The photo notes below provide a good overview of this camera. Please understand
that this camera uses 127 rollfilm, which
produces 4x4cm images. But in this case, the camera is a half-frame, meaning
the images are half that width!
This camera was made in 1947 (not the older dates shown in photo notes). Because
this was a very low cost novelty plastic camera, it isn't worth a lot of money
due to the lack of collector interest (e.g., circa $20). See EBAY for latest
selling prices, or to add one to your 127 camera collection!
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000
From: Francois Ouellette [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Clix-o-flex
I spend many hours every week browsing your pages, it�s incredible what
you have assembled there!
Congratulations and thank you for sharing it with the world.
All the pictures of my childhood were taken by my dad on a Clix-o-Flex,
which I now have in my collection, except it�s not in a very good shape. I
don't know how many hundreds of films went through that little box!
It�s the first time I see one on the web.
Take care,
Fran�ois Ouellette
[email protected]
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