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Folder Cameras FAQ
This Agfa Viking rollfilm camera is a nice example of a low cost folder
camera, complete with box and instruction booklet. See also related Ansco
made cameras with the Viking name made for Ansco by Agfa.
McKeown's Price Guide to Cameras suggests that both a 120 rollfilm and
116 film version, using either an f/6.3 or f/7.7 lens. Since 116 film is
no longer made commercially, you either have to buy expensive custom cut
and packaged film from collector sources (such as Film for Classics..) or
make your own adapters. See our page on obsolete film formats and how to
make adapters to use 120 rollfilm in 116 film cameras at:
Naturally, you shouldn't expect Hasselblad quality out of a $25 used
camera - but you might be surprised how much quality can be put on a
large medium format film area by even such a modest and slow lens. In
addition, a compact folder can be a nice fun camera, sort of a fifty
year old point and shoot, when set for "Sunny 16" daylight exposure
with wide latitude print film.
This is a nice camera, still in the original box. Made by the Agfa Corporation, it's model name is Viking. The box has a copyright date of 1954, so you have to figure the camera was made in the mid-50's. It even comes with complete instructions for easy operation. The camera is in good shape and works fine. It also has a pop-out side viewfinder, as well as the conventional top-mounted glass-lens viewfinder commonly found on most bellows cameras.
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