
A dynamic system for 2 1/4 square SLR Photography

Bronica sales brochure #BR-302

Special Thanks to Bill Barton for providing this brochure information

The Bronica System

photo on cover shows camera being hand held, body and back, third body..

The Bronica system begins with two modern precision cameras that bear a unique heritage. For todays new breed Bronica C and S2 are the latest successors to the camera that brought automatic operation to 2 � square SLR photography. It was Bronica that first provided the large-format camera with automatic mirror and diaphragm convenience, giving it the handling ease, speed and versatility f a fine 35.

Because of these automatic Bronica features, you focus and compose every picture with utmost comfort and certainty. There is no finder blackout. The subject image is always before your eyes, bright and clear, except for the instant of actual exposure.

You will find this sense of follow-through, this absence of distracting operations uniquely helpful in exploring and capturing the essence of your subjects. And you find it reflected in the freshness and spontaneity of your Bronica pictures.

Soon you will become aware how beautifully balanced the Bronica feels in your hands how precisely and naturally it responds under even the most extreme conditions. For it is a remarkably rugged and reliable instrument, built to withstand the rigors of professional use, day after day, year after year.

Your choice between the two Bronicas depends on your film changing preferences or needs. Bronica S2 offers interchangeable film backs which permit changing film even in mid-roll. Bronica C, with fixed back, provides all other S2 features at substantially lower cost. Both use the same interchangeable film inserts which can be pre-loaded with 120 or 220 film and quickly inserted in the back when the previous roll is completed. Both cameras are available with your choice of stainless-steel trim or all-black finish.

Above all, Bronica is more than a camera. It is the heart of a truly comprehensive system for fine photography in all its applications. You have no fewer than fourteen interchangeable lenses to choose from including six superb Auto-Nikkors. The focusing hood interchanges with either of two eyelevel prism finders or a magnifying hood. For closeup work, there is an uncommonly versatile bellows attachment, as well as extension tubes. Also available are hand grips, carrying cases, filters, lens hoods, etc. And the system keeps growing.

photo of Black S2 on tripod with male photographer and 1960s mini-skirted female model with Lights..

The Automatic Bronica Features

Automatic Instant-Return Mirror

With this innovating feature, Bronica took the blindfold off the 2 �-square SLR and gave fresh impetus to its development as a tool for creative expression.

As the shutter is released, the mirror moves quickly out of the lens-film path. Then, following the exposure, it instantly snaps back into focusing position. The action is so rapid, it is hardly discernible. The image seems never to have disappeared from view.

Unlike any other single-lens reflex, the Bronica mirror doesnt swing up with the exposure. Instead, it slides forward and down with a rapid scooping motion. This reduces its angular velocity and, aided by a unique shock-damping system, virtually eliminates all vibration associated with mirror action. In addition, it permits the use of deeply set lenses - such as the 50mm wide angle Nikkor - without surrendering the advantage of the automatic-return mirror.

Automatic Instant-Reopen Diaphragm

As the automatic action of the Bronica mirror eliminates finder image blackout, so the automatic action of the lens diaphragm eliminates image dimming. It is the combination of both of these features which provides the unique sense of follow-through prized by creative photographers.

With the automatic diaphragm system, the lens is wide open regardless of aperture setting. The finder image is always at maximum brightness for focusing and viewing. When the shutter is released, the diaphragm automatically stops down to the opening selected for the exposure. And then- instantly, automatically- it reopens to full aperture, ready for the next picture without further setting or adjustment.

The automatic action of the diaphragm is positive, foolproof, and precise. Yet it is so gentle it will never disturb or shift the aperture ring - even if set between lens-stop markings.

Film-Back Interchangeability

photo shows chrome S2 with back removed on its side..

photo shows spare 6x6 and 6x4.5 backs..

This facility of the Bronica S2 enables you to change film in seconds, at any time -even in the middle of a roll, without losing a single exposure. You can switch from black-and-white to color, from daylight to tungsten, or use the same type of film for continuous shooting without stopping to reload.

When you attach a film back to the Bronica S2, you need not pay attention to whether the film had been advanced or the shutter wound. As you operate the film-shutter transport, the camera automatically will perform only the uncompleted function. It will not make an accidental double exposure, nor advance an unexposed section of film.

A dark-slide protects the film from light while the back is off the camera. Unless the slide is fully inserted, the back cannot be removed. And, once the back is removed, the slide cannot be withdrawn.

When the back is attached to the camera, the slide must be completely pulled out before the shutter can be released. You cannot make an exposure while any part of the slide obstructs even the smallest part of the picture area on the film.

S2 backs are available for either of two picture formats: 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches (12 exposures with 120 film, 24 with 220 film) or 2 1/4 x 1 5/8 inches (16 exposures with 120 film, 32 with 220 film).

The rack insert which holds the film within the S2 back is also interchangeable. By carrying extra preloaded inserts, you can reload quickly after completing a roll, without detaching the film back.

Every Bronica S2 back may be loaded with either 120 or new 220 film. Simply set the lever on the side of the back to program the counter for the correct number of exposures on the film.

