Related Local Links:
Beating the 50 lpmm Limit
Film Resolution (lpmm) Pages
How Much Quality Do You Need?
Resolution Issues
Scanners and Resolution
Related Links:
6 MP 24mm x 36mm chip
Buy Dem Digitals (a humorous plea from a used lens buyer..)
CMOS vs. CCD sensors [12/2002]
Defocused Lenses Improve DOF by Tenfold (6/2003)
Digimarc Image Degradation (Ken Rockwell) [9/2002]
Digital Camera Preview Pages
Digital Back vs. Film
Digital - Devil's Handmaiden
Digital's Dirty Little Secret
Digital One Use Storage (like film)
Digital Photography - Is it Worth It? (Peter Williams)
Film Scanners Pages [7/2001]
Film vs. Digital (Dante Stella) [11/2003]
Film vs. Digital (Ken Rockwell) [9/2002]
Flooded Digital Camera Produces Unique Photos (Farrell Photogr.) [6/2003]
Foveon X3 Sensor Images
Fungus Eats CDROM [7/2001]
Fungus eats CDROM Disks (really)
Kodak on antialiasing filters
Lenslets create Credit Card Thickness Lenses (6/2003)
Lifespan of Digital Files by Julian Jackson
Low Cost Medium Format Digital (scanning) [12/2002]
Megapixel Myth (Ken Rockwell) [9/2002]
R.P.Digital FAQ...
Resolution of 3/6/12 MP vs. Film (film > 12 MP)
Scan Tips Pages [7/2001]
Scanning Faq [7/2001]
Should You Buy A Digital Camera? (Ken Rockwell) [9/2002]
Slave Flash Trigger for Digicams
Sony Memory Stick Incompatible with Older Designs [12/2002]
Vertical 3D Chips
National Geographic Rates Film 400% better than latest Nikon D1X Digital |
Erwin Puts, noted Leica lens tester and author, noted in PN014 of his APEMC newsletter (dated 18 Aug 2002) that National Geographic rates the Nikon D1X images for 1/2 page images, while film (slides) are still useful for a double page spread, a 4:1 difference at their quality standards. Mr. Puts notes that this corresponds with his own tests, confirming National Geographic's standards. While slides can often achieve resolutions of 100-120 lpmm (at least, with Leica lenses ;-), most digital cameras run in the 30 to 40 lpmm resolution range. This difference is inherent in digital cameras which require anti-aliasing filters (which are low pass filters) to reduce the high frequency data which contains fine contrast and high resolution data from the lens. |
See posting on June 2003 National Geographic digital layout |
The second consequence is economic. Many people are spending a great deal
of money on digital cameras, computers, software, and printers in the hope
of "saving" money over film based cameras. Unless you are doing a huge
volume of photographs, you probably won't recover the depreciation
losses from going digital over the lower cost of film at typical
amateur shooting volumes.
The final reason is skills related. Being a good digital photographer
involves an entire skill set of mainly computer and software related
skills that aren't part of traditional photography. These skill sets have
a difficult learning curve, and assume much mastery of underlying computer
skills also unrelated to traditional photography.
Yet we all only have so much time for doing photography. Will it be spent
in front of a computer, constantly learning new software and hardware
issues, or will it be spent behind a camera and lens? Will your
photography get better from studying computer manuals, or from studying
the images of great photographers and other artistic sources?
Why Is Digital So Hot? |
Posting on Photo Sales Stats notes.. But get this, even though Digital Camera sales form only 4.0% of All Cameras Sold (including single use) their value is 40% that of all cameras sold. Amazing, eh? |
Question: What is the major photographic benefit from using digital
If you said enhanced depth of field over larger format film based cameras,
you are right. The small size of film sensors corresponds to smaller film
formats, and gives similar DOF benefits. The chip diagonals for common
sensors run from 6-8mm (webcams) up to 14-20mm or so. Recall that a 50mm
lens for 35mm film has (2 stops) more effective DOF than a 75mm lens on a
medium format TLR. By similar ratios, digital cameras can have even larger
DOF than most 35mm users are used to seeing. On the other hand, if you
want to isolate a subject from its surroundings, that huge DOF can be a
serious problem!
Film Vs. Digital Statistics - 400% as Many Film Prints... |
Digital will capture 78 billion images in 2002, but only 1/3 will be printed |
Film will capture and print circa 100 billion images in 2002 (stable for some years) |
The biggest selling point of digital cameras is convenience. You can get a
digital image quickly and conveniently, without the need to develop film
and scan an image. You can print out a color image from many color
printers quickly, without the need to maintain or have a color darkroom.
You can preview your shots in the field, and delete any that you don't
want and retake those you do want. But this instant feedback isn't new.
Many of us have used polaroid film backs on medium format cameras for
Some of these problems are generic to all current digicams. Others are "fixed" in some degree in the high end cameras, esp. with larger sensors (24x36mm) and SLR camera mounts.
How Many Megapixels To Equal 35mm Film? |
"As we've reported in the past and have deduced from our own tests, a tripod mounted, high end SLR with a superb lens and ISO 100 color print film can capture the equivalent of a 40 megapixel sensor. That's an order of magnitude more than a 3.3 or even 4MP sensor..." - Popular Photography, March 2001, page 55. |
Kodak's Estimate (for mid-speed film) is at least 24 Megapixels equivalent... |
AFIPs Peer Reviewed Science Paper (see table) 35mm fast film (ISO 400 and up) = 22.11 megapixel equiv. 35mm medium speed film (ISO 100 to 200) = 54 megapixel equiv. 35mm slow speed film (circa ISO 25-80) = 124.76 megapixel equiv. |
Roger Clark on scanned Velvia 35mm ~ 14.4 MP (200 MP for 4x5") |
What size DSLR sensor do you need to equal the resolution of a mid-speed ISO 100 film?
Kodak suggests you need at least 24 Megapixels. Popular Photography and Imaging Magazine
real world tests suggest you need a 40 megapixel sensor. An AFIPS scientist's tests suggest
that 54 megapixels is possible with mid-speed 35mm film. Let us be conservative, and go with
the "real-world" tests estimate of 40 Megapixels per Popular Photography magazine tests
with mid-speed film.
What would you expect for Velvia, a noted fine grain slide film with ISO speed of 50? Based
on the AFIPS researcher's table above, I would expect about 2 1/2 times the ISO 100 megapixel
estimate. We are using a conservative 40 Megapixel estimate for ISO 100 film (from
Popular Photography real world tests). So I would estimate 2.5 times 40 Megapixels or
100 Megapixels as the expected value for Velvia in 35mm. For even finer and slower ISO 25
films, that value could be as high as 125 Megapixels on 35mm, as suggested by the AFIPS researcher's
table quoted above.
So why do talented and experienced film scanners like Roger Clark (see posting)
get only 200 Megapixels for 4x5" scans of Velvia? That's about 10 Megapixels per square
inch, or about 14.4 Megapixels for 35mm film (24mm x 36mm = 1.4 sq. in.).
My short answer is prosumer scanners are unable to capture the full detail stored in film.
If you switch from a CCD based scanner to a photomultiplier tube drum scanner, you get hugely
more high frequency and high quality image data from film scans. Medium format slide scans
often fill an entire 600+ Megabyte CDROM with a single scan, enabling 3x5' enlargements
(that's feet, not inches ;-).
A related question is why do digital scans produce such grainy images from film? Again, the
short answer is that the charge coupled device sensors are reduced in size to provide high
density scans. But smaller sensors are troubled more by noise. The CCD scan generated noise
interacts with whatever grain is on the film to cause a large increase in the apparent grain.
This problem is different for different films, depending on their grain structure, and to
some degree on the specific scanner in use. But if you scan the same film with a drum scanner,
you get much less noise and a nearly grain free image from fine grained films.
Why is this an important observation? Your 6 Megapixel DSLR will only provide 6 MP images.
The same image shot on film is really being recorded on a 40 megapixel sensor (ISO 100 film)
or even a 100 Megapixel sensor (i.e., Velvia ISO 50 film). As scanners improve, or with a
$10-15 drum scan today, you can get this image quality from film. Most of us have seen and
admired the grainless enlargements from slide film called "laser prints" on Cibachrome or
Ilfochrome papers, often to poster and even wall sized prints. As future film scanners improve,
the results achieved will be equally impressive for film users in the future. But you will
be able to have your film scanned on higher quality scanners, and get larger enlargements
and higher quality images from film than any DSLR can now provide.
