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Toy Cameras Page
This Bedfordflex TLR is a novelty or toy camera which uses 127 rollfilm
to produce 4x4cm images. The plastic lens is a fixed speed lens (f/6 at
1/50th). The modern day equivalents would be the Holga or other Toy Cameras. Naturally, you shouldn't expect much of
a camera that costs less than one of today's disposable cameras (e.g.,
circa $10 US).
If you decide to try and use this camera, check out our 127 film resources page. You can easily spend
more on a roll of film and processing than on buying this camera!
Personally, I don't see the big attraction in "toy" cameras for actual
users, contending with random flare and light leaks, and all that. But
since 127 film has gone obsolete recently, some people are perversely
turning to collecting these 127 film format cameras. They do make a more
compact collection than most, and costs are often low, so if you turn up
one of these cameras consider starting your own toy camera collection!
Bedfordflex plastic camera, all in good working order, made in Hong Kong.
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