Other Bronica Features

photo shows chrome S2 with waist level finder and magnifier deployed plus magnifying hood and model A prism

photo shows depth of field preview button on side of camera..

photo shows Bronica C with helical lens mount removed and normal lens to side..

Film/Shutter Wind

The large, ratchet-action knob on the side of the camera simultaneously advances the film, winds the shutter and registers the exposure. The heavy-duty crank built into the knob permits fast winding where desired. It folds into the knob when not in use. The system prevents accidental double exposures, but permits double or multiple exposures at any time.

Depth-of-field preview

Pressing this button stops the lens down to the preset taking aperture without making an exposure. This enables you to observe depth-of-field at taking aperture, or select the aperture on the basis of the desired depth-of-field.

Removable Viewing Hood

You open the hood with a touch of your finger. For critical focusing, flip up the large, built-in magnifier. The hood interchanges with accessory eye-level prism finders, and with the accessory magnifying hood.

Newly designed Focal Plane Shutter

Mounted on ball bearings for dependable, smooth operation, the Bronica shutter provides speeds from 1 second to 1/1000th, plus B. It is synchronized for FP and M bulbs as well as electronic flash.

Removable Focusing Mount

The helical mount into which the interchangeable Nikkor lenses are inserted permits remarkably smooth, precise focusing. It is engraved with distance scales for four lenses: 50mm, 75mm, 135mm, and 200mm. A depth-of-field scale is also provided.

The entire focusing mount can be removed to accommodate special accessories or lenses equipped with their own focusing systems.

The New Breed of Bronica

photo (309k) show top, front, and two side views of Bronica S2..

1 - Removable focusing hood with built-in magnifier
2 - Removable film back (S2 only)
3 - Selector for 12 or 24 exposures
4 - Auto-reset exposure control
5 - Neck strap stud
6 - Film/shutter crank
7 - Film/shutter winding knob
8 - Focusing mount release button
9 - Focusing scales
10- Focusing ring
11- Shutter release
12- Lens lock/release
13- Aperture scale
14- Depth-of-field preview button
15- Depth-of-field scale
16- PC flash terminal
17- Shutter speed selector
18- Dark slide (S2 only)
19- Film type indicator mask

The Automatic Bronica C

photo shows Bronica C from angled side from above view)

photo shows Bronica C with back open and film insert being loaded..

Except for its fixed back, the Bronica C is identical to the S2. It offers the same features and the same precise, dependable performance, but at a significantly lower price.

The Bronica C uses the same interchangeable film inserts as the S2. These inserts may be reloaded conventionally, or pre-loaded spares can be held in readiness, to be dropped in the back after each roll is completed. Except for the S2 facility for mid-roll film changes, the interchangeable insert permits faster reloading than any other roll film camera.

Every Bronica C insert accepts either 120 or 220 film. Adjusting a lever on the camera presets the automatic counter for the appropriate cycle of 12 or 24 exposures.

The Bronica C accepts the same interchangeable lenses as the Bronica S2 and the same accessories except the interchangeable backs.

Interchangeable Lenses for Bronica S2 and C

photo shows all 14 lenses plus Komura Teleconverter..

Komura Telemore (teleconverter) - Doubles the focal length of any Nikkor/Bronica or Komura/Bronica lens. Maintains automatic diaphragm operation.

Auto-Nikkor Lenses

The use of Nikkor optics represents an assurance of picture quality offered by no other 2 � square SLR. Indeed, it is only natural for cameras so meticulously designed and engineered to be identified with the finest lenses available.

All Nikkor lenses for Bronica C and S2 are equipped with automatic-reopen diaphragms.

Nikkor lensMinimum
50mm f3.5 wide anglef2277 deg12 inches82mm
75mm f2.8 normalf2255 deg23 inches67 mm
135mm f3.5 long focusf2233 deg5 ft 3 in. inches67 mm
200mm f4 telephotof3221 deg9 ft 3 in.*67 mm
400mm f4.5 telephoto**f2211 deg16 ft122 mm
600mm f5.6 telephoto**f227 deg35 ft122 mm
*Supplied with auxiliary lens for focusing to 5ft 5 inches
**Attaches to camera by means of accessory focusing mount

Komura Lenses

Selected by professional photographers for a variety of reasons: Practical in-between focal lengths, high lens speed, exceptional mechanical and optical performance and fine picture quality. Eight different lenses, five with automatic re-open diaphragms. All are supplied with lens hood and leather case. Komura/Bronica lenses are moderately prices.

Komura lensMinimum
45mm f4.5 automaticf2283 deg1 ft82mm
50mm f3.5 automatic f2277 deg1 ft77 mm
100mm f2.8 automaticf2244 deg3 ft62 mm
150mm f3.5 automaticf2230 deg6 ft67 mm
200mm f3.5 automaticf2221 deg12 ft67 mm
300mm f5 preset**f3215 deg16 ft67 mm
400mm f6.3 preset**f3211 deg18 ft67 mm
500mm f7 preset**f459 deg26 ft77 mm
**Attaches to camera by means of accessory focusing mount

With this broad array of fourteen high quality lenses to draw upon, the Bronica user need never be stumped for lack of the right lens, in any situation.

