The Gnoflex twin lens reflex camera was a typically Japanese Rolleiflex clone from around 1955.
Shutter is a Synchro-Super X, B, 1-300, with self timer and X flash synch. The lens is a coated Hitar Anastigat,
80mm, f3.5 � 22. Film chamber is not baffled, but the camera is capable of taking good pictures if care is taken in
limiting flare (such as using a lens hood and taking care
with backlit situations). The filters and lens hood used are the typical Bay 30 (also known as Bay 1) bayonet mount.
Film advance is by a semi-automatic knob wind. Line up the arrows, close the back, press the button in the wind
knob and slide back the button under the wind knob. The film counter will now read �S�. Wind until the number
one shows in the counter wind, the knob will automatically stop being able to turn. Manually cock the shutter, take
your picture and press then release the wind knob button and wind on to the next frame.
Focus knob has a depth of field indicator above it. Ground glass does not have a fresnel lens, but
there are etched cross hairs for aiding in composition of the picture. Rather dim viewing, but still a
very usable camera.