What about all those claims of digital users who have "tested" their DSLRs against film and
determined that film produces less quality than their 3.1 Megapixel camera, or new 6 megapixel
camera or whatever? Who do you think knows more about testing film and digital cameras: these
amateur testers or Kodak and the lab technicians at Popular Photography's testing lab?
Since medium format film is circa 3.8 to 4.2 times the area of 35mm film format, it follows
that medium format is 3.8 to 4.2 times the megapixel rating of the 35mm films, depending on
the specific film ISO speed and particular format (e.g., 6x6cm vs. 6x7cm). Likewise, large format
such as 4x5" is roughly 14 times the size of 35mm film. So it will take at least a 512 Megapixel
sensor to equal 4x5" film at ISO 100 speeds!
Why Is 16 Megapixels As Good a Resolution as Digicams Can Get? |
Mr. Mead said that because of fundamental size limits in the wavelengths of light, it is unlikely that future digital sensors will gain much additional resolution. [Mr. Mead is head of Foveon 16 MP Chip Designer] N.Y.Times article |
Foveon's 16MP
chip uses 0.18 micron technology, versus 0.35 to 0.5 micron features
for their current 3.1 and 6 MP chip competitors. But we are near the end
of what current CMOS technology can do, now and in the foreseeable future.
The flip side is that at 16MP, the results will be good enough for most
current disposable camera and point and shoot users. So there may also not
be much market pressure for higher density chips, just like there aren't
many large format users today either.
Foveon's 16MP chip is also 22 by 22 millimeters square(!), which is a
problem for rectangular format fans such as 35mm SLR's familiar 2:3
ratios. Simple geometry suggests the 22x22mm chip will only image 56% of
the 24x36mm format provided by conventional 35mm SLRs. Using your 35mm SLR
lenses would result in a chip-based cropping of the 2x3 rectangle to a 1:1
square - surprise! Your wide angle lenses will become much less wide too
after this digital cropping. Things will be worse on medium format, with
the 22x22mm chip only imaging 16% of the format area. So a very wide and
heavy 40mm Hasselblad lens will act like a 100mm short telephoto lens. Too
bad for us wide angle fan(atics)!
Foveon's 22x22mm square chip has 16.8 million sensors, representing 4,096
x 4,096 sensors on a square grid. Given 4,096 sensors on each 22mm axis,
you must have circa 186+ sensors per linear millimeter (i.e.,
4096/22=186+). You need two rows of sensors to image a line (black/white).
So 186 sensors per millimeter corresponds to 93 lpmm (186/2). The sensor
can only achieve such maximum resolution if you were to optimally and
carefully align the lines with the image grid. In practice, the alignment
would be more or less random, and you would only get about half the
maximum resolution or about 45 lpmm (cf. Nyquist sampling limits).
Strange as it may seem, the big problem with most optical systems for
digital sensors is they are too good. Lenses have aerial resolutions that
can run as high as 300 to 600+ lpmm. A low pass filter setup is used to
reduce this high frequency response so it doesn't cause problems (such as
aliasing). You may also have an infrared filter in front of your sensor,
so it isn't adversely affected by invisible IR radiation to which many
silicon based sensors are very sensitive.
Kodak's 11 Megapixel Chip Ups Ante |
Another interesting problem with using existing 35mm SLR lenses designed
for film use is that digital sensors are not flat. Instead, the digital
sensor's active site is inside a sensor "well" or cavity. The walls of
this cavity keep light from the side from easily reaching the sensor
below. The ideal lens for digital sensors would provide a parallel bundle
of rays (rather than converging) from the rear of the lens onto the
sensors. Light from very wide angle lenses in particular come in at a
severe angle to the chip surface from many points on the lens. This light
can be blocked, providing yet another problem when trying to use current
35mm SLR lenses on digital sensors.
This problem is currently masked by the small chip size of most sensors
(e.g., 22 by 22 mm for the Foveon 16MP chip). The chip is only seeing the
center of the image circle, often after passing through additional optics
plus the front filters (IR, low pass..) on the digital chip surface. We
should mention that filters behind the lens cause focus shifts (equal to
1/3rd their thickness, usually) (see Filter
FAQ). Other problems like flare can be made worse by rear mounted
filters too.
Medium format users would be cropping to the same 22mm x 22mm chip size.
So even if we could get such a 16MP chip in a 6x6cm digital back, we would
get only 1/6th of the image, and at less than optimal resolution. You can
add optics to focus the 56x56mm image onto a 22x22mm square. But besides
the cost, you also have to expect rather lower total resolution. The
resolution of your optics onto the 22x22mm square is already marginally
low, and doesn't get full benefit from the chip's potential resolution.
Since the big advantage of medium format is larger film area, using a
small chip defeats this expectation. You might as well use 35mm SLR optics
and save the weight and cost, since the chip size and optics are the
limiting factors.
My bet is that the 16MP and larger chips will be made as small as
technology limits (chiefly noise) will allow, and the lenses will be sized
to match. Fortunately for users, small lenses such as those used for
microfilm cameras can have very high resolutions at relatively low cost
(e.g., 250 to 350+ lpmm). It is much easier to improve a small lens and
minimize aberrations than in a large one. On the other hand, diffraction
becomes a big problem with small lenses very quickly (e.g., past f/2.8).
So I would predict very small, lightweight, and fast optics. I think fixed
wider angle lenses will be popular, while "zooming" will be done digitally
using interpolation. The lenses will be fast because the smaller size of
the sensors will make it hard to avoid noise unless you have a lot of
signal (light). Sheets of microlenses looking like bug eyes will help
focus light from the entire chip surface onto the limited light sensitive
area of the chips (e.g., 30% of chip area).
I am not saying 24x36mm or even 56x56mm (6x6cm) or larger chips won't ever
be made. I am betting that those larger chips will be custom production
runs, for a very limited (in chip maker terms) market of 35mm and larger
camera users. The really low cost mass produced chips will not be aimed at
the relative handful of us owning 35mm SLRs. The current Foveon 16MP CMOS
chip maker (National Semiconductor) CEO is even talking about millions of
cheap 16MP sensor chips added to portable videophones and other gizmos
including disposable 16 MP cameras (actually, recycleable is a better
Now do you think that you are going to lug around that medium format
camera and lenses, or your ten pound bag of 35mm SLR bodies and heavy zoom
lenses and tripods, or a six ounce $100 16 Megapixel recycle-able camera?
Remember, both will deliver the same 16MP resolution. The tiny lens on the
disposable camera may even have lower distortion than those oldie Zeiss or
Nikon optics which weigh much more. After all, you can use digital
technology to map the distortions on the lens and then correct for them in
software (but not in film). Do you really think you will carry around all
that obsolete glass, or just use the 16MP sensor in your video digicam or
videophone and upload directly to your server and home printer?
My bet is that another ten years will have most current 35mm and larger
film format cameras seem as heavy and unappealing as a wooden Kodak 5x7"
view camera.
But the bright lining in this digital cloud is that film is likely to
remain the high quality choice in the future as it is today. The 16MP chip
developer, Carver Mead, is quoted as saying that it is unlikely that
digital chips will gain much additional resolution and may already be
pushing the limits. So to get more resolution, they will have to make
bigger chips, but that will cost much more due to lower chip yields and
limited market demands. Digital camera chips are really only affordable
when they are mass produced, and that requires a mass market. Few users
today have a need for quality beyond 35mm, as lagging medium format and
large format market shares show. So folks who want a high quality image
and larger prints will need to turn to film to supply that quality for at
least the foreseeable future.
Most films are limited to a dynamic range of 7 or 8 stops in practice, for
a light range of 1:128 or 1:256. Silicon sensors are capable of much
greater dynamic ranges. However, most prosumer digital cameras limit the
range of response to a rather narrow range for best picture quality.
Under challenging conditions of lighting or subject matter, you may have
to reshoot after deleting the bad shot seen on the tiny camera back
mounted LCD screen. Many cameras have only a limited ASA or film speed
rating range in which this response range can be shifted.
