The Human Eye in Photographic Terms

Related Links:
Schneider Website
cf. Schneider White Paper on Digital Optics for eye response curves 40 lpmm.. [12/2000]
Supervision for Human Eyes (deformable lenses..)[1/2001]
Vision - failing eyesight..

Related Postings

From: [email protected] (Martin Tai)
Subject: Re: What is the speed of the human eye?
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998

Mr. M.J. Lush ([email protected]) wrote:

:       Its often said that the eye is like a camera if this is
: so what is the effective f stop of the iris and how fast a film
: is the retina?
:       I ask this question out of general interest and to get a
: start point for estermating exposure in low light photography.
: (if its dark my iris will by fully open so what I see is
: equivilant to a 'retina ASA' film seen through an f-iris lens)
: --

: Michael

The effective focal length of human eye is between 13-16mm, and the effective numerical aperture is about f3 to f4.

As for the retina ASA, it far exceeds any existing high speed films.

A Russian scientist and academician tested the sensitivity of retina, it can sense as few as a dozen photons.

martin tai

Date: 2 Jan 2000
From: Philipp Pagel [email protected]
Subject: Re: Aperture of Human Eye


> This may be a dumb question, but what would the aperture of the human
> eye be??? I realize the eyeball itself changes shape to accommodate
> varying focal lengths, but is there anyone out there who knows how the
> physics of vision relate to camera equipment.

Not the eyeball but the lens changes shape for focusing.

If I remember correctly (I don't have my books here) the total refractive power of the optical system of a human eye is 58 dpt (looking at a distant object).

                 1            -2
focal length = ------ = 1.72 10   m  = 17.2 mm
               58 dpt

The maximal diameter of the pupil is about 7 mm

=> 17.2 mm : 7 mm = 2.46

So, the maximum aperture given as "f-stop" is 2.5.

The minimal diameter of the pupil is in the range of 1.5 - 2 mm giving you something around f/11 to f/8.6 as minimum aperture.

Looking at close objects the refractive power of the system inreases and therfore, the focal length is decreased accordingly. This is the point where I would really need my books because I don't remember the range of accomodation. It is obvious that the minimal and maximal f-ratios are somewhat lower in this case.

The main question that arrises now: What does it tell us?

The answer: I don't know...


Dr. Philipp Pagel
Cellular and Molecular Physiology
Yale University

From: [email protected] (Cornel Ormsby)
Newsgroups: sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Re: The eye as a camera: specs requested.
Date: 02 May 2000

IBM has a few informative pages about the human eye, beginning at:

++ Cornel Ormsby ++

From: [email protected] (Paul Schlyter)
Newsgroups: sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Re: The eye as a camera: specs requested.
Date: 2 May 2000

John Steinberg [email protected] wrote:

> Greetings:
> I'm looking for some kind of meaningful reference in comparing the
> average human eye to a camera lens.  That is, what is the f-stop and
> focal length of the eye.
> I assume this is a dumb question, but what the heck, this seemed like
> the place to pose it.

Focal length approximately 23 mm

If the pupil is 7 mm large, this means an f-ratio of approximately f:3

Of course there are variations between different individuals, but these are approximate figures.

Paul Schlyter, Swedish Amateur Astronomer's Society (SAAF)
Grev Turegatan 40, S-114 38 Stockholm, SWEDEN
e-mail: pausch at saaf dot se or paul.schlyter at ausys dot se

From: RM Mentock [email protected]
Newsgroups: sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Re: The eye as a camera: specs requested.
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000


Have you seen The Eye is a Minox site?

RM Mentock

Ignorance? What's that?

From: Martin Brown [email protected]
Newsgroups: sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Re: The eye as a camera: specs requested.
Date: Thu, 04 May 2000

Paul Anderson wrote:

> Interesting answers and good question. In comparison to a lens in the 35mm
> camera format, the eye is about 50mm. That's why 50mm is the "normal" lens,
> distorting in neither wide nor tele directions. Look through a 35mm camera
> with a 50mm lens attached and it looks similar to what you see without the
> camera to your eye.

That is only true for the 35mm film format. If you are taking 6x6 or half plate images then a 50mm lens is a wide angle, and correspondingly used onto a 10mm CCD chip it is a telephoto.

> The eye is not a "zoom" as one respondent claimed, but the f stop, or
> "speed" does vary. As we all know, the eye sees more after adjusting to the
> dark.

The guy was right. The eye solves the equation for focus 1/f = 1/u + 1/v by varying it's curvature slightly. Focussed at infinity it's focal length is ~ 25mm and focussed at closest accomodation of typically 200mm it is about 10% shorter focal length of around 23mm.

Granted that is not much of a zoom, but it is none the less a change in focal length.

Quite a lot of dark adaption is chemical in nature. The variation in the iris alone is insufficient to account for the wide dynamic range of lighting that the eye can tolerate.

The one thing he said which I disagree with is that the human eye is the peak of optical performance. That distinction belongs to the raptors that soar and hunt on the wing.

Martin Brown

From: Martin Brown [email protected]
Newsgroups: sci.astro.amateur
Subject: Re: The eye as a camera: specs requested.
Date: Tue, 02 May 2000

John Steinberg wrote:

> I'm looking for some kind of meaningful reference in comparing the
> average human eye to a camera lens.  That is, what is the f-stop and
> focal length of the eye.

Ballpark answer focal length 28mm.

Dark adapted iris 7mm diameter about f4 with resolution limited by aberrations.

In daytime strong light 1mm diameter f30 and diffraction limited at resolution 2' arc.

An optician can probably refine these estimates.

Martin Brown

From Rollei Mailing List:
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000
From: Tan Anthony [email protected]
Subject: RE: [Rollei] OT standard focal length

Working with several dimensional visualization software at work, I've always wondered how a standard (human eye view equivalent) focal length is assumed. We are constantly trying to merge computer models with real life photographs. With the general relationship of focal lengths to film format in mind, it seems that most people would agree that the 50mm focal length of the typical 35mm film(24x36mm) with a vertical angle coverage of 27 degrees and horizontal angle coverage of about 40 degrees is standard. It is obvious, based on the location of the human eyes, that our cone of vision exceeds 100 degrees. Shouldn't we consider the 15mm(35mmfilm format) with a horizontal angle coverage of 100 degrees be more in tune with the way we see things? What do you think? The one thought that I have is although the human cone of vision is large, we can only keep in sharp focus within 40-60 degrees. The remaining cone of vision is used to discern movement rather than visual cues.


From Rollei Mailing List:
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Rollei] OT standard focal length

About the human eye :

It is very difficult to assign an equivalent "photographic" focal lenght to the human eye, because the human eye has roughly two different retina fields. The central field, the fovea, has a very fine structure with an angular resolution of about 1 minute of arc i.e. about 1/3000 radian. A good eye can distinguish a mesh of 1mm period at a distance of 3 metres. In this regime the eye is in fact a diffraction-limited lens. Unfortunalely this holds only for a few degrees of field. But do not forget that the eye is constantly scanning the angular field.

On the other hand the eye is sensitive to movement and color up to a very wide angle not far from 180 degrees. So the eye is both a telephote *and* a fisheye, but not with the same angular resolution.

If you look at some famous paintings, you can try to assign an equivalent focal lenght to the picture, and you'll find a very wide range of "focal lenghts". For example some famous paintings by Cezanne showing the inside of his room are equivalent to a wide angle. Some famous Dutch paintings like the "View of Delft" would be close to a horizontal "panoramic" field of view. Traditional Chinese and Japanese landscape images favor a wide angle vertical field ("portrait", not "landscape" paper size...;-) But there are also many examples of telephoto-like paintings (for example all conventional close-up portraits of people), the artist having the ability to cencentrate on a small filed of view simply because the eye allows to do this.

Emmanuel BIGLER
[email protected]

From Rollei Mailing List:
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000
From: Richard Knoppow [email protected]
Subject: RE: [Rollei] OT standard focal length

you wrote:

>Working with several dimensional visualization software at work, I've always
>wondered how a standard (human eye view equivalent) focal length is assumed.
>We are constantly trying to merge computer models with real life
>photographs. With the general relationship of focal lengths to film format
>in mind, it seems that most people would agree that the 50mm focal length of
>the typical 35mm film(24x36mm) with a vertical angle coverage of 27 degrees
>and horizontal angle coverage of about 40 degrees is standard. It is
>obvious, based on the location of the human eyes, that our cone of vision
>exceeds 100 degrees. Shouldn't we consider the 15mm(35mmfilm format) with a
>horizontal angle coverage of 100 degrees be more in tune with the way we see
>things? What do you think? The one thought that I have is although the human
>cone of vision is large, we can only keep in sharp focus within 40-60
>degrees. The remaining cone of vision is used to discern movement rather
>than visual cues.

I think its based on some assumptions which are not always true. The idea is that a print at "normal" viewing distance will present an angle of view and image sizes as would be seen by the eye if it had looked at the scene. By angle of view is meant the perspective of the image rather than the field of view. That is, its like looking through a window. The angle is the same as if the window were not there but the field is much smaller.

The idea is that the angle of view of the camera is duplicated when a print is viewed at a distance of approximately its diagonal. This is 53deg regardless of the shape of the print. The "normal" focal length is equal to the diagonal of the format. For 35mm full frame it is actually about 44mm rather than the more common 50mm. For 35mm cropped to 8x10 dimensions it becomes about 42mm, which is why 35mm lenses are so popular, they are actually closer to "normal" than 50mm.

Again, all this is based on assumptions about viewing distance, etc., which may not be valid in all cases.

It is interesting to look at photographs taken with very wide angle lenses (but not fisheye lenses) which are large enough so that your eye can be at the equivalent distance of the lens to film distance (focal length times magnification). Viewed this way the "distortion" of the WA lens disappears. You can also get the effect by looking at a small print with a magnifying glass.

The human visual field is actually sort of football shaped (American football), really not much wider than it is high. Panoramic formats fill the visual field less than just a very large nearly square one. This is one reason for the choice of a nearly square format for Eye Max rather than a wide, narrow format like CinemaScope or Panavision. If you have been to an Eyemax theater you know the very large image is nearly three dimensional.

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles,Ca.
[email protected]

From Rollei Mailing List:
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000
From: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Rollei] OT eye resolution

> >The central field, the fovea, has a very fine
> >structure with an angular resolution of about 1 minute of arc i.e.
> >about 1/3000 radian. A good eye can distinguish a mesh of 1mm period
> >at a distance of 3 metres.
> 1mm at 9 feet? no way!

I know, this is amazing, but here is another experiment anybody can do. The angular diameter of the moon is half a degree, i.e 30 minutes of arc. How many "pixels" do you think you can see on the moon image with the naked eye ? if I say : only about 30x30 pixels, you'll not believe me either ;-);-)

Emmanuel BIGLER
[email protected]

From Rollei Mailing List:
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000
From: david morris [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Rollei] OT standard focal length

You have the answer in the second half of your email. In the 1950's, I think they settled on 45mm (35mm) as the nearest equivalent to the human eye but this was shifted to 50mm with the introduction of SLR cameras because of the need to have space behind the lens for the mirror box. I have an 18mm Distagon for the SL35 (to keep ourselves on topic!) and when enlarged up and cropped panarama style is seen in 45/50mm sections.

