Zenza Bronica Handbook - Book Review

by Sam Sherman - [email protected]

Here is a new book on classic Bronica focal plane shutter cameras from the folks who do those nice CLASSIC CAMERA COLLECTOR magazines.

They have apparently dedicated themselves to doing a series of books/handbooks on classic cameras, which would otherwise never be produced, having potentially low sales and small market appeal. To make these books at all possible they (as in the case of this book) are reproduced on a high quality photo copy machine, side wire stapled and bound with a clear plastic cover. This book is barely over 100 pages and very pricey here in the U.S. at $40, including shipping, from Petra Keller.

That is my initial reaction. However, once one gets into the book I give it high marks for excellent photos well reproduced of classic Bronica models. There are also full page original Bronica ads and a complete instruction book reproduced for Bronica EC.

There is a lot of story background on Zenzaburo Yoshino and info on various Bronica models, unfortunately most of this has already been covered in the Tony Hilton Bronica book. There is much on Bronica S2-A and EC and much less on models S and ECTL I and II. Most of the Bronica lenses are covered and many, but not all, accessories.

Had the Tony Hilton book not come out first, this book would have been a revelation on its subject. However, since there is so little in print on Classic Bronica Focal Plane Shutter cameras I would advise all collector/users of these cameras to buy this book even if they have Tony Hilton's book.

The use and collecting of classic Bronicas is growing and there is a need for more and improved publications on this subject. Perhaps the authors of this book with their publication skills and other abilities will consider making the definitive hardcover book that classic Bronicas deserve.

Reviewed by Sam Sherman - [email protected]