By contrast, you can select film speeds from ASA 0.6 to 32,000. Film reciprocity makes it possible to adjust
exposures (and filtering) for longer exposures, up to some hours long for
moonlit landscape photos. You can't do this
with digital sensors, unless you intend to cool them in liquid nitrogen.
The sensors build up noise quickly, so good images can only be achieved
for a limited range of short time durations. So certain kinds of long
exposure time photography can not be done with digital cameras due to
these sensor noise accumulation problems.
Silicon sensors are very much more efficient with low level light than
film (however, a 10X or 1,000% faster fine grain film is in the offing,
see below). Here again, most digital cameras limit the range of film speed
equivalents to only one or two film speeds. Most modest cost consumer
digital cameras have a fixed film speed. So what could be a benefit of
digital cameras is lost against the ability of film users to pick a range
of film sensitivities up to 6,400 ASA and beyond. Making this worse are
the new print films with multiple light sensitivity ranges from 100 ASA to
1,000 ASA/ISO ratings in the same film.
Because of their dynamic range, silicon sensors should have a wider
latitude of exposure in theory than film. Unfortunately, in practice most
digital consumer cameras have an optimal lighting range for getting good
pictures that is not very large. By contrast, color print and black and
white films have a rather wide range of exposure latitude over which it is
possible to get an acceptable print out of the film. Even slide films have
a one or more stop range of over or under exposure.
Most consumer digital cameras respond poorly to under or overexposure.
Most models seem to work best with a limited range of light (e.g., sunny
f/16 daylight conditions). The flash units on lower end digicams are often
automatically triggered to supplement even relatively bright light levels.
The higher end and more costly digital cameras provide more of the
potential range of silicon sensor benefits to the user. But even here, the
film user can choose from a wider range of ASA film speeds and often
greater latitude in under or over-exposures too.
Digital camera users often proclaim that they can make as many exact
digital copies as they wish. That's important, since the rapid
obsolescence of storage and computer and digital camera technology means a
new generation of each is out every 12 to 18 months. Many digital users
ignore the costs of these upgrades. They also ignore the time and labor it
takes to organize, backup and convert their images to the latest formats
and storage systems. Backups are particularly critical since destructive
viruses can potentially destroy your entire online digital photo
If you maintained your digital photos online, this practice would help
backup your images automatically via the file server backups. But most web
sites are limited to 10 megabytes storage, or 100 megabytes at best, with
charges often related to the number of stored megabytes. For high
resolution image scans (e.g., TIFF), it won't take many images to use up
10 or 100 megabytes of storage. So your costs for maintaining these files
online represent yet another hidden cost of going digital for many users.
Consumer Family Photo Albums at Risk From Computer Crashes per Fuji Stats |
A large fraction of consumer family digital photo albums are at risk, according to a U.K. Fujifilm funded study reported in British Journal of Photography of May 21, 2003 (p.9). Some 63% of the 5 million digital camera users in the U.K. are at risk of losing some or all of their images. Some 81% of those who regularly saved images on a computer hard drive had NO form of backups! Over a third of U.K. digital camera using consumers relied solely on the computer hard drive to save their images. Yikes! How many digital camera users in the USA are also just one computer virus or hard disk crash away from losing ALL of their digital images? |
You can use gigabytes of local storage instead. But you have to have a way
to backup those gigabytes and do so often enough not to lose data in
system or virus related crashes. Digital files are subject to the various
risks of film and prints (fires, floods..) but also add their own risks.
Having seen lots of virus related crashes this last year alone, I suspect
that digital photo files are much more at risk than traditional film and
print media, especially in the home (non-professional backups)
Leafscan 45 Film Scans File Sizes (source) | ||||
Format | Max. PPI | width pixels | height pixels | approx. file size |
35mm portrait | 5080 | 5080 | 7400 | 113 mb |
35mm landscape | 2540 | 4000 | 2790 | 32 mb (cropped) |
6x4.5cm | 2540 | 6000 | 4500 | 81 mb |
6x6cm | 2540 | 6000 | 6000 | 103 mb |
6x7cm | 2540 | 6000 | 7000 | 126 mb |
6x9cm | 2540 | 6000 | 9000 | 162 mb |
6x12cm | 2540 | 6000 | 12000 | 216 mb |
4x5" portrait | 1200 | 4740 | 4740 | 67 mb (cropped) |
4x5" landscape | 1200 | 6000 | 4740 | 82 mb |
Digital sensors are subject to a rather troubling problem called
"aliasing". Aliasing can occur because digital sensors are precisely
deposited arrays of sensors and silicon features in a regular grid
structure. This grid pattern can interact with regularities or patterns in
the image to produce a series of artifacts on the digital imaging. The
most familiar example are the Moire patterns and color fringing artifacts.
To try and prevent this troubling problem, most higher end digital cameras
have extensive image processing and aliasing detection software. This
software tries to guess when you have an aliasing problem (versus when you
are using a diffraction grid filter, say). Then the software tries to
guess how best to process the image to remove the aliasing artifacts in
the image. Depending on the software and aliasing image, the result can be
very good to very poor.
The solution to an aliasing problem is simple. You need to convert the
regular array of identically sized sensors into an irregular, randomized
array of sensors of different size. This solution to digital aliasing is
precisely what we have with film grain - an irregular array of different
sized grains of light sensitive elements.
Grain Free Scans using Provia Film Beats DSLRs |
Grain isn't the reason I'll be switching to digital: 645 Provia scanned at 4000 dpi on the Nikon 8000 is essentially grain free albeit a tad soft; downsampled (carefully) to 2000 dpi makes 13MP files that are significantly better than what comes out of the 1Ds. |
Many digital camera users are familiar with the problem of "blown" highlights. Digital images
often have to be very carefully exposed to prevent or control highlight areas. The problem is
particularly acute with digital video. The toe and shoulders of film's characteristic curve
enables errors in film exposure to be compensated after exposure by shifting up or down the
characteristic curve into these non-linear response regions. The flattened change in slope of
these non-linear regions means large errors produce only slight increases in shadow or highlight
So while film and digital sensors may have similar dynamic range in many cases, digital values
are inherently linear, and so block up when maximum levels are reached. With film, the shoulder
response is non-linear. A stop or two of over-(or under) exposure can be compensated for in
processing or copying. With digital, blown highlights or blocked up shadows can not be restored.
The size of film grain is a randomized bell shaped curve distribution
around some average grain size which is different for each speed and type
of emulsion. A typical film grain for mid-speed film might be circa one
micron in area.
The first thing you might conclude here is that you would get, on average,
nine film grains with a total area of 9 microns (one micron area each)
into the same size space as one silicon sensor, namely 9 square microns
based on a 3 micron square sensor feature size.
So even if you could build a silicon sensor array the same size as film,
it would have much lower resolution than film because of the large
size of most silicon sensors versus film grains.
Dry Plates vs. Digital Surprises... |
You may think that dry plates also are history, but in my day job (holography) we use dry plates every day. We would _love_ to go digital, but we need about 5000 line-pairs/mm of resolution to match the performance we get from dry plates. Digital detectors are still about two orders of magnitude away from that requirement. ... from posting by Helge Nareid |
Film cheats by layering the different color filters and emulsion layers
one on top of the other in the typical color film emulsion. This trick is
impossible in making a silicon sensor, since they are a planar grid in two
dimensions. You can't stack silicon sensors vertically, because the top
layer would block light from reaching the sensors underneath it.
Moreover, film is an analog medium. A film grain may overlap another grain by any
percentage value, not just a binary "1" or "0". So the actual range of densities
in a 20 micron thick typical film emulsion is highly variable over a wide range.
A particular digital sensor of say 12 bits accuracy can register 2^12 or 4,096 tonal
values from a 36 micron square sensor site. But film's analog variability is much
higher, given 20 or more grains which can overlap by any of a continuous range of
values from 0% to 100%.
The layered nature of color film emulsion lets us achieve a remarkably
small area for our color sensors. If the average grain size is our typical
one micron area, it will be the same in each color layer (red, green,
blue..). These color grains can be superimposed on top of each other to
create the individual color elements in the final color Kodachrome
Why did I say Kodachrome slide above? Because Kodachrome slide films
replace the individual film grains exposed in each layer with a colored
dye of essentially the same size. Other E-6 color slide films such as
Ektachromes and Fujichromes are simpler to process, but the resulting
color dye blobs are somewhat larger than the original exposed film grains.
