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127 Film Sources
This dimunitive 127 rollfilm (4x4cm) Italian made camera is a nice
example of an aluminum camera that takes half-frame images. I don't know
if there is a link between the Zenith Comet 127
camera and this Comet S camera, other than the use of the same size film
and name ''Comet''.
The Bencini company of Milan (Italy) started out in 1937 as I.C.A.F.,
becoming C.M.F., and finally Bencini. The Comet model dated from 1948,
featuring a slow f/11 achromatic lens and limited shutter speeds (1/30th,
Bulb) [source: McKeown]. But the cast aluminum body contrasted with later
Comet models in both 35mm (Comet NK 135) and a 3cm x 4cm on 127 film
series (Comet S). A 6x9cm Eno rollfilm camera is more commonly encountered.
They also experimented with a 3cm x 4.5cm on 120 film (sort of a
half-frame 6x4.5cm camera) with the Koroll II (original Koroll was 6x6cm).
The Minicomet shot dimunitive 2cm x 3 cm shots on 127 film in a small
plastic box camera.
Very odd little polished aluminum camera. It is an Italian Bencini Comet S Made in Milan. This one is for 1/2 frame on 127 roll film. It comes with the eveready case...
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1999
From: "terry.burgess" [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: bencini cameras
just a note to let you know that i have a collection of these cameras
they all seem to be of the same design but in different film formats
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