David Morris

Tan Anthony wrote:

> Working with several dimensional visualization software at work, I've always
> wondered how a standard (human eye view equivalent) focal length is assumed.
> We are constantly trying to merge computer models with real life
> photographs. With the general relationship of focal lengths to film format
> in mind, it seems that most people would agree that the 50mm focal length of
> the typical 35mm film(24x36mm) with a vertical angle coverage of 27 degrees
> and horizontal angle coverage of about 40 degrees is standard. It is
> obvious, based on the location of the human eyes, that our cone of vision
> exceeds 100 degrees. Shouldn't we consider the 15mm(35mmfilm format) with a
> horizontal angle coverage of 100 degrees be more in tune with the way we see
> things? What do you think? The one thought that I have is although the human
> cone of vision is large, we can only keep in sharp focus within 40-60
> degrees. The remaining cone of vision is used to discern movement rather
> than visual cues.
> tony

From Rollei Mailing List:
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000
From: Richard Knoppow [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Rollei] OT standard focal length


>Pictures taken with the Rollei panorama accessory are interesting.  The
>visual effect of a collage of these pictures is quite realistic.  This
>suggests that a normal lens, panned across the visual field, is the
>equivalent of the eye's perspective.

The eye constantly scans. In fact, a completely still image prokected on the retina will become invisible after a few seconds. This scanning is what inspired David Hockney to make his big collages. These paintings are enormous. When you stand in front of one it fills your field of vision and your eyes begin to scan it as though you were viewing an actual scene. By the arrangement of the images in the collage Hockney directs your eyes to scan what he wants. The effect is simply not brought out in reproductions.

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles,Ca.
[email protected]

Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000
From: Robert Long [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: So-called fisheye lenses

Dear Robert,

While I'm delighted to have stumbled onto your Third Party Lenses page and have bookmarked it for lots of enjoyable (and profitable) future exploration, I must take up with you (or with a contributor to whom you link? -- I can't now find the reference, but I think it was in the "Weird" section) on the question of "distortion" in fisheye lenses.

There is a profound misunderstanding that colors much of what is written about photography, particularly in the popular press. (Bert Keppler, with whom I've worked, is a major contributor.) It often takes the form of calling the human eye an "imperfect camera" because it fails radically in terms of what photographers call "corner sharpness." If our retina were capable of equal resolution everywhere, we would not have survived as a species. In fact, the human eye works very differently from a camera and for good reason.

Our depth-perception mechanism is much like the rangefinder in a Leica or Contax: we rotate the two eyes until the images delivered by the foveae (the tiny high-resolution areas near the center of the retina) "converge" and, in effect, we "measure" the eye positions to judge distance -- and movement toward or away from us. What would we not have been prey to without this ability? But extend the high resolution to the entire retina and we would be as confused about distance as were some of the prototype designs for AF cameras. We could not have "triangulated."

Our way of seeing the world is far subtler and more complex than even the most advanced cameras because of the intimate relationship between the photomechanics of the eye and the enormous "data processing" capabilities of the brain and its pattern-recognition systems. And it probably is largely because these capabilities are applied unconsciously that we photographers tend to give so little thought to the way we see and the enormous differences between this process and those of photography.

Seeing is a four-dimensional process. Time is the absolutely indispensable fourth dimension, in addition to the three of space. Photos, by and large, are totally two-dimensional, and even conventional "3D" images only simulate depth by the doubling of two-dimensional images. In order to represent the human experience on a two-dimensional picture plane (whether photographic or simply graphic) we must "throw away" half the information supplied by the real-world experience. In technological terms, we need a compression algorithm to reduce the information to only that needed for recognition and reconstruction. In artistic terms, we need a convention for telescoping our world onto the picture plane.

In conventional art, there are two rational, clearly defined, geometric ways of doing this. Overwhelmingly, the most familiar and best understood is what is generally called Renaissance perspective (though it was, in fact, "revived" from extant examples from the Roman Empire and Hellenic periods). It involves the assumption of a virtual fixed picture plane and a rigidly fixed line of view. Lines from each point in the subject to the virtual eye leave their image where they pass through the picture plane. This is the kind of perspective rendering we expect from all non-fisheye lenses and see every day of our lives in photos, on television, in the movies, in magazines and books, in paintings -- in far more than 90% of the graphic representations we are regaled with. If the public at large is familiar with any one tenet of this form of perspective it is "straight lines must always appear straight."

The only well defined alternative is "curvilinear perspective," in which the line of view is not fixed. Instead, the image of each point in the subject is rendered where the line of sight from the virtual eye would pass through the virtual picture plane in looking directly at that point. Straight lines whose images pass through the center of the picture plane are rendered straight; others are not. So this sort of perspective is much harder to draw precisely. As far as I'm aware, only one major attempt has been made at its codification: Flocon & Barre's "Curvilinear Perspective," published in French a half-century ago and quickly translated into most other major European languages, though not into English until 1987. Yet the technique was applied by some meticulous draftsmen of the 19th Century and in relatively rough-shod form as far back as the Middle Ages.

Now consider how we view the world. Since we can see only small areas in full detail, we must scan the world around us. (A fixed line of sight would net only one tiny patch of sharp vision, surrounded by the miasma of peripheral vision.) We use no raster-like scanning system; traces of eye movement in viewing pictures often resemble Brownian movement of the subatomic world. The process is rather like downloading a RealAudio or MP3 film clip: we hold the bits we have seen in memory and then "play back" the entire, newly integrated object from our memory bank. We remember straight lines as straight lines, so to this extent our memory-pictures resemble those of Renaissance perspective. But the actual process of acquiring the graphic information is comparable to curvilinear perspective, because we must look directly at each point in the subject to see its detail.

In that sense, the "fisheye" lens more closely represents the way graphic information is gathered by the eye than does the conventional sort of lens. The biggest difference between either sort of photographic lens and the eye is that the lens can capture the full image instantaneously, whereas the eye, working with the brain, can only build its images over time, through scanning. We tend to be unaware of this because scanning and recognition can happen incredibly fast, particularly with familiar subject matter, but it remains a fundamental technological difference between human vision and photography -- or any other graphic form.

There actually are three recognized standards of perspective rendering: Renaissance, "standard fisheye," and Nikon's orthographic fisheye (I think that's the term they used), but the last is of little representational significance. Its formula was helpful in graphically calculating sky illumination where the view of the sky is partially blocked, but its images are anti-intuitive in most cases.

No matter; there is a formula for each of the three ways of rendering the four-dimensional continuum of life in two-dimensional pictures. As long as the resulting images conform to the appropriate formula, it cannot be called distorted. Please save that word for those instances where the image does not follow the formula. Distortion can "bend" straight lines in conventional (Renaissance-perspective) lenses, which are supposed to render them as straight, so that can legitimately be called distortion. But as long as the curving convergence of lines in curvilinear perspective conform to the intended formula, they not only are distortion-free but, like it or not, are arguably imaged more nearly in the way our eyes would image the same subject.

End of tirade.

I may take parts of my (still unfinished) book on this subject and put it on a web page, since I have found no publisher to date. If I do, I'd be delighted to have you link to it.

Bob Long

From Nikon mailing list:
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2000
From: Alexander [email protected]
Subject: [NIKON] F of human eye

I learned today on the Contax list, that the human eye is rated at F2.1 Cat's eyes are at F0.9

Just thought it might interest some of you.

FRom Nikon Mailing List;
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000
From: "Mark Raymond" [email protected]
Subject: [NIKON] Re: nikon-digest V2 #571, human eye

the average eye is 24mm with a range of 22 to 30mm being common. functional extremes of 17 to 36mm are relatively rare--these correspond to +10 diopters of hyperopia to -30 diopters of myopia...allow some leeway here in the last numbers. the standard model eye assumes a length of 24mm and dioptic power of 62D, 20 contributed by the lens and 42 by the cornea. anatomically, the eye can have any permutation of length, corneal curvature and diameter and lens shape...the pupil size as well as reacting to light also deminishes greatly with age often down to a maximum of 3mm. a normal visual field ranges from 60 degrees nasally to 90 degrees laterally for 150 degrees per eye (equivalent to a 11mm camera lens with significant light fall off and vignetting), 180 degrees binocularly...visual fields vary by facial your nose, brow, maxilla and orbit may interfer.

there are many types of photoreceptors with different acquisition and turnover rates and then they are also wired with different types of neurons with variable abilities. i would guess the iso of cones is fairly low and rods moderately high. i'll have to look into that.

i prefer the social explanation though, my wife doesn't miss anything B&H charges on the VISA!


From Contax Mailing List:
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000
From: Bob Shell [email protected]
Subject: [CONTAX] OT: Did you know?

Did you know that the human eye is F/2.1 ?

I just read this in the latest issue in an article about icthyosaurs. Some of them had the largest eyes of any known creature.

According to the same article a cat's eye is f/0.9.


From Contax Mailing List:
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000
From: Bob Shell [email protected]
Subject: Re: [CONTAX] OT: Did you know?

> From: Paul van Walree [email protected]
> Reply-To: [email protected]
> Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 15:08:19 +0100
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: [CONTAX] OT: Did you know?
> Bob Shell wrote:
>> Did you know that the human eye is F/2.1 ?
> In the dark or in broad daylight?
> Is the focal length F also known?

When the iris is wide open. The article does not say but the focal length would have to be known to calculate aperture. I remember reading it somewhere, and I think it was around 20mm.


From Nikon Mailing List:
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000
From: Adam Pierzchala [email protected]
Subject: [NIKON] F of human eye

Tyler wrote: "I seem to recall while reading something about the Agfa high speed film innovation that it takes (I really do not remember) 3-5 photons of light to hit the SAME grain/crystal before the film ever records anything"

Well, I think your memory is spot on. When I used to work at Kodak, the wisdom of the day was that 4 photons were needed to kick the grain into action.

The flat T-grains which are like platelets ensure that a large surface area is presented to light, so that there is a better chance of those photons actually hitting their target. This is better than having a narrow edge of the grain towards the lens.

I must admit though, that these grains are vastly larger than any photon, in whatever uncertain state it happens to be, so why we need acres of surface area is beyond me... :)

Regards, Adam

Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000
From: Jerry Coffin [email protected]
Subject: Re: Question on 50 mm lens

[email protected] says...

> I agree, I like the 50mm lens! Most equivalent to human vision at about 46
> degree angle of view,

This is a fallacy that's been repeated for many years by many otherwise reputable sources, but it's essentially PURE nonsense. Most people have a range of vision that extends to around 150-160 degrees horizontally and something like 90 degrees vertically (though far more of that is downward than upward). As such, a panoramic camera is MUCH closer to the angle of view of people's vision than a 50 mm lens can ever hope to provide.

That's a long ways from the whole story though, because vision is extremely non-uniform. Lenses fall off to some degree at the edges and corners, but eyes are MUCH worse in this respect -- the human eye has (in essence) two major areas of sensitivity. There's a very small area that has a high concentration of "cone" light receptors. This provides high visual acuity and most color reception. Then there's a much larger, roughly donut-shaped area that has relatively few cones, but lots of "rod" light receptors. Rods are NOT sensitive to color, but have a larger area so they're more sensitive overall. The larger area also implies lower acuity.