Now you know why Kodachrome slides are so sharp. The Kodachrome chemistry
is different, and the smaller color blobs result in higher resolution and
sharper slides for Kodachrome slides. Newer color print films have finally
equalled and in some cases exceeded non-Kodachrome slides in potential
resolution recently.
As a result of this film processing effect, we have to de-rate the
advantage of the small one-micron sized film grain area somewhat. So
we won't claim that our one micron film grains are 36 smaller than
the average digital color sensor area (a composite of 4 color filter
masked sensors of 9 microns area each). Instead, we'll suggest that color
film enjoys a 20-fold or better advantage in smaller color sensor area
against digital camera sensors.
To a large degree the inherent colour characteristics of a digital camera are effectively like buying a film camera, then using only one film brand (or even one specific emulsion) for each ISO setting.. Source: "Digital Colour" Insert, British Journal of Photography, P. 09, in The Ellusive Butterfly by John Clements and Jon Tarrant (p.08-11). |
Is white balancing a real plus for digital cameras, as often claimed? Probably not, at least for many film
using photographers who make a point of waiting for the "magic hours". These "magic hours" right around
sunrise and sunset are called "magic" precisely because of the warm and grazing lighting effects in landscape and
similar travel photography. I regularly use yellowish #812 or #81A/B filters to provide an extra bit of warmth in
the bluish shade of daylight photographs. At other times, the blue cast of tungsten film mis-used in daylight
can be used to emphasize the coldness of winter scenes, as one popular cliche example. Photographers can also
"tune" their lens coloration with color correcting gel filters as desired.
The above quote was highlighted by a series of tests by the BJP article authors of sundry digital cameras.
Not only did the color response vary between different sensors and brands of hardware and
software in digital cameras, but it also varied between different ISO settings on the same camera!
I found the differences in color casts between different film and digital cameras to be surprisingly
large. I was especially surprised by the large degree of color bias in the sample portraits of some
digital cameras, especially against other more neutral models (e.g., Nikon D series versus Olympus E series).
Many film users make a point of selecting particular films, with known color biases, to match
particular subjects. For example, I used to shoot Kodachrome 25 for its fine grain and response
to reds found on coral reefs in my underwater photography classes. Fujichrome did far better
with greens in tropical scenery, so I carried some fuji films for their color signature too. Konica
film was consistently picked as having the best skin tones in viewer tests. The new Kodak 100EVS
and similar films have color biases tuned to subjects such as portraiture (skin tones..) or
landscapes (e.g., pumping up color saturation for fall foliage color shots).
What does this matter? Simply stated, different cameras "white balance" to different degrees and
biases, resulting in particular color casts in their images compared to other brands and film.
Some digital users claim that they can adjust the color balance of their digital
images to mimic nearly any film color response. Maybe so, but it takes a lot of time in Photoshop to get
this color balance convincingly right. Many digital cameras do offer a useful feature of bypassing
the software color biases of different cameras by downloading the raw sensor data directly. But
in these cases, the digital photographer has to provide the efforts needed to achieve the desired
color biases and balances by over-riding the built-in camera software.
To my view, the color biases of film emulsions remain a useful creative tool. Evidently, digital
camera users have felt so too. Digital camera users are now demanding similar standardized
color biases settings as a menu option, similar to various popular film color biases such as
Velvia. Similarly, digital image processing programs are vying to come up with such film like
color bias palettes, again to provide this simple and effective way to match color bias to subject.
If such color biases were not useful, then why are digital camera users demanding them as new
features in cameras and image processing software?
In fact, you can calculate the maximum resolution of today's digital
camera sensors based on the sensor size. When you do, you get a value of
circa 55 lpmm as the maximum resolution of most sensors. Simply realize
that a lpmm has to have a line of black dots and a line of white dots to
tell it is a distinct line. Color sensors (with support and control lines)
are typically spaced 9 microns apart, so two lines of sensors take 18
microns to make a line of black and white dots. From the math, 1/18
microns is 0.0555 lines per micron, times 1,000 microns per millimeter,
yielding 55.5 lpmm. So the best case resolution of current day consumer
digital camera sensors is typically around 55 lpmm.
In the real world, you need to consider sampling issues, as image data
will practically never align with the sensor array in the theoretically
maximum resolution best case. Generally, you only get about half the
maximum value, or under 30 lpmm in our example. This resolution limit
would be easily achieved with 800 ASA print film in the $8.95 disposable
Kodak Max HQ cameras with two element plastic lenses (rated at over 30
lpmm in Popular Photography
Darkroom Print, Inkjet, or Color Laser Prints - Which is "the Best"? |
I have it printed as 8x10 on whatever printer I am considering (ink jet, color laser, etc) with proper paper, ink, etc. I also had it printed at a digital service center, and printed directly off the negative. Then I let "someone else" look at them with instructions not too be worried about slight color shifts (I know those could be corrected with enough time in Photoshop). I simply want their opinion of which is "sharper or clearer". So far, the ink jets and color lasers have never been selected as "the best". |
Many photographers are happy with less than 4 lpmm on prints which are
viewed at a longer distance (e.g., 20 inches or more). Larger prints are
often viewed from afar. So you can't detect the lower print resolution
without getting up close (e.g., 16x20" at 20"...). If you masked off an
8x10" section of these larger prints, and looked at it from ten inches,
you would see that the print quality is less than optimal (with
experience). The effects of low quality minilab prints has led to a
further erosion in the level of acceptable print quality too.
Most digital printers use a relaxed print quality standard as a way of
expanding the size and area of an "acceptable" quality digital print.
The math is again simple arithmetic. For 300 dpi printers, you divide 300
dots per inch by 25.4 millimeters per inch. The result is 11.8 dots per
millimeter. Unfortunately, it takes a row of black and a row of white to
make a line. So we have to divide that 11.8 dots per millimeter by 2 to
produce circa 6 lpmm on the final print. So a 300 dpi printer is capable
of producing nearly 6 lpmm quality prints.
To reach the Leica standard of 8 lpmm on the final print, you would need
over 400 dpi (25.4mm/inch x 8 lpmm x 2 dots/line).
What does a typical 3 megapixel camera deliver? First, start by ignoring
that many 3 megapixel cameras have really just 2.7 million usable pixels.
We will also ignore that most digital sensors are not 8:10 aspect ratios.
An 8x10" print printed full frame has 8" x 10" or 80 square inches of
area. Dividing 3 million pixels from the digital camera by 80 sq. in.
yields 37,500 pixels per square inch. The square root of 37,500 is 193
pixels per linear inch. In other words, a 3 megapixel camera can only
produce 193 pixels of true color data when making an 8x10" print. But many
color printers print at 300 dpi, or 600 dpi, 1200 dpi, or even 2400 dpi.
So where are all those millions of extra colored dots coming from?
In practice, software is used to interpolate or project a smoothed set of
data for the printer even when printing at a modest 300 dpi. As we
calculated above for a 3 MP digicam, we have circa 37,500 pixels/sq. inch.
For 300 pixels/inch, we need 300x300 or 90,000 pixels/sq. inch. We have
only 37,500 pixels/sq. inch. In other words, the software is interpolating
roughly 2 out of every 3 pixels in a typical 8x10" print at 300 dpi.
Now you know why digital prints have such a smooth and "creamy" texture to
them. The vast majority of printed color dots are interpolated between the
relative handful of actual or real color data points from the digital
camera. The higher the printer dpi, the more dots and the more smoothing
that goes on.
Given that 400 dpi corresponds to 8 lpmm, 193 dpi corresponds to less than
4 lpmm. So an optimally sized true 3 megapixel camera is delivering at
best less than half the 400 dpi needed for a Leica quality standard print.
Stated another way, a Leica quality print (at 8 lpmm) will have four times
the resolvable image data on the same size print. That is quite a quality
To get a Leica quality standard (8 lpmm) 8x10" print out of an optimized
aspect ratio (4:5) sensor digital camera, you need not a 3 megapixel
camera but more like a 12 megapixel camera (4 times more sensors).
