This Fodorflex is a nice example of a Rolleiflex copy twin lens reflex
camera made in Japan during the early post-war export period. McKeown's
Price Guide to Antique and Classic Cameras (1992-3) suggests the camera
was "probably made by Sanwa Photographic Supply, as it is similar to
their 'Mananflex' " [p.145]. A Horinon Anastigmat 7.5cm (75mm) f/3.5 lens
placed in an NKS-FB shutter sported speeds from 1 second to 1/300th, plus
bulb. McKeown's price guide suggests circa $50-75 (in 1992/3), but more
current prices can be seen from EBAY auctions or the latest edition of
McKeown's guide (highly recommended for serious collector and camera buyers!).