Most people use the small area of cone receptors MOST of the time. Purely subjectively, the angle of view provided by this area seems to vary rather widely from one person to the next. I suspect this is because the rod concentration doesn't immediately drop at the edge, but falls off more or less gradually, so there's no exact "edge" where you can say this area ends.

In any case, if you sit or stand still and simply concentrate on your peripheral vision without moving your head or eyes, you'll quickly find that the idea that you're restricted to seeing anywhere close to the angle of view of a 50 mm lens is complete nonsense.

> and discrete 50mm lenses usually have lower f numbers
> and better low light performance than the cheap zooms. I have 2 Canon FD
> 50mm's, the newer 1:1.8, and an "old" FD 1:1.4 SSC, wonderful for low light
> photography. I also have a 28mm 1:2.8, and a 70-210mm 1:4.

There's little question that it's generally easiest to produce lenses with focal lengths approximately equal to the largest dimension of the area they're intended to cover.

Unfortunately, looking at the sorts of subjects of most people's pictures, I'm forced to believe that a 50 is only rarely the ideal choice. They're certainly cheap and high quality, but I consider the angle of view troublesome at best.

If you're taking pictures of people, you usually want shorter for a full-length shot or a group shot, but longer for a typical one- or two-person head and shoulders portrait. If you shoot wildlife, you almost inevitably want something considerably longer. A 50mm sometimes happens to be about right for some scenery, but not particularly often -- when it is best, it's mostly a matter of accident; something like "well, we want to include that mountain over there, and that stream over there, but NOT that power line just off to the right", and it ends up that from where you're standing, a 50 works out to about the right framing. For most macro work, a longer lens that gives greater working distance is normally a LOT easier to deal with. A 50 (or 55 or whatever) macro works nicely for stamp and coin collectors, but much less so for pictures of flowers, insects, etc.


Date: 22 Jun 2001
From: [email protected] (John Bercovitz)
Newsgroups: sci.optics,rec.collecting.coins,alt.collecting.stamps
Subject: Re: Comparing loupe magnifiers

There are two ways to quote the power of a magnifier because the eye can be relaxed or accomodated. If the eye is relaxed, the power is 250/focal length, but if it's accommodated to 250 mm, the power is 1 + 250/focal length. Guess which formula almost all vendors use? ;-)

John B

John Bercovitz [email protected]

Date: Sun, 05 Aug 2001
From: "Leonard Evens" [email protected]
Subject: Re: Depth of Field - 35mm vs MF

"Eugene A. Pallat" [email protected] wrote:

> Leonard Evens wrote:
>> One very important difference is the role played by the macula, which
>> is responsible for the great bulk of what you see.   It is a relatively
>> small sensitive area in the retina.   People who suffer from macula
>> degeneration have great trouble seeing in the normal sense.
> The macula is interesting compared to the rest of the retina where there
> are several rods and cones for every nerve cell.  In the macula, it's
> one to one. If you see something with peripheral vision and need to see
> details, you *look* at it and the macula has much higher resolution.
> The down side, is that peripheral vision is is much more sensative to
> faint light.  In astronomical observations, you can see fainter stars by
> *not* looking at it - you use averted vision.  The tragedy with macular
> degeneration, is that the individual can no longer see details, and is
> funcionally blind.  They're unable to read printed matter unless it's
> magnified very much.  Gene Pallat

According to M. Pirenne, who wrote a famous book on painting, photography, and vision, a few thousand cones in the macula do almost all the work in normal vision.

Leonard Evens [email protected]

From: Tony Polson [email protected]>
Subject: Re: Naturalism/ was: Depth of Field - 35mm vs MF
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2001 

Phil Stripling [email protected]> wrote:

> I read somewhere years ago that the 135mm lens (in 35mm cameras) was 135mm
> because it represented what the human eye saw when it was focused on a
> particular object. (Not that the eye zooms in, but that it focuses on
> something to the exclusion of other things in a way similar to the 135mm
> lens.)

Hi Phil,

A survey on this precise same topic was conducted by a UK magazine over
20 years ago.  The conclusion drawn was that most people questioned by
the magazine felt the focal length which gave a field of view and
perspective similar to that of the human eye was ...

... around 70mm.


Best regards,

Tony Polson

From: HypoBob [email protected]> Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Depth of Field - 35mm vs MF Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2001 The incredible selectivity of the human eye was demonstrated to me by a physics professor years ago. On the chalkboard he drew two dots, less than an inch apart, and asked us to look at one and then the other. Even people at the back of the lecture hall, 30 or 40 feet away, could feel their eyes shift focus as they moved their attention through that extremely small angle from one dot to the other. It's an amazing organ, Bob ------------------------ Leonard Evens wrote: > "Mark > Anderson" [email protected]> wrote: > > > Stephe [email protected]> wrote: > >> Leonard Evens wrote: > > > >> > You can see some things with peripheral vision, and I believe you can > >> > train yourself to make better use of it. But I don't believe you > >> > can see small detail with peripheral vision no matter what you do. > > > > The macula has better detail vision for two basic reasons. First, > > there's a high concentration of cone cells there, and cones are > > responsible for color vision, (but they're less sensitive to light). > > Also, there aren't blood vessels overlying it. (That's why it's a pit, > > a dip, on the surface of the retina.) > > Also, the cones in the macula go individually through neurons to the brain, > while the rods in the rest of the retina share neurons. Moreover, the > section of the brain devoted to the macula is larger than that devoted to > the rest of the retina. From the brain's point of view, the macula is > larger despite its small physical size. > > > The rest of the retina, OTOH, has > > blood vessels over it, since the vessels come out from the optic nerve > > area, course over the retina, and then penetrate. (IOW, it's made > > ass-backwards). The rest of the retina has bunches of rods, however, > > that are more light sensitive, but deal in monochrome. A good use of > > peripheral/averted vision is what visual astronomers do. They look aside > > from their area of interest, and dim nebula show up that disappear if > > looked directly at. > > > >> No it's isn't "normal" but again most people never bother to even try > >> to use any of this part of their vision. > > You can easily demonstrate that anyone regularly uses their peripheral > > vision to pick up movement. > > > > The importance of the macula was brought strongly to my attention when I > experienced a bout of macular edema following cataract surgery. > Fortunately it was temporary, but during the month I had it, I had great > difficulty using that eye despite the fact that only a very small region > in the center of vision was affected. I could see that just outside > that region things were clear, but I couldn't shift my vision to look > there. I couldn't read normal sized type. I got some idea of what > people with macular degeneration go through. It isn't fun. > -- > > Leonard Evens [email protected] 847-491-5537 > Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208

From: [email protected] (John R Ramsden) Newsgroups: sci.math,sci.optics,sci.physics Subject: Re: Human "refresh rate"? Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 F=m.dv/dt [email protected] wrote: > > A monitor has a refresh rate - everyone must know what refresh rate is, > I assume. The faster the refresh rate the more "smoother" the movements > appear on the screen. > > I was just wondering, what is the refresh rate of the human eye/brain? Is > the "refresh rate" limited by the properties of light? or by our senses? > (surely refresh rate can't be infinite!) I believe the effective refresh rate of the human eye/brain is somewhere around 16 frames per second. (At its fastest a human brain wave travels at the same speed as a heavily-laden donkey toiling up a mountain path!) The refresh rate of animals differs widely; for example that of certain flying insects such as bees is over two hundred frames per second. There are also differences in other optical attributes such as colour reception and focus field. For example cats and dogs have only two colour receptors, as opposed to humans' three and birds' five, and large cats such as lions have a horizontal linear focus area, suitable for scanning horizons for prey, in contrast to that of most animals, including humans, which is a point focus. On this topic, I wonder how film makers produce the slightly bizarre surrealistic "disjointed" visual effects in the action sequences of recent films such as Saving Private Ryan and Gladiator. They appear to be speeded up sequences, with frames omitted to lend a slightly stroboscopic effect. cc: sci.optics and (God help me ;-) sci.physics Cheers John R Ramsden ([email protected])

From: Stefan Patric [email protected] Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Focal length equivalent to normal eye? Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 Mxsmanic wrote: > "Stefan Patric" [email protected] wrote > >> ... and the lens of the human eye changes its >> focal length instead of the distance from the >> retina to focus. > > Neither of these changes. The shape of the lens changes to modify the > focus distance of the eye. If focal length changed, the size of the > image in your field of vision would change as well. Wrong. When you change the shape of any lens, you change its focal length. That's physics. There are only two basic ways to focus images with a simple lens, which is what the lens of the eye is. One, if the focal length of the lens is constant, you must change the lens to film distance; and, two, if the lens to film distance is constant, you must change the focal length of the lens. Cameras use the first and the eye uses the latter. This is the only way the eye has to focus: by changing the shape, and, therefore, its focal length. Now as to: changing focal length changes image size. I suspect your conclusion is drawn from your experience with camera lenses, i.e. the image in the viewfinder is twice as big with a 100mm lens on the camera than with a 50. They are designed to work that way. The lens of the eye is not. With the eye, image size is a function of lens to subject distance. Near object are rendered larger than that same object far away. Try focusing sharply on a near object, and, then, without changing your position focus to infinity. Did the image of the near object change size? The lens of your eye modified its shape and focal length to change focus, but the image sizes of all the objects in your field of vision didn't change size with that change. I suggest you take a look at some basic texts on optics about simple and compound lenses, and how they work. -- Stefan Patric [email protected]

Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 From: "Gerald W. Crum" [email protected] To: Robert Monaghan [email protected] Subject: Re: Lens Kits Bob, Thanks for the reply. I understand your point about the 35 or 50 as the "normal" lens. I have two comments on "normal". The first was from a local shopkeeper when I was buying an SLR back in the 70's. He showed me both a 40 mm on a Pentax and a Konica, and a 35 f/2.5 E lens on the Nikon. I told him I preferred the view of the 50 mm. He said, "Maybe for now, but one day you'll be using a 35 or 40." How prophetic! What turned me was the realization that many scenes I saw where I thought, "Boy, that would make a great shot", framed perfectly in the 40 mm Pentax. The second part of this, is that after I had this inspiration of a great shot a number of times, I sat down one day and tried to figure out just how my eyes and brain worked versus focal length. I spent an entire day out on the back porch with my camera, lenses, pad and pencil, a steel tape, and a scientific calculator. By mid-afternoon I had it figured out. And this is what I found: 1) the standard tables of lens angle of view give the angle on the diagonal. We don't see that way. Our eyes are on a horizontal plane, and our field of view is wider than it is high. So we need to worry primarily about the horizontal angle of view for the particular format we are looking at. This is all 35 mm for me. Comment that 43 mm is the diagonal of the 35 mm frame and therefore is the focal length of a "normal" lens seems to be more of an argument for Pythagoras, rather than relating to how we view scenes and prints. 2) I found that if the eyes are not converged, but focused at infinity, the effective angle of view corresponds to roughly a 38 mm lens. So a 35 or 40 mm sees about the same way we do when we are not focusing in on a specific detail. I know our peripheral vision extends to nearly 180 degrees, but color perception and sharpness are best in the areas I am talking about here. It also takes a while to learn to be aware of when your eyes are converging or not. I refer to this region as the focal length of perfect composition. Or the region of sudden inspiration, since when we glance at a distant scene we have not yet converged our eyes to pick out details, but are taking in the whole scene. 3) If you close one eye and run the same experiment, the region of sharpest vision is that of a 50 mm lens. I refer to this as the focal length of perfect perspective. Great for art works and architecture if we want to preserve the proportions. But jarring for portraits. An artist I know (she teaches photography and art at Case) uses a 55 mm lens for portraits. People who see her work comment on the tension in her prints. There is always a feeling of confined energy. I think we are sensing the wrongness the one-eyed view point her lens gives. 4) I then worked on the issue of convergence of the eyes. This was quite surprising as I found that there is a minimum angle of convergence which is stable. If you try to converge less than that, your eyes tend to flicker. I believe this is a matter of the minimum amount of muscle tension which is required to stabilize the eye position. This turned out to be about 80-85 mm. Anything narrower is stable as you concentrate your attention on a point. So I think of 85 mm as the beginning of the region of convergent vision, or the region of detail. 5) if you take all the previous points, you can define your vision in terms of focal lengths. 35-40 mm is the point for non-converged binocular vision. 50 mm is a singular point of monocular vision. 85 mm and longer is the region of stable convergence. Shorter than 35 mm is the region of wider than normal vision. It requires motion of the head or eyes to get the same effect. 6) Since 35 mm is the equivalent of non converged eyes, and 85 is the minimum convergence, there is no vision mode between those two focal lengths, except the singular point at 50 mm. If a zoom lens covers 35-70, you will always want more length, but not often a lot more width. A 35-105 or 35 -135 covers the critical 35 mm focal length and gives a useful amount of length beyond the 85 mm point. Hence my satisfaction with the 35 and 70-150 combo. Once you understand what the various focal length ranges correspond to, it helps you to pick out your lens set. After I had gone through all this effort, I thought I can't be the first person to have found this. So I went to the library and began to search for prior articles. Sure enough. In the Kodak Photographic Encyclopedia I found references to all of the things I have listed. I feel pretty good about working it all out for myself, even though I had rediscovered the wheel. But why is this not common knowledge? Any thoughts or comments? Best Regards, Jerry ----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Monaghan" [email protected] To: "Gerald W. Crum" [email protected] Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 Subject: Re: Lens Kits > Hi Jerry, > > Some good points, I find I've grown used to the "normal" lens view since > I have so many medium format cameras (TLRs..) where that is what you get ;-) > > but see camera lens kit > selection pages, for related notes and observations. > > As you noted, it basically turns on if you prefer the 35mm or 50mm as a > normal lens, from there, your lens choices and steps and which > teleconverter to use fall into place ;-) If you pick the "wrong" TC, you > only get one additional lens focal length in your kit ;-) etc. > > thanks for sharing your notes! - I'll add them to the new site's updated > pages at > > regards bobm

From: "Mxsmanic" [email protected] Newsgroups: Subject: Re: DOF "overrated"? Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 "Leonard Evens" [email protected] wrote ... > Does that mean that myopes with corrected vision > could in principle have higher accuity than people > with normal vision? There must be something > wrong with this reasoning, but off hand I don't > see what. It seems sound. The Guiness Book of World Records used to list (and perhaps still does) Veronica Seider, a German dentist, as having visual acuity 20 times better than normal; she could identify people up to a mile away. I thought about this on many occasions, because there simply is no way to obtain that level of acuity with normal eyes--it would require resolving details that are much smaller than a single cone cell. However, it occurred to me also that she might simply have slightly anomalous optical properties to her eyes--they might have a longer focal length, effectively magnifying images and producing details that are twenty times normal size, thus allowing her to see twenty times better. Her visual field overall would be reduced in angular area in consequence, but she wouldn't necessarily notice that, and if nobody tested it, nobody else might notice, either. It would explain her "impossibly" good vision, since no normal eyes could manage that. Essentially she'd be trading angle of view for resolution of small details. As for how she'd get the long focal length, I don't know. A difference in the shape of the cornea (the major refractive element in the eye), perhaps. A non-spherical eye seems unlikely (too much mechanical stress), but who knows?

From: "Duncan Murray" [email protected] Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Why is MF nikkor 50mm 1.8 so cheap? Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 This thing about the Pentax 43mm f1.9 having a three-dimensional property is really getting on my nerves. As far as I know it was Pentax's all-out effort at creating the best (sharpest, least distortion, max contrast, nice bokeh, etc etc etc) standard lens. However, looking at photodo's website, I was really surprised to see it have such a low rating. The 43mm was chosen to mimic the exact same proportions (not perspective) of the human eye, so would that be to do with the 3d effect? However, I clicked on the MTF graph, and if you look carefully, you can see why these average MTF's can be very misleading, favouring the planar lens rather than one that has a curved field of focus. Looking at the graph, on the far left, you can see the amazingly high MTF value at the centre of the frame, this is even higher than the other lens I was comparing it with (50mm FA, 4.6(!)). Then the curve smoothly runs down (unlike many lens that represent a mountain-range) to the bottom right. Obviously Pentax were going the whole hog in mimicing the eye, and were even giving the lens the curved focus fields that our eyes have. I really wander what the average MTF of this lens is when focused on a curved screen, rather than a planar one they did the tests on. Duncan. ....

from leica topica mailing list: Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 From: david rose [email protected] Subject: RE: Left-brained Microbiologist Mervin, I tried this and it blew me away! I thought everyone was kidding! I used my Voigt with left eye because it was much more comfortable, but got tired of my nose print on the back of the camera. When I got my M6 I decided to justs witch to the right eye from the get go. It took me about a week to feel comfortable doing so. Am I losing something using my right eye even though my left is "dominant"? Wow, learn something new every day. This is wild regards david David Rose Mervin Stewart wrote: > Make a circle with your thumb and index finger of either hand, hold your > finger circle at arms length and view some object through it with both eyes > open. Center the object in the circle. Close your left eye..if the object > remains in the center of the circle you are right eyed. If on the other hand > when you close your right eye and the object is still centered you are left > eyed....If you are left eyed and right handed, that means either that you > have crossed dominance or that someone changed your natural handedness early > on... > I am a lefty, but someone thought in first grade I should write right handed... > So I do and can actually write with either tho I am better with the right. > Let me know what you discover with the test. > Mervin

From contax mailing list: From: "Austin Franklin" [email protected] Subject: RE: [Contax] Digital Vs 400 asa film Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2002 > Alan wrote: > >... > >The human eye can, without dark adaption, detect a contrast > ratio of about > >100 to 1. > >... > > I have seen this number quoted in several places, but I think it is more > like 1000:1. Hi Joe, It is only 100:1 for any given light. When the light changes, it's 100:1 again, but over a different range. So, just like film, can hold a range of X, it depends on where you set your shadow point at, or your highlight point at...and you can move those up or down...but you still only get X stops. So, it's still only 100:1 for the eye ;-) Regards, Austin

From contax mailing list: From: "Austin Franklin" [email protected] Subject: RE: [Contax] Digital Vs 400 asa film Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2002 ... Joe, You're talking color...the human eye can discern 16M colors, but only 100 graytones. If I did post the references here, please check them out, if I didn't, I'd be happy to post them. Print out a 64 and a 128 graytone step wedge, and see if you can discern all the adjacent tones. Austin

Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 From: "Mxsmanic" [email protected] Newsgroups:,, Subject: Re: Input specifications for Fuji Frontier digital minilabs? "Bit Bucket" [email protected] a Tcrit > Whoa there, Pilgram. I don't think so. "The retina > contains two types of photoreceptors, rods and cones. > The rods are more numerous, some 120 million, and are > more sensitive than the cones. However, THEY ARE NOT > SENSITIVE TO COLOR." -- Such are the dangers of a quick glance at the Web. The retina contains two major types of photoreceptors, rods and cones (named after their approximate shapes under a microscope). Rods are extremely photosensitive but they all contain the same pigment and they all have the same spectral response, which peaks in the blue-green end of the spectrum. In contrast, cones come in three varieties, each of which has a different pigment: red-sensitive, green-sensitive, and blue-sensitive. Color vision depends on processing of separate red, green, and blue signals from the three types of cones. Green cones are much more numerous than blue or red cones; blue cones are the most rare. The center of the visual field on the retina contains only cones; as one moves towards the periphery, the cones diminish in number and density and rods become more prominent. This physiology of cone cells in the retina is the basis for the trichromatic display and printing systems universally used to create images for human viewing. > However, since CCD sensors are not sensitive to > color (like our rods), there are no "missing components" > in the luminance readings ... CCDs are covered by colored matrix filters in digital cameras. These filters place a color filter over each pixel of the CCD; the usual colors are red, green, and blue, with green filters being more numerous than blue or red filters (to mimic the physiology of cone cells in the eye). Thus, CCD sensors are indeed sensitive to color, even if the underlying CCD has a constant spectral response without the filter. > They are masked by filters of KNOWN DENSITIES and > KNOWN COLORS, which would not seem to require any > interpolation whatsoever to adjust the readings > accordingly for black and white luminance. Black and white luminance are a function of several colors, not just one. You need red, green, and blue information to perceive luminance--because that's how the human eye does it. This being so, no pixel that receives only one of these three colors can provide enough information for accurate luminance; and since all single-CCD cameras have information for only one color for each pixel, interpolation is necessary to derive luminance. The luminance signal is somewhat more accurate than the chrominance signal, but it is not 100% accurate, because of the interpolation.

Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 From: "Mxsmanic" [email protected] Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Megapixels vs Medium Format question "Thom" [email protected] a Tcrit > The average human being can only see about > 58,000 colors! Having a pallet with 16M > is a waste of resources. Not so. Typical human vision can distinguish about 16 million separate colors. 64K displays often show visible posterization in gentle gradients, especially in blue.

