing this page is to provide some evidence that single lens
reflex cameras did NOT begin with the 35mm SLR! See our
history of the medium format SLR for related points and details.
The Graflex series B cameras came in 4
formats - 2 1/4" x 3 1/4" (1925-6), 3 1/4" x 4 1/4" (1923-7), 4x5" (1923-37), and
5x7" (1925-42). The patent date info in the photo notes provides a "not earlier than"
date, but as these dates show, the actual cameras could have been made well after the
last patent date on the camera or lens or shutter. Even so, this is a pre-WWII model, and
it looks it!
The cameras were initially supplied with a Kodak anastigmat (4 ele.) lens of moderate speed
(f/4.5). The back was stationary. You had a lever to flip to move the mirror out of the way,
then you took your best shot. Surprisingly, you can probably find examples of this camera
selling for $100 and up. Again, not my choice for a user camera, but a great example to
surprise your SLR toting friends who have probably not seen a 4x5" SLR before!
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