Assuming future 2:3 aspect ratio (corresponding to 35mm film's 24x36mm)
digital cameras, a 16 megapixel camera will just about produce an 8 lpmm
quality standard 8x10" full print on a 300 dpi color printer.
Imagine a window screen in which each tiny square blocked 2/3rds of the
light. You will still have an image, but it might be somewhat different
from one in which 100% of the light is used to generate data. The actual
point where a dark area and light area change over in the image may be
incorrectly guessed by the software. Moreover, smaller light sensitive
areas mean fewer photons are captured, and eventually the noise levels
kill the quality of your digital image.
Some chips (such as RCA) use a matrix of microlenses over these smaller
chip sensors. This trick helps the smaller sensor act more like their more
efficient (70% or so) cousins, especially improving noise performance. But
the flip side is that the smaller sensor size can't be used to improve the
potential resolution of these chips.
One reason current sensors remain relatively large is that the overall
system costs are kept lower by using cheaper lenses. This factor more than
offsets the slightly larger silicon real estate used in making the larger
chips. With a 9 micron sensor, we had circa 55 lpmm as a resolution limit.
The sensor is smaller than 35mm film, so it is easier to make a higher
resolution lens for it more cheaply than for 35mm film too. Most third
party zoom lenses can easily deliver this level of optical resolution for
the small size sensors of most current chips. So we are at a "sweet spot"
where the chip size and required low lens resolution makes it cheap and
easy to build current digicams.
Let us say you develop a 16 MP chip with much higher density in the
desired 24mm x 36mm size format. Since today's 3 to 5 MP chips are
slightly smaller than 35mm film (by 40% or so on), some of the higher
density will come from larger chip area to reach 24x36mm sizes. The rest
will have to come from higher sensor density. But there is a problem with
denser and smaller sensors due to problems with noise in the small sized sensors
and the limited amount of light hitting the smaller sensors.
Assuming you have roughly halved the sensor size, you would expect roughly twice the
resolution you had before. Our old 9 micron sensors delivered at most roughly
55 lpmm. Twice that 55 lpmm value is 110 lpmm. For example, if the new X3
technology announced in Jan/Feb 2002 (see postings) enables stacking three
red, green, and blue sensors on a single sensor site, then such resolutions
might be achieved (at least in bright light)? For photographers using
autofocus, our AF lenses can rarely exceed
50 lpmm with any consistency. Many low end consumer zooms may be challenged
to deliver 110 lpmm resolution to the chip surface (especially in the corners).
I do need to point out that when we deal with lens resolution on film, it is
the result of the camera, lens, and film resolution components taken together
as a system. With most color films, the low film resolution
limits (typically 50 lpmm to 80 lpmm) means that the film is more limiting than
our lenses. Many lenses can deliver well over 200 and even 400 lpmm, with some
high end optics (e.g., Leica summicron 50mm) hitting 650 lpmm aerial lens
resolution. The problem is that these lenses are too good!
So digital camera designers have to put in a low pass filter, which cuts off the
high frequency components. Those high frequency components are the crispy details
and sharp elements in your image, and the image projected by a quality lens. None
of this data gets to the digital image sensor, where it could cause aliasing and
other problems. The low pass filter is basically a softening filter that is permanently
mounted over your digital camera sensor to "dumb down" your lens to a low enough
resolution compatible with your digital sensor. So you might as well be using a cheapy
lens with most such low pass filtered digital sensors. The costly high resolution
components of your pricey OEM lenses will be filtered out and lost anyway.
The flip side of this argument is that 35mm sized chip sensors can only
deliver resolutions slightly better than today's 3MP to 5MP cameras using
current 35mm lenses. At some point, you don't have enough light to provide
a large enough signal to the sensors to overcome the inherent noise in the
smaller sized sensors. Do you see the problem here?
How about a medium format sized chip? With a larger area, you could use
current medium format lenses with a larger area chip to yield higher
quality digital images (e.g., 16MP). The problem here is few folks have
medium format rigs, and they are big and heavy. The larger chips would
have higher rejection rates. The bigger chips would have more chances
to have a defect on them due to their larger area. That spells higher
costs too. To me, these observations suggest that the cost of custom
digital backs for medium format will remain high for some time to come.
The other side of this issue is whether it will be worthwhile to have a
digital back or digital film insert for existing 35mm SLRs and medium
format rigs. None of the current 35mm film based SLRs nor medium format
rigs are optimal platforms for a digital system. Only a few medium format
cameras even have data links to their backs and lenses (e.g., Rollei).
Now suppose a 16 MP digital camera with a super high resolution microfilm
format zoom lens weighs less than a pound with batteries and gigabytes of
removable data elements. Thanks to mass production, it costs under $1,000.
Do you really think you would lug around, let alone buy, medium format or
35mm SLR bodies to get much lower resolution images from the lower
resolution 35mm or 6x6cm lenses? No, huh? Conversely, given you can have a
200 lpmm zoom microfilm format lens for $100 cost on your 16 MP digicam,
will you really be bummed out by not having to carry around all those 35mm
or 6x6cm heavy lenses? Hmmm? The only thing you are getting by
using your 35mm or medium format SLR as a base for a digital camera
is a poorly designed and heavy case. Your expensive high resolution lenses will
be wasted as their high contrast and high resolution images are put through a
low pass filter (acting as a softening filter essentially) to reduce your high
dollar lens resolution to a low enough level to match the chip's limitations.
In short, I think we will see an interim design using the existing base of
35mm SLR lenses at or near their resolution limits on a digicam body for
the 5 to 10 MP resolution chips. Medium format backs will continue to be
specialty items at high cost, due to the small size of the market and its
fractured nature (hasselblad vs. rollei vs. mamiya..). The future 16 MP
digicams will probably use smaller high density chips mandating smaller
high resolution optics which will obsolete 35mm SLR lens based
Digital camera users would have you believe that since you don't need film
or minilabs to do digital prints, the cost of digital photos is
effectively zero. Maybe so, but they must be stealing those 2CR23
batteries from somewhere. If you are used to replacing a mercury or silver
cell in your light meter every 3 to 5 years, the battery costs for a
digital camera can be a suprise. Even worse, if you need to use flash for
many of your photos, you will be shocked at how fast even a small flash
eats up lithium batteries. On one of my web cameras, I can take 250 shots
per set of batteries (3 cents per photo), or 60 shots with flash. A
typical mix yields circa 8 cents per photo for digital camera battery
costs alone.
Naturally, you could use an external battery pack with rechargeable
batteries and a charger, and carry spare batteries. Some digital pro
cameras use AA rechargeable batteries, although many prefer the higher
energy and much higher cost NiMH rechargeables. My homebrew external
battery pack for one of my memory card cameras weighs more than the
digital camera. But most folks just put more batteries in while arguing to
themselves that they are really saving much more on film and processing.
Note that I am not counting the cost of external strobe batteries here
either, since that would be the same for film too. But on many digital
consumer cameras, there isn't a provision for triggering an external
strobe except by using the internal flash to trigger a slave photosensor
on the bigger external flash. Most digital camera strobes have such low
flash power that they can't really do much for lighting even at 6 to 10
feet. So you may end up with a much larger kit using a real strobe to
light the eyes of subjects even ten feet away.
What if you elect to make digital prints of all your photos to 4x6" or
5x7" or whatever your photolab provides? You have to pay for the costs of
paper and ink. If you want the highest quality photos, the proper papers
cost around $1 per sheet. For four 4x6" prints, that's about 25 cents each
- for high quality photo-grade papers. So if you are using the high
quality paper, plus ink, plus factor in battery costs, the cost per 4x6"
print is higher for digital prints than the cost of film and processing
for mini-lab prints.
One nice feature of digital printing is that you can make pretty good
quality 8x10" prints, even 11x14" and panoramics up to 11x48" on some
color printers. You can, that is, if you start with a film image that is
scanned into a digital file. Today's current 3 megapixel digital cameras
may produce an acceptable 8x10" print on some shots, but few can do a full
print (to the borders) on 11x14". You can find mail-order places offering
8x10" prints at modest costs (often just over $1 per print in bulk). I
find it a bit paradoxical that the big savings with digital image
processing and printing isn't feasible with current digital cameras, but
rather only to those of us using both film and digital technology.