From: "Ralph W. Lambrecht" [email protected] Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Focusing and Depth of Field concerns Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 Henry Dreyfuss conducted a study for the US Army in the 1960s and determined that the minimum separable visual angle is about 1 minute of arc or 0.017 degrees. However, he stated that some eyes are twice as good. The study also shows that the result is largely influenced by the lighting condition and contrast. Two bright stars against a dark sky, for example, can be separated down to 0.05 seconds of arc or an impressive 0.000014 degrees. Using this data for photography, most Depth of Field tables assume a viewing angle of 2 minutes of arc. Example CoC = 0.022mm for 35mm film. Half that diameter would be more realistic for critical consumers. Here are some examples of critical CoC for common film formats. 24x36 0.011 6x4.5 0.020 6x6 0.021 6x7 0.024 6x9 0.026 4x5 0.044 5x7 0.056 8x10 0.089 11x14 0.126 These values assume an uncropped print viewed from a distance equal or larger than the diagonal of the print. For more information see: 'The Measure of Man' � 1967 by Henry Dreyfuss and 'On the Psychophysical Function' � 1975 by H. L. Resnikoff Ralph W. Lambrecht "Q.G. de Bakker" wrote: > Leonard Evens wrote: > > > You offer very good advice, but let me quibble a bit. > > > > The old rule of thumb was that the largest disc that the eye can't > > distinguish from a point at 10 inches is 0.01 inches or about 0.25 mm, > > which comes out to 4 lp/mm, using your formula. Certainly some people > > can see better than that, perhaps being able to see as well as the > > equivalent of 8 lp/mm, as you say. > > Let me quibble a bit too. > If the largest disc that the eye can't distinguish from a point is (about) > 0.25 mm, you would get 4 of them (single (!) points; stretch them in one > direction and you will have lines) in a mm. That are only 2 pairs (2 lp/mm), > not 4. > No? ;-)

From: Uncle Al [email protected] Newsgroups: sci.optics,sci.physics Subject: Re: Fluorescent optics Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 Bruce Bowen wrote: > > Would it be possible for people to see into UV with fluorescent > optics? For example contact lenses, eyeglasses, etc. I believe the > material would have to fluoresce somewhat coherently with the incoming > UV, and not just scatter randomly in order to be able to image > effectively. The natural lens oin your eye is a potent UV absorber. Young lenses cut off at 400 nm. By middle age the lens is distinctly yellow, then it shades to brown. Middle-aged folks confuse black and blue socks and shoes, especially under incandescent light. Old farts without cataract extractions dress in weird bright colors. Old ladies' makeup, if they retain OEM lenses, looks like clown school homework. Without the lens you can see to at least 380 nm or so, past blacklight. UV eats your retina. If you want to look into the UV or NIR, use a camera. -- Uncle Al

From: Uncle Al [email protected] Newsgroups: sci.optics,sci.physics Subject: Re: Fluorescent optics Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 Ian Stirling wrote: > > In sci.optics Uncle Al [email protected] wrote: > {snip} > > The natural lens oin your eye is a potent UV absorber. Young lenses > > cut off at 400 nm. By middle age the lens is distinctly yellow, then > > it shades to brown. Middle-aged folks confuse black and blue socks > > Do you know what drives this aging? > Is it UV? It's Maillard browning, the same thing that makes for tasty bread crusts - pendant amino groups from lysine residues plus reducing sugars give Schiff bases, then further condensation. There is no discrete knowlege of the process and no trustworthy countermeasures either as prevention or treatment. Diabetics have big problems with their eyes' lenses. -- Uncle Al

From: [email protected] (Jonathon) Newsgroups: sci.optics,sci.physics Subject: Re: Fluorescent optics Date: 27 Aug 2002 [email protected] (Bruce Bowen) wrote... > Would it be possible for people to see into UV with fluorescent > optics? For example contact lenses, eyeglasses, etc. I believe the > material would have to fluoresce somewhat coherently with the incoming > UV, and not just scatter randomly in order to be able to image > effectively. > > -Bruce [email protected] Many years ago I knew someone who had a replacement lens in one eye. This was obviously luminescent, and he could 'sense' UV. He couldn't see an image, but was aware of the glow. I guess/hope modern lenses aren't luminescent. Jon

From: [email protected] (John Eyles) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Megapixels vs Medium Format question Date: 29 Aug 2002 Since we're talking optometrics, I have a conundrum. I realized I'm probably not focusing my Fuji range-finder very accurately, because I'm so presbyopic myself. Fortunately it takes Nikon diopters (the FM2/FE2 size), but I can't figure out which to get. An eye doctor measured me and said I need something between +1 and +2 for my reading glasses, but said WHICH I need depends upon how far I sit from my computer screen etc. So which should I get for my camera diopter ? I suppose it depends on where the un-dioptered viewfinder puts the virtual image. I guess I COULD buy several (at $17 a pop) and try to return the unused ones (or save til my eyes get even worse). But given how hard it's been to get B&H to credit for returned merch ... (ok, they claim they're just busy). Thoughts ? Thanks, John

From: [email protected] (brian) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Medium Format vs. 35mm Date: 7 Sep 2002 "Mxsmanic" [email protected] wrote > "Jeff Haddock" [email protected] a Tcrit > > > Depth of field exists only > because human eyes cannot see with infinite resolution; if they could, then > only the plane of focus would be sharp in an image--there would be no depth > of field at all. Since DOF is a function of the eyes, then, it follows that > the more closely you examine an image, the shallower the DOF will appear to > be. And, since you can enlarge MF a lot more than 35mm without being > limited by film grain, you can examine MF prints a lot more closely, and so > the DOF upon the closest possible examination will be much more limited. You're ignoring the wave nature of light here. There is a thing in optics called the diffraction-limited depth of field. In image space it is approximately equal to the f/#^2 measured in microns for visible light. Thus, if you shoot at f/10, the diffraction-limited depth of field will be about 100 microns at the film plane. Within the diffraction-limited depth of field envelope it is essentially impossible to determine a unique plane of sharpest focus. Needless to say, this is a much higher standard than the typical circle of confusion calculations based on print sizes. Brian

from minolta mailing list: Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 From: "haefr2000" [email protected] Subject: Amazing Facts Lost in all our discussions about current digital camera pixel density and proposed pixel density is that it was all done before. Consider, if you will, one of the most amazing analogs in nature: OUR OWN RETINAS! The entire retina (conveniently spherically shaped to negate spherical aberrations from our optical system, no less!) has approximately 1 million nerve endings - implying 1 million pixels. This, in itself is not all that impressive when compared with 6.3 megapixels in Canon's sensor array on the D-60. But, and here's the kicker, MOST of the retina except for the macula is used for peripheral vision. the "sensors" - "rods" in this case, are color perception insensitive, but they are great for getting us out of trouble at night from critters that would be willing to indulge us as a late night snack in case we were caught unawares (great for low light motion detection). Now, the macula, specifically a tiny area of the macula, the foveal pit, is truly a wonder. For dimension freaks the macula is approximately 3mm in diameter*. The foveal pit is approximately 1/10 as large at 0.3mm in diameter* - roughly the area of a pinhead (not the pointy end). This tiny area is populated exclusively by "cones" - the "sensors" responsible for our most acute resolution and color perception. It's what we lay the image on when we "look" at something critically. With that 0.3mm diameter, the area works out to less than 0.08 square millimeters ([pi x 0.3mm^2]/4) but still contains more than 250,000 "cones"* (each one representing a pixel). Still not impressed? To put the significance of this in perspective, at that packing density, a 6 megapixel sensor array would have an area of just under 2 square millimeters ([6 x 0.08mm^2]/0.25])! Or expressed another way, a standard 35mm frame measuring 24x36mm would contain over 2.5 gigapixels ([[24mm x 36mm]/2mm^2] x 6)! Put THAT in your DSLR designed for conventional 35mm format lenses! The really amazing thing is that we can walk, talk, scratch an itch, (ahem, Kent, even calculate 1/2 f:stops) and check out pretty young thangs simultaneously with all the data we're constantly processing! *The data I presented was extracted and calculated from information in Stuart Duke-Elder's second volume of his "System of Ophthalmology" ophthalmology residency text.

From: "Bob May" [email protected] Newsgroups: sci.optics Subject: Re: Yellow tinted lenses Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2002 The theory is that looking at the yellow part of the spectrum is going to decrease the "poor focusing" blue and red rays, the blue end of the spectrum being the light most diffused by the droplets of water. While this is indeed true to a degree, the glasses aren't used in the high moisture conditions that can be helped in this matter but rather in an attempt to provide a "better" set of sunglasses. One of the things that the glasses actually make worse is the color reception of the eyes as the eyes are self-balancing for color (stay in a particular room with specific lighting and all the colors look natural in a few minutes) so they tend to overcorrect for the blue and red end of the spectrum, causing the yellow filters to pretty much stop working. The self-correcting nature of the eye tends to hid the fact that the yellow filters only work for a minute or so before the eye has rebalanced its sensitivity to the incoming light and thus negate the results of the filters. When the filters are taken off, the overcorrection makes the scene overblue and red and thus you really think that the yellow filters work all the time. A yellow filter on a rifle scope will work well as the eye doesn't become accomadated to the yellow tint in the time required to aquire a target and hit it for the obvious reasons described above. Also, neutral tinted filter lenses will assist in reducing the excess light coming in and open the irises a bit so that the apertures will provide a better resolution to the image on the retina of the eye. Opening the iris too far tho ends up looking through the edges of the eyelens and that is the poor part of the lens and thus you end up with poor vision for another reason. Hope this helps. -- Bob May

From: "Kevin Neilson" [email protected] Newsgroups: Subject: Re: What is the human eyes' ISO equivalent? Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 The process of eye evolution is well-documented and really not that amazing, but I've found there's little value in discussing such things with non-Darwinists. The human eye has some really poor design elements to it. The first is the fact that a large proportion of people have screwed-up focal lengths, requiring them to wear corrective lenses. (If God did indeed design the eye, he did it poorly.) Because of the way the eye evolved, the optical nerve creates a blind spot right in the middle of the retina. For the same reason, the nerve layer is on top of the retinal cells requiring light to get attenuated passing through this upper layer. Squid, which have eyes that evolved convergently, don't have these problems. The resolution isn't that great in most of the eye, which is why the fovea, the high-resolution part in the middle, evolved later. It's like an aftermarket add-on. The lens muscle is weak and wears out after 40 years, and the cornea gets all hard a few decades after that. The retinal cells are pretty slow, but they do have very good dynamic range. A lot of the slowess is overcome with the ability to track well. The eye has built-in motion detection circuitry and thus can track items very well, allowing them to stay focused on the fovea and to let the light from dim, moving objects accumulate. Like an IS lens. -Kevin ...

From rangefinder mailing list: Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 From: "Bob Sheppard" [email protected] Subject: Re: [RF List] Age: RF vs SLR Similar question. I remember reading in a discussion of fast lenses that an f-stop of 1.0 approximates the vision of the human eye. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Williams" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 Subject: Re: [RF List] Age: RF vs SLR > Dante Stella wrote: > > > The interesting thing is that SLR finders, especially the pre-AF ones, > > can > > be brighter than life once the lens hits f/1.4 or faster. F/2 is > > equivalent to the light the human eye sees. > > Just out of curiosity, what's the basis for this assertion? I realize > that the lens in the eye has a (variable) focal length and a maximum > aperture (which probably varies in size from person to person, although > possibly not all that much) but the process of 'seeing' is considerably > different between the eye and a piece of film. I recall reading (I > believe in 'Q.E.D.', by Richard Feynman) that if you're young, healthy, > and give your eyes plenty of time to adapt to darkness, they can detect > bursts of light amounting to as little as eight individual photons. I > don't know how one would go about relating that figure to the amount of > light a lens 'sees', but I would guess that a piece of film would have > to accumulate light over an exposure of several seconds to register > that amount of illumination. > > What that translates into is that I don't think a lens with a larger > numerical aperture would act as a 'funnel' to make the scene appear > brighter than you'd see it with your bare eyeball. If it would, the > Army could save all that money it spends on those electronic > night-vision systems and just fit the soldiers with great big > eyeglasses, right? > > > Assuming that there is a > > 1-stop loss in the finder system (that would actually be huge), it > > should > > be easier to focus SLRs in low light with f/1.4 lenses and faster. > > Another factoid dredged out of my sometimes dubious memory: seems as if > I recall (in one of Norman Goldberg's technical articles in the old, > more-technical 'Pop Photo') that because the condenser in an SLR > viewing system limits the illumination angle on the focusing screen to > the central portion of the lens' exit pupil, you're always focusing > through an effective aperture no greater than about f/2.8, no matter > how fast the lens you mount on the camera. This was noted in answering > a reader's question about why some pictures he had taken with a long, > fast tele lens at full aperture had had more detail visible in the > viewfinder than he got in the final photos -- the answer was that the > lens was sharper 'stopped down' by the viewing system than it was at > the full aperture that formed the actual on-film image.