Accessories for copying, closeup and macrophotography

photo shows S2 with normal lens in bellows, showing shifts and rises..

photo shows four extension tubes and lens reversing ring..

The Bronica is ideally suited for closeups. Since the finder image is formed by the lens, it is always the same as that seen by the film. There is never any risk of viewing or focusing error, regardless of the camera to subject distance.

Bronica closeup accessories exhibit the same design originality and precision engineering as the camera for which they were created. The Bronica owner will welcome their convenient operation as much as the important versatility they add to his cameras performance. All closeup accessories may be used interchangeably on the Bronica S2 and C.

Bellows Attachment Model 2

Most flexible accessory for copying, closeup and macrophotography, with any lens. Adds variable extension of 0 to 95mm to lens-to-film distance, providing a wide range of reproduction ratios. Lenses to 200mm focal length, attached to the Bellows, can be focused continuously from infinity to closeup distances (to 1:1 with 75mm lens). Extension tubes may be added for greater magnification.

The Bellows Attachment also adds view camera versatility to the Bronica C or S2. Its lens standard swings, tilts, rises, and shifts, giving control over linear distortion and perspective. A built-in diaphragm control lever permits holding the lens open for focusing and viewing. When the lever is released the diaphragm closes down to the preset taking aperture.

Extension Tube Set

Comprises four tubes which may be used singly or in combination with any lens. With 75mm lens, magnification range is from 0.36x to 1.08x, depending on number of tubes used. Basic CA tube has a diaphragm control lever similar to that of the Bellows Attachment. Tubes may also be used in conjunction with the Bellows Attachment for greater magnification.

Lens Reversing Ring

Permits attaching 75mm lens to Bellows in reverse position for optimum performance at greater than 1:1 reproduction.

Other Accessories for Bronica S2 and C

Eye level Prism Finders

Show subject image right side up and unreversed. Interchangeable with standard focusing hood. Supplied with case.
Model A is designed for horizontal viewing.
Model C has a 30 degree inclined eyepiece and provides slight magnification of entire finder image.

Magnifying Hood

provides 5x (five-fold) magnification of screen image. Has adjustable eyepiece and flexible eyecup. Interchanges with waist-level finder. Supplied with leather case.

Open Frame Sportfinder

A must for action shots, with camera at eye level. Individual frames show fields of 50, 75, 135 and 200mm lenses. Eyepiece adjusts to correct parallax. Finder bayonets onto shutter speed selector knob. Field frames and eyepiece fold flat when not in use.

Contoured Hand Grips

give secure camera support for hand-held shooting. Built-in trigger makes it easy to squeeze off shots smoothly. Especially convenient when Bronica is being used with eyelevel finder. Two types available:

L Grip positioned on left side of camera, leaves right hand free for manipulating focus control. Leather hand strap gives added steadiness and security.

Pistol Grip fits underneath camera and may be held with either hand. Has separate triggers for operating depth-of-field previewer and shutter release. Latter may be locked to prevent accidental exposure.

Eveready Case

Soft, genuine leather. For Bronica with 75mm Auto-Nikkor f2.8 lens.

Attache Compartment Case

Finest leather, fully plush-lined and sturdily reinforced. Subdivided to hold camera, 3 extra lenses, and many accessories. Supplied with detachable shoulder strap.

Optical Glass Filters

Precision-ground and polished. Types available for black and white and color photography, in screw-in mounts to fit all lenses.

Lens Hoods

for 50, 75 and 135 mm Nikkor lenses, individually contoured to assure maximum protection against stray light. 200, 400 and 600mm Nikkor lenses have built-in, collapsible lens hoods.

Rapid Focus Lever

fits 75, 135 and 200mm Auto-Nikkors, also most Komura lenses.

Interchangeable Film Inserts

fit Bronica S2 and C backs. May be preloaded to permit fast reloading of camera at the end of each roll. Accept 120 and 220 film. Film counter may be preset for appropriate number of exposures. Leather cases available to hold 1 or 3 loaded inserts.

Interchangeable Film Backs

for S2 only. Permit instant film change at any time (see p.7 above on film back interchangeability). Supplied with interchangeable film insert for 120 or 220 film. Choice of 2 formats: 2 � x 2 � (12 exposure with 120 film, 24 with 220) and 2 � x 1 5/8 (16 and 32 exposures, respectively. Built-in exposure counter may be preset for film used.

Rifle Stock

helps steady camera when used handheld with telephoto lenses. Quality hardwood stock provides separate fittings for camera and lens, two contoured hand grips, shoulder strap and arm sling (both adjustable). Rear hand grip has built-in trigger and cable release. Front end of stock is equipped with tripod socket.

photo p. 20 rear cover of case, camera, backs, prisms, lenses, and gunstock..

Special Thanks!! to Bill Barton for providing this information and brochure copy provided here!

Extracted from a Bronica Sales Brochure no. BR-302
Bronica division of Ehrenreich Photo-Optical Industries Inc.
623 Stewart Avenue, Garden City, New York 11530, USA - (516)248-5200