You can use regular paper or lower cost photo paper in many printers, but
the quality will be less (and possibly less archival). Many printers and ink
suppliers claim "archival" lives of up to 500 years for their products. However,
real world experience has repeatedly shown disappointing archival qualities for
many digital print materials and inks, especially if exposed to ultraviolet from
fluorescent or sunlight sources. The fine print in some ads emphasizes that you must
use the specified special papers to achieve archival quality.
One test by Ilford U.K.
found that the cost of a high quality digital print on these archival papers with archival
inks was virtually the same as a chemical print from film of the same size (i.e., over 2 GBP or
approx. $3 US$). The lower cost papers and inks showed significant fading with sunlight exposure
in less than six weeks in some cases. The archival inks on the wrong non-archival papers also
showed noticeable losses within a year or so too. So you may have to keep reprinting those
digital prints every year or so to avoid a bleached out or color shifted image from non-archival
processing and materials.
Another significant
cost is ink, which can run anywhere from a few cents per print on up (some
printers require 3 or 4 ink cartridges at up to $30 retail a pop). Some printers doing
maximum quality photo realistic prints may get only a dozen or so prints from a set of
cartridges. So while it is possible to spend less on printer paper with some digital printers,
you still have significant on-going costs for ink, paper, batteries, and other supplies.
What other supplies? How about all those CDROMs or zip disks that are
storing your digital images? A 3 megapixel camera (at 16 million colors is
24 bits or 3 bytes per color pixel) works out to circa 9 megabytes of raw
data per image. Even a 1 megapixel 24-bit color image is 3 megabytes. You
can use lossy compression (e.g., JPEG) and greatly reduce these file
sizes, but at the loss of already marginal image data and fidelity of the
image. You will also need to backup your files on other media (e.g.,
negatives and prints are backups of each other). What I am suggesting here
is that you have a significant cost in storage media which is often
ignored by those claiming that digital camera costs are nearly zero.
Fungus Eats CDROMs - Watch Out! |
Remember The Andromeda Strain? A letter in British Journal of Photography of July 4, 2001 (p.10) reports the common fungus genus Geotrichum has been reported as the cause of damage to some CDROMs, based on tests by CDROM maker Phillips Inc. Evidently, the fungus attacks from the edge of the CDROM, destroying both the metallic film and associated plastic layers where data is stored and rendering the CDROM unreadable. Fungus can and does attack film too, depending on storage conditions (wet is bad, very dry is much better). |
Nobody wants a 640x480 web camera, or even a 1.2 megapixel digital camera,
when you can get a 3 megapixel (usually 2.7 MP on chip) camera. As with
older computers, the price drops precipitiously. That economic loss when
upgrading to a new digital camera model every few years - new printer
and new computer and new storage system and new software version of
Photoshop... - hey, it all adds up.
Let's assume that your depreciation losses on upgrading your setup to a
new digital camera and new printer are as suggested above. That works out
to a $2,000 depreciation loss on hardware, software, and peripherals in
two years, or roughly $1,000 per year. This figure is roughly the same as
the running costs for the more active film amateur photographers shooting
a few rolls of film per week. Our casual shooters burning a roll a month
or $100 a year are spending rather less on their photography. So the vast
majority of amateur photographers would be out less money if they are
shooting film with film cameras with a much longer obsolescence period
(e.g., ten years or $100 per year in camera obsolescence).
Speaking of obsolescence, don't forget that high power computer, disk
drives, monitor, CDROM, backup tape drive, and color scanner.
Now you need a CDROM burner, no make that a DVD reader, no, you really
need this DVD burner and buggy software that goes with it. The syquest
tape backup drive is out, you need a DAT backup tape system. The old 15
inch monitor is too small, you really need this 19 or 21 inch monitor. And
your old color scanner is only 24 bits, don't you really need 30 or 32
bits? Don't forget to get the light table for it to scan film in too. You
could use an Intel 486 for your internet email and office projects, but to
run Photoshop with 128 megabytes you really need a Pentium II, or is it
III or IV? If all this sounds familiar, it is probably because you too are
on the digital express. As Alice in Wonderland said, you have to keep
running to stay in place. Only with digital photography, you have to keep
paying and paying!
Speaking from my teaching experience, I can assure you that there is an
arduous learning curve for non-geeks learning digital photography and
computer technology. The cost of books and courses is also never mentioned
by advocates of digital photography. You can often buy a nice coffee table
sized photobook by a favorite pro photographer for the price of a thick
and boring software book with CDROM.
The cost of image processing software, add-in packages for special
effects, and other software packages is also not trivial. It is not
unusual to pay more for computer software than for computer hardware,
especially with some programs like Photoshop and the Adobe suite costing
over $500 for a commercial copy. Don't forget to factor in all those
digital photography and computer magazine subscriptions that you will be
reading to learn the inside tips too.
And finally, every hour behind the computer monitor or reading a computer
software book or manual is another hour you won't be spending
taking pictures.
I am suggesting that it may be hard to justify a costly 64 MP chip camera
if you are just doing 11x14" prints. Many of us will be happy with 8x10"
or 11x14" prints from a 16 MP digicam, just as we are today with minilab
prints in this size. A square chip would provide 8192 pixels on each axis,
or 4096 lines, yielding 500 mm of print with circa 8 lpmm print quality,
or one meter (circa 39") of 4 lpmm print quality. But if you are just
printing 8x10" or 11x14" prints, the higher density of the 64 MP chips may
be overkill that won't show up in the prints. The human eye can't see or
resolve the data past circa 8 lpmm, so the extra information might not be
readily discernible?
Interpolation happens at a number of levels. The sensors on a typical chip
are only able to measure levels of light, typically 8 bits or 0 to 255
levels of greyscale data. To generate a color picture element (pixel), we
have to use at least three sensors, each of which is masked with a color
filter to respond mainly to red, green, or blue light. The 8 bits of red,
8 bits of green, and 8 bits of blue data are used to create a 24 bit color
value. In practice, we use a four element Bayer pattern of RGGB, partly
because such a power of two array is easier to design, access, and build.
Since the human eye is most sensitive to green light, the averaged green
information provides the best and most pleasing image results.
However, some high resolution digital cameras are made using three
separate chips. Each of these chips is masked with a different color
filter, resulting in the required red, green, and blue color data.
While we currently use 24 bits of color data depth, other higher values
are possible with lower noise and higher analog to digital converter bit
depth (e.g., 30 bits of color data with a 10 bit A/D converter). We
currently use 24 bits as the best compromise of cost and complexity
against acceptable quality of the resulting millions of colors provided by
24 bit color depth. Color scanners have improved and increased their color
bit depth from 24 bits to 30 and 32 bits and beyond, so digital cameras
may follow suit in the future too.
Imagine a bathroom floor made of patterns of red, green, and blue tiles.
The pattern is RGGB in a square or diamond shape. The software takes the
observed 8 bits of red, blue, and (averaged) green data and generates a 24
bit color value for that square. That data point can be considered to be
at the center of that square, and is a dimensionless point. But you can
also realize that it represents the average intensity and color of the
light falling on the light sensitive sensors in that grid of four sensors.
If it takes four sensors in the RGGB Bayer pattern to produce one color
pixel, how does a 3 megasensor camera deliver 3 million pixels of color
data? This process varys with different cameras, but in general, the
camera uses the nearest available blocks of the required colors to
interpolate a color data value at each point. So the four nearest red
sensor cells to a blue block might be averaged to get an 8 bit estimated
value for red at that point, and similarly for green. Now move on to the
next sensor, say a red masked sensor, and repeat the averaging for the
four nearest blue and green sensors around it. Keep going, stepping
through the matrix of sensors.
One minor problem is that when you get close to the edges of the chip
pattern, you don't have the required color data to project estimates for
these edge sensors. For this reason, many chips are unable to provide
quite as many pixels of color data as they have actual on-chip pixels. The
larger the chip, the smaller the percentage of these lost data points.
In some cases, the software tries to "mirror" or guess an interpolated
color pixel value for the edges too, but the guess may not be very good.
A more interesting problem is that the average and maximum dimensions of
these interpolated color pixels may be different from those computed using
the close Bayer block pattern (RGGB). Blue sensors on a grid will have a
pattern of four green and four red sensors in a box around them. Red
sensors will have a pattern of four green and four blue sensors around
them too. But what about the two green sensors next to each other?