From Rangefinder mailing list: Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 From: Jeffery Smith [email protected] Subject: RE: Age: RF vs SLR The muscles are fine, but the lens itself loses its elasticity. Since it is, by default, at the flattened condition (ligaments pulling it flat from the edges), the lens remains flat instead of rounding up when you try to focus up close. I'm so near-sighted, my eyes focus normally at about 5 inches. Take off my glasses and try to read a go! Jeffery drayton cooper wrote: > Bill has touched on the real answer to the original question of why we > find focusing more difficult as we age. There is one over-riding reason > which affects us all, sooner or later, and a second, complicating factor > > which affects many of us. > > The universal factor is called "presbyopia", "old eyes". It is a > condition that causes the muscles of the eye to lose their elasticity, > effectively limiting the range of focus on near objects. It's the reason > > bi-focals were invented. > > The other reason is the development of cataracts on our eyes, another > by-product of aging (and other factors) for some of us. Cataracts are > caused by a thickening of the eye's lens and serve as nature's own > neutral density filter, limiting the amount of light that gets through > the iris. > > These two reasons account for the growing popularity of Leicas, Bessas > and Contax G's among us older geezers. And you thought it was all about > status! > > DC > > Bill Salati wrote: > > Another factor is the eye's difficulty in focusing on closer objects as our > > age progresses. With a rangefinder you are viewing an aerial image. In an > > SLR your viewing the image on a focusing screen. The screen's apparent > > distance from the eye varies with different finder types and manufacturers. > > In some SLRs the apparent image is nearer and more difficult for the aging > > eye to focus on. > > At age forty eight, I still see well without glasses but I am favoring my RF > > over my SLRs for focusing wide angle lenses. > > > > Bill

From rangefinder mailing list: Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 From: Dante Stella [email protected] Subject: Re: [RF List] Can a Lens be brighter than no Lens at all Greg, I think you're right - it's projection, not sensitivity. The figure that f/2 is equivalent to the human eye *lens'* light gathering ability appeared in my Autoreflex T manual from 1967. I assume that the sensitivity is for an equivalent time slice - like 1/125 of a second and onto film, not a finder. That is totally believable. Sure, you can let your eyes adjust to light, but you totally lose color vision, depth of vision, and any sense of detail, just like when you severly underexpose a frame. Looking at something for 30 seconds in the dark, you might see something. But it will be completely lacking in detail. That's just like opening an f/2 lens for 30 seconds. I think a lot of SLRs suffer because they lose light at several stages: Lens - A good lens made after 1967 will lose up to 5% of the light to reflections. The better lenses have 1% or less on-axis flare, meaning they are transmitting 99%. Mirror - I have read that an SLR mirror normally reflects about 90% of the light. AF mirrors do a lot less - like 66%. Screen - if the plastic focusing screen has yellowed, you lose a little bit there. You lose a little by virtue of the ground surface as well. Prism - again, in a coated glass prism, a couple of points. A mirror box prism, more. I think that in a finder, a 1.4 is breaking even, and on film, twice as good. I think that once you're in the f/1.2 to f/1.0 class, the SLR has it - because the finder gets brighter and compositional focus can easily be done. For teles, I think that they bring in light from further, but the constraint is still the aperture. By the way, in a highly unscientific test, I took my Zone VI spotmeter and pointed it through the center of my M3 finder (one of the cleanest I have ever seen) and directly at the subject. Difference: 3 stops. Did the same through my Nikon FA with K2 screen and 105/1.8. Also 3 stops difference. Dante Gregory Levonian wrote: > Hi, > > I don't have any special knowledge on this issue except what I read in your > email, but I think you pretty much completely are misunderstanding > things. > > It's not a question of how sensitive the eye is at detecting light, but > rather how much light is being projected into the eye. If the lens has a > field of vision less than (or equal to) the angle of view of an eye, than > clearly it can't manufacture extra light - the lens is just going to (among > other things) filter some light out. If however it is wider than what the > eye sees it will still filter out some of the light, but it will also > "gathers" the light and project it to the retina. If the amount it gathers > is greater than the amount it filters it does have the possibility of being > brighter than an unaided eye. > > The sensitivity of the eye has nothing to do with this, just as the film > speed does not affect the speed of the lens. > > I hope this helps. ...

From: Don Stauffer [email protected] Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Film still doesn't match human eye sensitivity in low light Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2002 Tests show human eye can perceive a flash of 3 to 5 photons. Best electronic equipment can perceive flash with about 2 photons, so eye is very close to photon-limited. Of course, it has other failings. As someone else points out, it cannot accumulate much exposure. It CAN integrate SOME, I think for up to a period of about 100 milliseconds, but electronic equipment can integrate for far longer. AC/DCdude17 wrote: > Our scotopic vision(the mode our eyes are in at very low light > level) is an amazing thing. After you lay in your bed for good half an > hour or so, the light shining through the blind from street light or > whatever is often enough to let us see monochrome image of your > furnitures and if you move your head around, you can see the next > furniture instantly. Close your eyes. Open them. You can see the > image almost instantly and if we were to convert that into ISO > equivalent, I think it will come out VERY high. > > I did an experiment with a film and I can tell you that even so > called fast film doesn't perform anywhere near as well as our eyes. > > Lens: Pentax 50mm F2.0 > Aperture: F2.0 > Film: Fuji Superia X-TRA ISO 800 > > Exposure durations and result: > > 2s nothing, 4s nothing, 8s nothing, 15sec nothing, 30 sec nothing, 1min > very slightly exposed, resolution is still much poorer than what I can > see. > > All the light I had was a faint glow of green LEDs from an alarm clock > at the other end of room and a bit of high pressure sodium light peeking > through the blind. > > Even 800 speed film at F2.0 required a good minute to get any image, so > even with 3200spd film and F1.4 lens, it will theoretically take good > 20seconds to get same density. > > Is it possible to capture what we see in the dark on film within the > timeframe required to let our eyes see it strictly in available light > mode?(no more than a sec I'd say) > -- Don Stauffer in Minnesota

From: "Tony Spadaro" [email protected] Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Film still doesn't match human eye sensitivity in low light Date: Wed, 25 Dec 200 Except that the eye cannot retain light they've gathered. I walk around at night at lot, and I photograph at night. I've done 4.5 hour exposures on moonless nights in areas illuminated only by light bounced off the bottoms of clouds. The scenes are in colour although they have a strange quality to them. As far as trying to capture low light faster, you can re-rate P3200 as high as 12500 - another two stops beyond the nominal EI of 3200, but I know of no film that can be rated higher than that and still capture light without being overcome by fog in the developing stage. -- and partial home of The Camera-ist's Manifesto The Links are at

From: "Michael A. Covington" [email protected] Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Film still doesn't match human eye sensitivity in low light Date: Wed, 25 Dec 2002 ... > Is it possible to capture what we see in the dark on film within the > timeframe required to let our eyes see it strictly in available light > mode?(no more than a sec I'd say) > Well... The brightness range of the human eye is more than a million to one. Full sunlight is a million times brighter than full moonlight, and we can see things under considerably less illumination than full moonlight. The actual usable range is probably more like 100 million to one. On 800 speed film, you can photograph a brightly sunlit scene in 1/1000 second at f/16. The maximum exposure you have in mind is probably 1 second at f/1.8. That's 300,000 times more exposure. Somewhere we need to find another factor of 300, very roughly. So... No, we're not there yet. If you had 32,000 speed film, and a 5-second exposure, and an f/1 lens (which Canon makes, though it's not too sharp), you'd be there. Pushing film to EI 32,000 *may* be possible if you use *all* the tricks: Black-and-white film with a wide spectrum range (such as the now-discontinued Kodak 2475 Recording Film); extreme development; and some preflashing or chemical hypersensitization before the exposure. However, with film of this type, reciprocity failure would cost you quite a bit of speed in 1-second or longer exposures. T-Max P3200 might be a better film to start with. (Don't expect color. Each layer of color film responds to less than 1/3 of the spectrum. You need the whole spectrum in one image.) There are also CCDs like the ones used in astronomy. Their sensitivity is about the same as film (400 speed) but they are very linear (which means you can "push" an underexposed image by amplifying it) and they have no reciprocity failure. An experienced astronomer can take "exposures" of up to 10 seconds with the human eye, during which things fluctuate into and out of visibility. At that point you are detecting nearly every photon, and further improvement would be possible only by taking longer exposures and/or covering more than just the visible spectrum. -- Clear skies, Michael Covington -- Author, Astrophotography for the Amateur and (new) How to Use a Computerized Telescope

Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: [HUG] Re: hasselblad V1 #1845 [email protected] writes: Try staring at a stationary LED in a totally dark room, and you would swear it is dancing around after a while. It is. Involuntary eye movements are needed to keep the visual receptors from saturating. If you deliberately stare at something for a few seconds it will disappear because the retinal sensors get saturated and stop sending signals to the brain. In a dark room the involuntary eye movements make the LED look like it is dancing. If it did not dance, it would disappear!

From rangefinder mailing list: Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 From: Dante Stella [email protected] Subject: RE: [RF List] Age: RF vs SLR Nick: The interesting thing is that SLR finders, especially the pre-AF ones, can be brighter than life once the lens hits f/1.4 or faster. F/2 is equivalent to the light the human eye sees. Assuming that there is a 1-stop loss in the finder system (that would actually be huge), it should be easier to focus SLRs in low light with f/1.4 lenses and faster. I just bought a Nikon FA and was blown away by how bright the finder was against an autofocus SLR finder. Dante ...

