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Folder Camera FAQ
The Agfa Standard series of cameras were made from 1926 to 1932 (per
McKeown). These folder cameras include both rollfilm and camera plate
models. Cameras were available in a standard model and deluxe model (with
leather covering and nicer bellows.
Surprisingly, the original price for
the "deluxe" models was as little as 10% more than the regular version.
Today, that difference translates into a 400% increase in price! (e.g.,
circa $20-50+ US for the standard models, versus circa $100-175+ US for
the deluxe models).
Both a 6.5cm x 11cm and 6x9cm model rollfilm model
were made, using a variety of shutters and uncoated lenses. Similarly,
the plate film cameras came in both 6.5cm x 9 cm model and 9 x 12cm
models, with usually either an f/4.5 or f/6.3 lens in either Automat or
Compur shutters.
As is usually the case with folder cameras, there is a
lot of variation, over time, presumably due to the variable availability
of different lenses and shutters. Moreover, both rollfilm and plate
cameras tended to come in several film format sizes. So the result is a
wide number of possible camera variations. Finally, it is not that
uncommon to see an infrequent odd-ball lens which has been crafted onto
an older camera as part of a repair effort (e.g., during WWII, when parts
might not have been available).
The AGFA STANDARD was made in Germany 1926-33 and is an example of good camera design. This model uses 6.5x9 cm plates. Shutter is AUTOMAT 1/2-100 +B,T. Two finders-1. sport frame and 2. mirror. Ground glass focusing. The fabric around the ground glass is somewhat worn by still provides shielding for focusing. Anstigmatic Teilinear f 4.5-32 lens 10.5 cm(0bviously uncoated). This is a good example of a folding plate camera of the early period. Comes with brown leather case.
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