Ooops! The patterns must now be different. Depending on your approach, you
will be using data from sensors farther away (e.g., to get four red and
four blue values for averaging).
What happens to resolution if you are averaging in light from more distant
sensors? In effect, you have generated an average color value from a
larger area sensor, right? And a larger area sensor means lower
resolution, given a fixed sensor density and chip size. So the chip
resolution depends a bit on color and software algorithms used in
interpolating these color values over the grid of the chip sensor array
(excluding those "falling off the edge" values).
In practice, few folks would find 16x20" color prints from a 3MP digicam
to be of sufficient quality, and most would find 11x14" prints rather
One of the giveaways of low resolution (3 MP) digicam prints is their
"creamy" texture. The texture is creamy because it is largely
interpolated, with a series of interpolated values smoothing out the steps
between actual data values from the 3 MP cameras (itself interpolated).
Lots of people like this creamy smooth image effect, unless they have had
experience with higher quality photo prints.
Sad to say, but few people nowadays have ever seen a high quality
photographic print. In many minilabs, the enlargers are purposely
defocused slightly to hide the effects of dust and scratches on your
negatives. The low quality of many fast 800 ASA/ISO films also doesn't
help. So the low quality of today's minilab prints has accustomed the
public to lower quality photographic images, making the lower quality of
digital prints seem as good and in many cases better than minilab
photographic prints.
We are already seeing people rediscovering photography and high quality
print making after seeing quality photographs such as the traveling
exhibitions of Ansel Adams environmental prints or even a local camera
club salon print competition. I suspect that one of the future benefits of
film based print making will be precisely the ability to produce contrasty
and detailed prints which extensive software interpolation and smoothing
makes impossible in digital prints.
Film vs. Digital - Terabytes vs. Megapixels |
I once read (in an astrophotgraphy book by Walis & Provin) that a fine grain 4x5 negative is capable of holding 2,200 gigabytes of information...George Stewart... |
For many amateur users, modest cost scanners and color printers will make
a nice combination with their existing computer systems. Personally, I
think this trick will make 8x10" prints more accessible to many amateur
photographers, including those who don't have access to a home darkroom.
One of the intriguing options here is to use the data from panoramic
selections and print panoramic prints of any
length (by setting printer software and using roll papers).
Another alternative is to have the film scanned on a drum scanner
or other very high quality scanning device. The resulting digital image
data files (at up to 600+ megabytes per image) dwarfs the image data
provided by 3 to 5 megapixel digital cameras. Costs vary from $15 USD on
up, with delivery via CDROM or over the Internet as popular
At a past Dallas Hasselblad University
program, the discussion and interest on digital photography focused on the
scanner based options. Perhaps this is just a reflection of the $50,000+
cost for a medium format digital back for Hasselblads from Dicomed and
others? But many pros have found that adding a scanner and learning
digital skills have opened up some new markets. But probably 3/4ths of pro
photographers have yet to see enough advantages to begin to make the
sizeable investments in time, money, and learning efforts to make the
transition to digital. They may be wisely waiting for us amateur digital
photographers to drive down the costs enough to make digital photography
worth the real costs - including high depreciation rates.
The biggest difference is that digital sensors have a low pass filter in front of them
to help reduce problems with aliasing. This low pass filter is acting like a softening
or fog filter on lenses used with film (which are also low pass filters of a sort). The
result is to reduce the fine detail and high frequency contrast data from the lens to a
rather lower range, typically 40-55 or so lpmm equivalent.
High Resolution and Fine Contrast Performance - Benefit or Curse?
So the first major difference between digital and film lenses lies in high frequency
performance. With film, you need high resolution and fine contrast response lenses to
take advantage of fine grained black and white and color slide films in particular.
With digital sensors, such high frequency lens data creates a problem with aliasing. The
ideal digital lens has a response curve matches the sensor requirements (to 50-55 lpmm
equivalent). Then the digital lens response curve needs to drop to zero as rapidly as
possible. Quoting from
Schneider Optical's White Paper on Digital Optics:
Naturally, we are not interested in the reproduction of this false information and
it would be ideal if the modulation transferred would suddenly drop to zero at the maximum
line pair number. Unfortunately, this is not possible, either for the optics or the image sensor.
We must therefore pay attention that the total modulation transferred (from lens and image
sensor) at the maximum line pair number Rmax = (2*p)-1 is sufficiently small, so that these
disturbing patterns are of no consequence. Otherwise, it can happen that good optics with
high modulation are judged to be worse than inferior optics with a lower modulation.
In other words, you want a digital lens that matches the response of the maximum frequency
(e.g., 50-55 lpmm) response of the sensor, but then drops off as fast as possible. Most
lenses designed for film are NOT designed for this requirement. What this means is that
lenses designed for film, with extended high frequency response, are likely to perform
less adequately than much cheaper lenses with lower modulation responses more compatible
with the digital sensor requirements.
Some digital users will object that they can see improvements using high end lenses. No
doubt they can, but this is more likely not due to the higher frequency resolution and high
contrast response of these high end and high priced lenses. We can say that because that low
pass filter in there is filtering out essentially all of the lens data above the low pass
filter cutoff point (e.g., 50 or 55 lpmm).
Color Fringing Aberrations
But it is true that high dollar lenses get their higher resolution performance in
part by correcting for a number of lens aberrations. For digital camera users, the two lens
aberrations which cause color fringing (lateral and longitudinal chromatic aberrations) are
especially noticeable and objectionable. So a lens which has excellent control of these and
other lens aberrations may be a better performer than a lower cost lens which does not.
Quoting Schneider Optics White Paper again:
The color fringes should be significantly smaller than a pixel size, which can only be
achieved by using top quality lenses made with special glass having so-called apochromatic
(high color correction) construction.
Fortunately, many lens designs don't have serious color fringing problems (e.g., normal
lenses). But if you are doing telephoto shots of skittish birds, you may find that you need
an APO or ED (for extra low dispersion glasses used) telephoto lens on your digital camera.
Again, the more costly telephoto lenses feature such APO correction from specialty glasses,
so they may perform better than lower cost zoom or fixed lenses that don't have APO glasses.
Digital sensors are etched onto the surface of the sensor substrate with a series of layers.
The result is that most designs have the light sensitive sensor element at the bottom of a
"well" or hole etched in the flat sensor surface.
Now imagine light coming from an extreme angle out of a ultrawide angle lens. That light may
be blocked by the walls of the sensor "well" and unable to reach the sensor. The solution to
this problem is to redesign your lenses to project light at a restricted angle directly down
onto the sensor, rather than at large oblique angles from the side.
This telecentricity factor is tele as in telephoto and reverse telephoto designs of wide
angles. This reason explains why some very wide angle lenses not using a retrofocus design
(e.g., hasselblad biogon 38mm) don't work well with some digital backs using sensors with
deep well designs. These lenses send light at the sensor from extreme angles, some of which
is blocked by the sensor well walls. Unfortunately, many of the best wide angle lenses are
these non-retrofocus designs, which are most problematic with deep well sensor cameras.
Wide angle lenses which
use the retrofocus design generally work well because they do present the light at a restricted
angle directly to the sensor sites, and are not blocked by the side walls or well of the sensors.
Telecentricity of Digital Sensors vs. 35mm Lenses | |
Digital sensors are not random distributions if silver halide molecules near the surface of a very thin surface layer They are individual photo transistors, perhaps one square micron in size, within a 5-9 square micron pixel site, covered by colored glass (R, G, or B), that covered by an IR cutoff filter, that covered by a low pass anti aliasing filter. The photo transistor within each pixel site has to be hit by light in order to record same. The transistor is not only small, but buried beneath layers of glass. Light coming from a steep oblique angle, hits the glass and never actually penetrates down into the sensor itself. The closer the sensor is to the rear lens element, the worse this phenomenon is. From a SWC, I would expect to see good image characteristics in about a quarter sized center section (circle.) Degrading rapidly from there into oblivion. This is one of the reasons that many digital camera manufacturers are reluctant to move up to full size sensors. |
Field Curvature
Field curvature is potentially a big problem with digital sensors, which are planar flat.