From rangefinder mailing list: Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 17:10:51 +0000 From: drayton cooper Subject: RE: Age: RF vs SLR Bill has touched on the real answer to the original question of why we find focusing more difficult as we age. There is one over-riding reason which affects us all, sooner or later, and a second, complicating factor which affects many of us. The universal factor is called "presbyopia", "old eyes". It is a condition that causes the muscles of the eye to lose their elasticity, effectively limiting the range of focus on near objects. It's the reason bi-focals were invented. The other reason is the development of cataracts on our eyes, another by-product of aging (and other factors) for some of us. Cataracts are caused by a thickening of the eye's lens and serve as nature's own neutral density filter, limiting the amount of light that gets through the iris. These two reasons account for the growing popularity of Leicas, Bessas and Contax G's among us older geezers. And you thought it was all about status! DC Bill Salati wrote: > Another factor is the eye's difficulty in focusing on closer objects as our > age progresses. With a rangefinder you are viewing an aerial image. In an > SLR your viewing the image on a focusing screen. The screen's apparent > distance from the eye varies with different finder types and manufacturers. > In some SLRs the apparent image is nearer and more difficult for the aging > eye to focus on. > At age forty eight, I still see well without glasses but I am favoring my RF > over my SLRs for focusing wide angle lenses. > > Bill

From rangefinder mailing list: Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 From: "charlie" [email protected] Subject: Re: [RF List] Age: RF vs SLR And as someone who has had cataract surgery, first in one eye and then in the other 5 years later, there is another by product of age that might be of interest - that is that the lens of the eye begins to yellow as you get older. Of course you can't really notice this unless you have your lens removed, but before my second operation, I noticed a fairly striking difference between my real and my "plastic" lens - almost like holding a light yellow filter up in front one eye. It's a good thing I'm a B&W guy or balancing colors would have been quite tricky!!! And of course post operation, I have picked up maybe a stop of brighness, which making focusing easier - as long as objects aren't too close. charlie ...

From rangefinder mailing list: Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 From: Jim Williams [email protected] Subject: Re: [RF List] Age: RF vs SLR Dante Stella wrote: > The interesting thing is that SLR finders, especially the pre-AF ones, can > be brighter than life once the lens hits f/1.4 or faster. F/2 is > equivalent to the light the human eye sees. Just out of curiosity, what's the basis for this assertion? I realize that the lens in the eye has a (variable) focal length and a maximum aperture (which probably varies in size from person to person, although possibly not all that much) but the process of 'seeing' is considerably different between the eye and a piece of film. I recall reading (I believe in 'Q.E.D.', by Richard Feynman) that if you're young, healthy, and give your eyes plenty of time to adapt to darkness, they can detect bursts of light amounting to as little as eight individual photons. I don't know how one would go about relating that figure to the amount of light a lens 'sees', but I would guess that a piece of film would have to accumulate light over an exposure of several seconds to register that amount of illumination. What that translates into is that I don't think a lens with a larger numerical aperture would act as a 'funnel' to make the scene appear brighter than you'd see it with your bare eyeball. If it would, the Army could save all that money it spends on those electronic night-vision systems and just fit the soldiers with great big eyeglasses, right? > Assuming that there is a > 1-stop loss in the finder system (that would actually be huge), it > should > be easier to focus SLRs in low light with f/1.4 lenses and faster. Another factoid dredged out of my sometimes dubious memory: seems as if I recall (in one of Norman Goldberg's technical articles in the old, more-technical 'Pop Photo') that because the condenser in an SLR viewing system limits the illumination angle on the focusing screen to the central portion of the lens' exit pupil, you're always focusing through an effective aperture no greater than about f/2.8, no matter how fast the lens you mount on the camera. This was noted in answering a reader's question about why some pictures he had taken with a long, fast tele lens at full aperture had had more detail visible in the viewfinder than he got in the final photos -- the answer was that the lens was sharper 'stopped down' by the viewing system than it was at the full aperture that formed the actual on-film image.

From: "Ron Andrews" [email protected] Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Film still doesn't match human eye sensitivity in low light Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 A few weeks ago, there was a thread on discussing the "specs" of the human visual system as if it were a camera. My conclusion was that the equivalent ISO speed of the eye ranges from 10 to 1600 for photopic (color) vision. I guessed at an equivalent speed of somewhere between 10000 and 50000 for scotopic vision. The experiment of AC/DCdude17 would put this at the higher end of that range. FWIW, here is a copy of my prior post: Humans have binocular vision, so we should compare to a stereo camera. The focal lengths are about 25mm. The apertures go from about f/3 to f/10. The human visual system doesn't take snapshots. It is more like a video system with a continuous response. Thomas Edison and others established the flicker fusion frequency of the human visual system at about 40 to 50 cycles per second. This gives us an estimate of the shutter speed. We have normal color vision down to around 7 foot candles. If we assume an f/3 aperture and 1/50th second shutter speed, the equivalent ISO speed is about 1600. Of course we also have normal color vision in bright sun (8000 fc). At f/10, this is equivalent to about ISO 10. The latitude for normal color vision is over 8 stops. The rods in the retinas are sensitive to much lower light levels. I'm not sure if the flicker fusion frequency is the same, but I'll guess that the equivalent ISO is somewhere between 10000 and 50000. So how many pixels are in the retina? The analogy breaks down here because the eye packs a lot of rods and cones into the fovea, the small central area of the retina. The rest of the retina has fewer receptors. We "see" an entire seen at high resolution because our eyes scan across it. We really only see the center part of a scene at high resolution. In any event we can attempt to compare resolutions in terms of cycles per degree. The MTF curve of the eye has some response out to about 50 cycles per degree depending on the aperture. If a digital camera has a 45 degree angle of view, it would require 4500 pixels across the width (2 pixels to record one cycle) and about 3000 on the vertical axis for about 13.5 Megapixels to perfectly reproduce what the eye sees. Of course the response at 50 cycles per degree is rather low so a camera with resolution half as good (say 6 MP) would reproduce most of what the eye sees. The spectral sensitivities of the three different types of cones peak at 450, 550, and 590 nm. with broad areas of overlap. The retina and the brain do a great job of matrixing these signals into our color response. Here is a useful article that covers come of these issues:

"AC/DCdude17" [email protected] wrote > Our scotopic vision(the mode our eyes are in at very low light > level) is an amazing thing. After you lay in your bed for good half an > hour or so, the light shining through the blind from street light or > whatever is often enough to let us see monochrome image of your > furnitures and if you move your head around, you can see the next > furniture instantly. Close your eyes. Open them. You can see the > image almost instantly and if we were to convert that into ISO > equivalent, I think it will come out VERY high. > > I did an experiment with a film and I can tell you that even so > called fast film doesn't perform anywhere near as well as our eyes. > > Lens: Pentax 50mm F2.0 > Aperture: F2.0 > Film: Fuji Superia X-TRA ISO 800 > > Exposure durations and result: > > 2s nothing, 4s nothing, 8s nothing, 15sec nothing, 30 sec nothing, 1min > very slightly exposed, resolution is still much poorer than what I can > see. > > All the light I had was a faint glow of green LEDs from an alarm clock > at the other end of room and a bit of high pressure sodium light peeking > through the blind. > > Even 800 speed film at F2.0 required a good minute to get any image, so > even with 3200spd film and F1.4 lens, it will theoretically take good > 20seconds to get same density. > > Is it possible to capture what we see in the dark on film within the > timeframe required to let our eyes see it strictly in available light > mode?(no more than a sec I'd say)

From: [email protected] (John Stafford) Newsgroups:, Subject: Re: Film still doesn't match human eye sensitivity in low light Date: 27 Dec 2002 To add to Ron Andrews' good information, the human eye does not see all the colors in the narrow spectrum called 'visible light'. There are flaws in the analog firmware of the retina that make it exceedingly difficult (if not impossible) to differentiate certain colors when they are placed on or near another color (specific examples are available.) Further, there are some colors that can be created (mixed - additive or subtractive) using different combinations of other colors. If our eyes did accurately sense all colors in the visible range, that would be impossible. -- jjs - Black and White Photography _is_ Color Photography

From: "Eugene A. Pallat" [email protected] Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Calling Hemi's Bluff (Viewing Distance) Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 Let's get rid of the hype and get down to reality. The American Opthalmic (sp) Society states that the average vieing distance is 15 inches. That's how far away the average person holds any hand held printed meterial to read, or a photograph to view. 15 inches is 381 mm. In order to determine the degree of enlargement of a negative to give propper viewing perspective, use yhe following formula. Divide the viewing distance by the focal length of the lens. This gives the degree of enlargement required for the negative. Multiply the enlargement factor by the dimensions of the negative. For example, consider a 3 inch (75mm) lense on a 4x5 view camera. 15/3 = 5 times enlargement. That means a 20 x 25 inch print is required. You can also charge more for your work! ;-) When you look at that print at 15 inches and then the actual scene photographed, everything will be in the propper proportion and perspective. This is the standard method used in forensic photography. Anything else will give a distorted view and photographers have even been impeached by the courts for falsifying evidence done otherwise. Naturally, macro work is in a different catagory. Gene Pallat Orion Forensics

From: "Eugene A. Pallat" [email protected] Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Calling Hemi's Bluff (Viewing Distance) Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 J Stafford wrote: > Where did the 15 come from? Opthamologists noted that the average person holds printed matter and photographs 15 inches from the eye. Unless you're so far sighted you hold it at arms length. ;-) Gene Pallat Orion Forensics

From: [email protected] (Edward Green) Newsgroups: sci.optics,sci.optics.fiber,sci.physics Subject: Re: Eye Nonlinear Response Date: 14 May 2003 [email protected] (Djamshid - Navabi) wrote > Hi: > > I was standing about 10 meters from a window at the end of a hall of > about 3 meters wide looking at a hill some distance away(sunny clear > sky). It seemed that objects (like trees and houses)on the hill were > more resolved and clear than when I was right at the window looking at > the whole (eyes' field of view) scene. The hall had bright > fluorescent lights (no more eye pupil dilution than when standing by > the window). Is this due to some kind of nonlinear response of the > eye under the above condition, or are my eyes screwed up? I don't know ... there are a string of variables. There is a dense spot of receptors on the retina ... when you look at the scene from down the hall, it may have just spanned this dense spot and really have been sharper ... on average ... than when it filled your whole retina. Of course if you focussed your attention on a small part of the scene when it filled your field of vision, actual angular resolution would have been just the same. A related question ... the picture on small screen TV's often seems much sharper and more intense than on large screens. In many cases it actually is, since the same number of pixels are simply spread over a larger area -- though high definition TV's are changing this. But in general this shows how stupid and exhibitionist the large screen TV is. The only reason to inflate a given picture resolution is to get farther back from it and have it fill the same space on your retina ... and like your outside picture which looked sharper framed by the window, the experience is probably best when the screen does not fill your entire visual field. So the only damn practical reason to have a screen larger than one which can be comfortably watched by a few people at a few feet is if you actually plan to have 30 people watching! For individual viewing, I find a compact set at a distance of a few feet better. Of course a huge screen TV shows you are powerful and have a large ph*llus, which I suppose contributes some economic value.

From: "Danny Rich" [email protected] Newsgroups: sci.optics Subject: Re: Eye sensitivity Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 Check out the following web page: From the Color Vision Research lab. It will have tables of V-lambda at fine intervals versus both wavelength and frequency, both linear and logarithmic. By the way - one poster mentioned that this curve is the sum of three curves. Those component curves are also given. All of these curve interpolate or model better as log functions since they are related to absorption bands and have an exponential nature. Modeling exponential functions with polynomials is usually not very fruitful. Modelling log(exponential functions) with polynomials is much better. Danny "Richard F.L.R. Snashall" [email protected] wrote > The curve of eye sensitivity given in Born & Wolf looks (to me) > quite a like a "bell" curve, but it is somewhat skewed. The > peak (0.555 microns), however, would be nearer the center if > it were plotted against frequency instead. Assuming that it > would look more like that bell curve if so plotted, I did a > quick calculation and came up with a mean of about 0.54 and a > standard deviation of about 0.041 for light measured in > 1E15 hz. > > Is there an traditional estimator for this curve that is used? > > Rick S.

