From: Brian Ellis [email protected]
Subject: Re: Pre or Post Flashing film
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998
Unofrtunately there are times when we have to do things the old
fashioned way - i.e. read a book. This may be one of those times. I
don't know of anything on the web about pre flashing. There is, however,
an excellent discussion of this subject in Ansel Adams' book "The
Negative" at pages 119-123. If you read this you will see that a
diffusion device of some sort is necessary. Adams discusses making such
a device out of plexiglass. However, if you aren't a do-it-yourselfer
there is (or at least used to be in the recent past) a device known as
the Wallace Expo Disc which is made for a different purpose but which
functions very well as a diffusion device for pre-flashing. You can (or
at least used to be able to - I haven't checked recently) order this
from an outfit called "ColorBat," telephone (717) 872-2183, E Mail
[email protected]. It perhaps is also available from more
normal photo sources but this is the one I know about. It is a device
that screws onto the lens of your camera but you don't need one for
every lens you own. Just buy one for the largest lens diameter you own
and hand hold it over the smaller lenses. It costs about $20 as I
Hope this helps. Brian
Craig R. Bergman wrote:
I've been searching all over the web for information
on pre flashing film and can not find any. Can anyone
guide me to this information?
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