The curved image field projected by the lens can produce a sharp central image by proper
focusing, but the curved ends "lift off" the sharpest image zone away from the flat digital
In film, this factor accounts for much of the lower edge resolution seen in many
lenses (though lens aberrations can also play a role). But with film, the emulsion is 20+
microns thick, sometimes much more with colored films using multiple emulsions. So this
loss is masked by the thickness of the emulsion in part.
Macro lenses are specially designed to produce a very flat response with minimial field
curvature. Such a flat response is a better match to the needs of the digital sensor. This
is why the newly redesigned V series 40mm CFE lens for the Hasselblad system cameras is a
very flat or macro lens design. This type of flat or macro lens response is very unusual
in such a wide angle lens (equivalent to a 24mm or so on a 35mm SLR in horizontal coverage).
So lenses being designed for digital backs and larger digital sensors of the future have
to take the problems of field curvature into account. But the vast majority of current
35mm and other film oriented optics are NOT macro lenses or flat field designs.
Coverage is a well known issue to 35mm camera and lens owners looking at digital SLRs. Many
DSLRs have less than full-frame (24x36mm) coverage on 35mm format DSLRs. The result is a
cropping of the lens image to a smaller format (e.g., 16x24mm), often by factors of 1.6 or so.
In other words, the full coverage of these 35mm or other lenses are not being used, just
the center. So you are paying for coverage which you aren't using with such cameras. You are
also carrying around lenses which are bigger and heavier than they need to be to provide such
lesser coverage.
More importantly, if you are a wide angle fan(atic), you may be dismayed by this less than
full frame sensor problem. You have to pay a lot more for a 14mm ultrawide angle lens for your
35mm SLR. But the 1.6X factor, for example, means that 14mm is acting as a 1.6*14mm or 22+mm
lens equivalent. Ouch! If you prefer telephotos, this may be good news, unless you want the
standard full frame coverage. Your 300mm telephoto now becomes a 480mm equivalent telephoto.
Naturally, you can buy some full frame sensor DSLRs, although often at a startlingly higher
price. The larger sensors also have less noise, provide cleaner images, and other benefits.
But as we have noted in this section, the use of lenses designed for 35mm film cameras with
digital sensors may provide a less than optimal match.
Lens Speed
Lens speed is a potential win for digital cameras, though many of the current models don't
take full advantage of digital sensor low light performance potentials. Similarly, the
majority of digital lenses are used with autofocus systems, many of which require a considerable
amount of light to function reliably (e.g., lenses faster than f/5.6).
Future digital sensor users may be able to use smaller and less costly lenses with their digital
cameras. But today, most of the high quality APO telephoto lenses are also the faster and more
costly pro models. Again, I suspect such lenses optimized for digital sensor use will be different
because a smaller lens will be usable.
At the same time, the recent development of two electron
release dyes (doubling the sensitivity of films from Kodak..) means that many films
are now coming out in faster versions (e.g., velvia 100). Similarly, a
ten-fold increase
in film speed and linearity has been developed using formic acid couplers (e.g., Agfa).
So both of these trends suggest to me that a new generation of smaller telephoto lenses
may be in the future. Both film and digital sensors should have improved low light capabilities,
so the need for large and costly fast lenses may be reduced. The key benefit from such lenses
may well be the shallow depth of field they offer (see fast lenses pages).
Lenses optimized for digital sensors will be different from those for film camera use. They
will have different MTF curves, with rapid falloff above some optimal sensor maximum response
frequency. The digital lenses may well be macro lenses, with flat fields rather than the curved
fields found on many film oriented lenses of today. Telephoto lenses and others may benefit
from use of APO glasses to reduce chromatic aberrations to a minimal value relative to sensor
sizes. Telecentricity requirements may force the use of retrofocus designs in all wide
angles and most fast lenses. Telephoto lenses may be more moderate in maximum aperture.
Tradeoffs in center resolution for better edge resolution response will also be used to
produce better corner response. Some issues, like distortion, will be similar in both
film and digital sensor lenses.
A system level issue is the lack of lens control electronics in most film camera lenses
which fully match the needs of digital camera designers. Lenses designed for film autofocus
cameras are not necessarily designed with the specific requirements of digital sensors in mind.
For example, the aperture closure might be stepped, rather than continuous, or if continuous,
non-linear rather than linear. Such problems have arisen with some lines (e.g., Nikon) and
so a series of "improved" lenses were produced with the same optical designs often-times,
but different aperture controls and related electronics.
Again, this will be a great excuse
for the need for buying all new lenses for going digital. Conversely, digital and AF lenses
are losing features that make them desirable for film camera use (e.g., dropping aperture
rings on some Nikon AF lenses). So we may have a digital divide in the future, where one
set of lenses is needed for optimal quality digital work, while another set is used with
film cameras. From the sales and marketing point of view, this may be a plus, but less so
for those of us who want to be both digital and film camera users.
What does this mean to us? I suggest that we will increasingly see advertisements reminding
us that the latest generation of lenses designed for digital sensor (digital back..) use
are superior in DSLR use to our old (and paid for) film camera lenses ;-).
The good news may be that digital lenses should potentially be less costly. Aberrations
need only be corrected to the point where they are not visible in the relatively large
digital sensors (versus sub-micron sized film grains). Lenses may not need to be as fast.
While use of APO glasses may raise costs slightly, those lenses might be cheaper because
they are slower aperture lenses. Lowering the high frequency lens response requirement will
also greatly lower the cost of many lenses too. So there may be some surprises in the future!
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 From: "Dr. Robert Young" [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: [HUG] Film vs Digital I believe you are correct on this. I have developed a little "test" that I have tried 2-3 times in the last 2 years. I have an image that came from a high resolution scan of a 6x6 negative. I have it printed as 8x10 on whatever printer I am considering (ink jet, color laser, etc) with proper paper, ink, etc. I also had it printed at a digital service center, and printed directly off the negative. Then I let "someone else" look at them with instructions not too be worried about slight color shifts (I know those could be corrected with enough time in Photoshop). I simply want their opinion of which is "sharper or clearer". So far, the ink jets and color lasers have never been selected as "the best". The sad part is I like to manipulate the image (burning, dodging, etc) ...I am a darkroom junkie at heart...and when you have to send every version off to the service center for reproduction, it gets way too expensive. >Anyway, with the current state of the art and market, I think that inkjet >prints are largely a waste of time, being more expensive and of inferior >quality to true photo prints from a digital lab.
From camera fix mailing list: Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 From: "Mark Stuart" madfamily at Subject: Re: Fungus Interestingly, I just read a letter in Amateur Photographer about fungus on CD's. The guy had stored photos on them thinking it was more or less permanent, but apparently there is a fungus that thrives on polycarbonate and aluminium! Looks just like some lens fungi. The result was that they couldn't be read. They were stored in air condititoning all their lives, too. Beware! Mark
Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2001
From: "Mxsmanic" [email protected]
Subject: Re: Interesting News From AgfaI thought Agfa was retiring products like APX 25 because it wanted to concentrate on digital?? Just where is this company going?
The current digital market is one of mass-market gadgets, with the exception of a few professional niche applications. You have to be a really big company to play in that arena.
"Meryl Arbing" [email protected] wrote
> No future > Agfa digital cameras and amateur scanners face the end > 2001-07-05 > Are Agfa digital cameras and amateur scanners threatened with extinction? > That's the way it looks at the moment at least. As Agfa let it be known at a > press conference on 27 June, the company wants to gradually withdraw from > the barely profitable Consumer Digital Imaging business segment. > This business segment covers all digital products - principally digital > cameras and scanners - for private customers. The department is part of the > greater Consumer Imaging division, which covers all products - analogue > cameras and 35 mm or APS film included - for private the customer. > Negotiations with the equity investment company Schroder Ventures on a > possible sale of this greater business segment recently failed due to > differing ideas about the takeover conditions. If it had succeeded, Agfa > would also have got rid of its "unloved child" Consumer Digital Imaging. Now > the negotiations have failed, Agfa wants to retain the Consumer Imaging > sector but hive off the Consumer Digital Imaging sub-division. As it > happens, its existing product range is to undergo minor improvements in the > near future, but there's no longer any room for innovation. (yb) > > Like Agfa, Leica will find the digital market is "barely profitable".
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