From: "James R \(Jim\) Lynch III" [email protected] Newsgroups: sci.optics Subject: Re: Eye sensitivity Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 If you're doing lens design for a visual system and need spectral weightings for the photopic or scotopic eye, you can't beat CodeV's SPEctral option. It will convolve the source with the eye to give spectral weightings for any number of wavelengths up to 21. SYNOPSYS also has a nice feature similar CodeV for calculating these weights. I've been using the spectral weights and wavelengths given in Table 4.1b "Color Sensitivity" in "Telescope Optics" by Rutten & van Venrooij: TABLE, Color Sensitivity Wavelength Relative Response Photopic(*2) Scotopic(*3) 436 nm <.02 .28 486 nm .20 .86 513 nm .60 1.00 555 nm 1.00 .40 587 nm .80 .06 656 nm .08 <.01 (*2) Photopic: bright enough to see color (*3) Scotopic: too dim for color James R. Lynch III ...

From: "Harvey" [email protected] Newsgroups: sci.optics Subject: Re: DOF and human eye question Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2003 "Acme Optics" [email protected] wrote > Jim Hahn [email protected] wrote: > Yes. Think about it this way. As the aperture gets smaller, 2.44 > lambda/aperture diameter gets bigger in object space and so 2.44 x > lamda x f# gets bigger at the focal plane. Given fixed size > deterctors, pretty soon the diffraction blur dominates over > geometrical focus blur. I'd look at the equations in Optical > Engineering by Warren Smith. The eye is not diffraction limited by a *good* factor. If I recall correctly the resolution is usually quoted as about one arc minute, but Im not sure if that is wide open or stopped down. Typically I can see far more detail in *bright* light - eye stopped down - than in dim - eye wide open - which suggests abns etc dominate, not diffraction, because its in focus all the time, bright or dim. *Depth* of focus of course increases as you stop down; it ought to be easier to see the rifle front sight & target in focus in bright light. Not really suprising that a blob of soggy liquid & jelly of dubious shape & refractive index uniformity doesnt quite get to >Part two: My eyes are 56 years old. So I find that having a prescription > >lens helps too. I can add any lens to the system. I am guessing that > >this lens is essentially setting the "exact focus" distance of the > >optical system. Does that play into any formula? I have seen some > >formulas into which one plugs the near, far, and exact focus distances. > > Your lenses are less flexible and so your muscles can change focal > length less than they could when younger, so we compensate with bi or > tri-flocals. It sucks but since it is not life threatening, the > solution takes a back seat to the really nasty little things that can > go wrong. My optician reckons that by 56 many people can hardly accomodate at all. And notes that one good point about eventually getting cataracts is that after the operation whilst you cant accomodate at all they can correct out the basic (for me) -6D error & I wiont be short sighted any more................ Get a focussable telescopic sight & the cross wires & target can both be nicely in focus; as the grey sqiurrels & wood pidgeons in my garden know to their cost................. Harvey

From: Louis Boyd [email protected] Newsgroups: sci.optics Subject: Re: Exit pupils, light gathering & the eye Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 Rico Tudor wrote: > Given a 7mm entrance pupil for the human eye, light-gathering by ordinary > 8x binoculars hits a limit at 8x56. Is this an optical inevitability, or > can a direct-view 8x200 be designed such that all light reaches the retina? > Yes, an optical inevitability. Conceivably some eye surgeon could come up with a replacement eye lens that would replace your approximately F/3 eye lens for an F/1 unit which would give about a factor of 10 light boost but it would make you look a bit odd. A side effect would be that you'd have horrible depth of field. Until then your choice is to use an image intensifier or some other form of imaging device. Using that 200mm objective you can boost the magnification to about 200/7 or about 28 power and actually use the light that big lens collects. That does work fairly well in low light because it partially makes up for the low resolution of the human eye caused by the low density of of the high sensitivity rods in the eye. You see this used to good effect in the huge Russian "border guard" binoculars that are kicking around the surplus market. No, they're still not as sensitive as intensifiers and they cost more. Contrary to popular opinion the advanatage of image intensifiers isn't because because their photcathodes are so much more sensitive than the human eye. 1. Their gain keep the brighness high enough that the high resolution cones in the fovea are usable. This alone yields about a 10x improvement in resolution over the dark adapted eye. 2. They take in a wider portion of the spectrum, particularly Gen III tubes which have good sensitivity in the 700-900 nm range where sky glow is much brighter than in the visible. Using the whole spectrum from 300 to 950 nm (with the skyglow) gives about a 10x improvement over just using the less than 400-600 nm range of the dark adapted eye. 3. Their flat photocathode doesn't limit the acceptance angle so fast lenses are usable. An F/0.5 optical system (Viet nam era TVS-2 and TVS-4 for example) offers about 36x improvemnt over the eye's F/3 lens. Most modern NV goggles use about an F/1 lens which still gives a 9x improvement. 4. They do provide some quantum efficiency improvement over the human eye giving about a 4x improvement. Actually one of best and cheapest night vision devices, and the only common one which retains high resolution color vision, is a flashlight. -- Lou Boyd

From Leica Mailing List: Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 From: [email protected] Subject: [Leica] Human color vision and the cone photoreceptors. To continue to beat a horse of a different color, this is a long post, extracted from current research literature, explaining the assertion that there are more than three types of color receptors in the human eye. The trichromatic theory of color vision is not invalidated, as such, but it has been significantly modified. It helps explain why we can see colors that we cannot normally photograph and why people disagree on the exact color match of pieces of fabric. (This is my problem when my wife takes me shopping with her.) A long accepted fundamental property of human vision is trichromacy. The trichromatic theory helps to explain our color perceptions and color discriminations. The anatomical basis of trichromacy begins with the complement of cone photoreceptors in the retina. For over one hundred years researchers thought that the color-normal eye contained three cone types, designated as S, M, and L, whose photopigments were later psychophysically estimated to have peak spectral sensitivities near 440, 540, and 560 nanometers. There is considerable overlap in sensitivity of the middle wavelength sensitive and long wavelength sensitive cone types. Over the years, however, psychologists questioned whether subtle variations may exist in normal color vision based on small individual differences in the spectral sensitivities of the photopigments (Alpern & Wake, 1977; Neitz & Jacobs, 1986). The findings of the early studies were viewed with some skepticism, however, because of the difficulty in ruling out measurement error and confounding factors. As the psychophysical evidence grew, researchers began to investigate this possibility from many angles. Today, psychophysical (Neitz & Jacobs, 1990; Mollon, 1992), microspectrophotometric (Dartnall, Bowmaker, & Mollon, 1983), and molecular genetic studies (Nathans, Piantanida, Eddy, Shows, & Hogness, 1986; Winderickx et al., 1992) provide evidence of substantial variation in the number and spectral sensitivity of the cone types in the color-normal eye (also see Mollon, Cavonius, and Zrenner, 1998). The evidence now suggests the presence of three broad families of normally occurring cone photopigments. There is thought to be only one photopigment with a peak spectral sensitivity in the short wavelengths (blue), but there is now evidence that there are multiple middle wavelength (green) photopigments and multiple long wavelength (red) photopigments. The difference in spectral sensitivity among the middle wavelength pigments or among the long wavelength pigments has been estimated to be approximately 5-7nm(Neitz, Neitz, & Jacobs, 1995). In fact there may be as many as 9 different cone types with various peaks in photosensitivity among the middle and long wavelength families. Molecular genetic analyses show that individuals may inherit a surprisingly large number of different X-linked, recessive genes that encode the production of these photopigments (Neitz, Neitz, & Grishok, 1995). An obvious question is why do we have so many color vision genes? The genes that encode the middle and long wavelength sensitive pigments reside near the end of one of the arms of the X chromosome and they have very similar DNA sequences. In fact, the substitution of one amino acid in the DNA of a photopigment gene is sufficient to cause a change in the spectral sensitivity of that photopigment and in our color perceptions. The location and similarity of these genes makes them susceptible to the kinds of genetic errors that produce multiple gene copies, as well as hybrid genes that are genetic composites of the original ones (Nathans, et al., 1986). At present, it appears that normal color vision results from inheriting at least one cone type from each cone class (short, middle, and long). It is unclear, however, which complement of genes and cone types result in specific types of color vision deficiency. There is a great deal of genetic variation among individuals with the same type of color defect, making this work difficult. However, it appears that both the type and severity of a color vision defect can be linked to the complement of different cone types in the retina. Hybrid genes, which have been associated with small differences in the spectral sensitivity of the photopigments, are thought to be involved. These findings lead to an interesting question: if humans possess more than three cone types in their retina, do they still have trichromatic vision? The answer appears to be yes, presumably because the outputs of the different middle or longwavelength cone photoreceptors are summed together before leaving the retina. The resulting signals differ to a small but significant degree across individuals, though, because they affect color perception in some situations. Individuals with different complements of cone pigments will not accept each other's color matches in the long wavelength end of the spectrum and they will disagree on color names for certain wavelengths of light (Neitz, Neitz, & Jacobs, 1993). For example, a particular mixture of red and green light might appear a perfect yellow to your eye, but appear a greenish-yellow or slightly orange to someone else. This type of color vision assessment, called the Rayleigh Match, is the most accurate method for measuring color discrimination and diagnosing the congenital color vision defects. The distribution of photoreceptors in the retina appears to be nearly random. The ratio of R / G / B cone types varies, but the long wavelength cones are the most prevalent; short wavelength cones the least prevalent in the retina. Women who are heterozygous for the normal complement of color vision genes, th erefore, may have a mosaic retina: a patchwork of color-normal and color-deficient regions (Cohn, Emmerich, & Carlson, 1989). The nature of this mosaic depends on the inherited complement of color vision genes and on the point in development that X-chromosome inactivation occurred. That is, some women heterozygous for these genes may develop a color vision deficiency while others may develop normal color vision (Miyahara, Pokorny, Smith, Baron, & Baron, 1998). And, in fact, there are reports in the literature of identical (monozygotic) twins where one twin has normal color vision and the second is color-deficient (Jorgenson, et al., 1992). In light of these current findings, sensory psychologists and other perception researchers are designing psychophysical tasks to try to tease apart the nature of color processing in the eyes of individuals with different complements of cone photoreceptors. The challenge will then fall to neuroscientists, molecular biologists, and others to support or refute these findings at the cellular level. Future work for sensory psychologists will also involve investigating the extent to which these individual differences in color vision affect interactions with the world. Society uses color to code information in a variety of settings, including art. photography, education and transportation. In many occupations color discrimination is critical, for example, in discriminating electrical wiring and colored signal lights or in medical research. While these individual differences are small, they may prove to be problematic in some settings. In contrast to the research directed at the earliest stages of sensory processing, today there is also substantial exciting research interest at the other end of the S&P continuum: This research is directed at higher level perceptual processes and phenomena in the gray area where perception and cognition meld. Culture, desire, expectation, and learning are as important in determining what we see as the sensation itself. Larry Z

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